CannabaceaeAphananthe cuspidata (Blume) Planch.Cannabis sativa L. Celtis australis L. Celtis philippensis BlancoCeltis sinensis Pers. ?Celtis tetrandra Roxb.Celtis timorensis Span. Humulus lupulus L. Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Trema orientalis ?Trema politoria (Planch.) BlumeTrema tomentosa (Roxb.) Hara ?. Species, genera & family pages of Cannabaceae are now with images : 1 post by 1 author. Species, genera & family pages of Cannabaceae are now with images. I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in future. Updated on December 24, 2024Related Articles Rhipsalis baccifera (Cultivated) Euonymus species ?- Assam Agrostemma Capparis spinosa Euonymus theifolius Celtis tetrandra ?