Corydalis diphylla subsp. diphylla

Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.; Corydalis hamiltonii G.Don; Corydalis hamiltonii G.Don; Corydalis pauciflora Edgew. (ambiguous synonym));
Throughout the Himalayas, Pakistan as per Flora of Pakistan;
Common name: Two-Leaved Corydalis

ID040615PHK 2 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

Id Please
A herb from Manali, Himachal pradesh
16 May, 2015

Perhaps Corydalis ……. the experts could tell better…. but a view of leaves an plant would have helped… 🙁

It appears as Corydalis rutifolia to me. Leaves required for confirmation.

Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.) as per Flora of Pakistan;
Corydalis rutifolia (Sm.) DC. has distribution only in Cyprus as per Catalogue of Life;


Corydalis species from Paddar valley J&K:
Request for ID confirmation
Bot. name: Corydalis rutifolia
Family: Papaveraceae
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Date: 19th April 2012
Altitude: 1900 meters asl

I think yes

Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.) as per Flora of Pakistan;
Corydalis rutifolia (Sm.) DC. has distribution only in Cyprus as per Catalogue of Life;


Corydalis rutifolia from Gulmarg Hills:
Corydalis rutifolia shrub from Gulmarg hills. pl validate flower size ~ 10 mm.

Yes Corydalis rutiifolia

Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.) as per Flora of Pakistan;
Corydalis rutifolia (Sm.) DC. has distribution only in Cyprus as per Catalogue of Life;

FoI, POWO and GBIF showing distribution in Himalayan range!


Identification required

When and where was this taken ?
Is there any image showing the leaves ?


At dachigam national park kashmir.

Maybe Corydalis diphylla Wall. as per comparative images at Corydalis as requisite details are not there in the image. 

Seems to be Corydalis rutifolia

It is not reported from India as per POWO.


444 ID wild plant:
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Gulmarg Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Altitude: 8620fsl
Flower date: 12APR2023, 06.45pm
Habitat: wild snowy misty grassland windy alpine
Plant habit: small shrub, erect obliquely, branches, weak angular purplish stem 05mm diameter, perennial
Height: 15cm
Leaves: alternate, odd bipinnate, leaflets single paired opposite elliptic acute leathery fleshy, size upto:04×1cm
Flower: terminal panicle inflorescence, clustered, size:05mm, pink, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Corydalis diphylla Wall. !

Yes, it is Corydalis diphylla dear Saroj ji, thank you very much for ID my plant

Yes, appears close to images at

Sharing unopened flower images.
Location: Sonamarg


J&K, Gulmarg, April 2023 :: Corydalis diphylla for confirmation :: ARK2023-011: 4 Heic images.
These were captured at Gulmarg, J&K in April 2023.
Guessing them to be Corydalis diphylla based on eFI and FoI pics.
Requested to please confirm.


JPG images
3 high res. images.

Yes !

Yes, as per images at




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of Pakistan (syn. Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.FOP illustration IIIM (Specimen) Flowers of India 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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