Taxonomic revision of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Ceropegieae) in India (pdf), Kambale S.S. & S.R. Yadav, Rheedea Vol. 29(1): 01–115 (2019) (Abstract: The genus Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Ceropegieae) is revised for India based on field observation, literature survey and extensive herbarium studies. Sixty one taxa are recognized under seven sections. Nomenclatural anomalies are resolved. Distribution status is given for each species. A lectotype is designated for C. schumanniana and second step lectotypes are designated for C. hookeri and C. lucida; C. karulensis is reduced here as a variety of C. sahyadrica; C. mizoramensis and C. murlensis are reduced to the synonymy of C. longifolia subsp. sinensis. Detailed descriptions, notes, colour photoplates and taxonomic keys for sections, species and infra-specific taxa are presented)
Ceropegia jainii and C. rollae (Apocynaceae) at the brink of extinction by R. Kr. Singh- TAPROBANICA, ISSN 1800–427X. February, 2015. Vol. 07, No. 02: pp. 87–90. . Pronouncing the word “Ceropegia”: I come across an article on Wikipedia, which has generated a question in my mind that “Is Ceropegia sero-pegia or kero-pegia?” yes, …, indeed interesting . Until now, we all were pronouncing it as sero-pegia! At Dave’s botanary … Good that you brought up this interesting question. Since we are not native to English, we are comfortable calling it as “S”eropegia so far. But the greek pronunciation goes with “k”. I asked your question in another group and an Asclep expert, Mike Haney, also gave the answer that it should be pronounced with a “k”. Yes … is right, ‘C’ in Latin is pronounced as ‘K’ . Confusion or submission : Ceropegia (lawii, rollae, sahyadrica & panchganiensis): But on FoI website Ceropegia rollae (http://www.flowersofindia.Rolla’s%20Ceropegia.html), ceropegia sahyadrica (http://www.flowersofindia.SahyadriCeropegia.html ) and Ceropegia lawii (http://www.flowersofindia.Law’sCeropegia.html) are three diffrent and individual species. Can someone throw light on it. …, discussion related to your query here: efi thread . Ceropegia’s of peninsular india : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Just create PDF of my own 😀 but from book’s snaps. Attaching for reference Plz download for view . Tamil (generic) names for Ceropegia spp.: Can we give a generic name for all those Ceropegia spp. which are found distributed in Tamil Nadu, yet are not given any names ? In English, we have the “lantern flowers” given to the genus Ceropegia. Taking help from Google Translate, I found விளக்குப் பூ = vilakkup pu. If this does not sound / look good, maybe you can suggest a name. Again depending on the plant’s habit, we can suffix it with “வல்லி” or “ஆலை”. Thus for climbing Ceropegia spp. … விளக்குப்பூ வல்லி non-climbing … விளக்குப்பூ ஆலை … I think the two words compound to விளக்குப்பூல. Please help. I looked at the etymology of the name Ceropegia and it appears that Linnaeus named it so as he thought the flowers looked like wax and shaped like a fountain or stream. The term wax-fountain may be written in Tamil மெழுகூற்று Mezhugootru (wax = மெழுகு/mezhugu + fountain = ஊற்று/ootru), hence the name மெழுகூற்றுப் பூ would translate to the wax-fountain flower. However, the name விளக்குப் பூ = Vilakku pū or Vilakkuppoo (lantern flower) seems more practical may be due to the popular use of the name lantern flower. To describe the general habit in Tamil, the term கொடி = kodi is added as a suffix to the name of a climber (e.g. விளக்குப்பூ கொடி), and செடி = chedi for a herb. Valli வல்லி is not a typical Tamil name. ஆலை Aalai generally refers to Mill (sugar mill = சர்க்கரை ஆலை). And, the names விளக்குப்பூ ஆலை and விளக்குப்பூல do not seem to be correct. Thank you very very much … for this elaborate help with the generic Tamil name for Ceropegia spp. |
Updated on December 24, 2024