Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.; Corydalis hamiltonii G.Don; Corydalis hamiltonii G.Don; Corydalis pauciflora Edgew. (ambiguous synonym)); . Throughout the Himalayas, Pakistan as per Flora of Pakistan; . Common name: Two-Leaved Corydalis . ID040615PHK 2 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Id Please Perhaps Corydalis ……. the experts could tell better…. but a view of leaves an plant would have helped… 🙁 It appears as Corydalis rutifolia to me. Leaves required for confirmation. Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.) as per Flora of Pakistan; . Corydalis species from Paddar valley J&K: Request for ID confirmation Bot. name: Corydalis rutifolia Family: Papaveraceae Location: Paddar valley J&K Date: 19th April 2012 Altitude: 1900 meters asl I think yes Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.) as per Flora of Pakistan; Corydalis rutifolia (Sm.) DC. has distribution only in Cyprus as per Catalogue of Life; . Corydalis rutifolia from Gulmarg Hills: Corydalis rutifolia shrub from Gulmarg hills. pl validate flower size ~ 10 mm. Yes Corydalis rutiifolia Corydalis diphylla Wall., Tent. Fl. Napal. 54 1826. (syn: Corydalis rutifolia auct. non (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.: Hook. f.) as per Flora of Pakistan; FoI, POWO and GBIF showing distribution in Himalayan range! . Identification required When and where was this taken ? Is there any image showing the leaves ? Corydalis At dachigam national park kashmir. Maybe Corydalis diphylla Wall. as per comparative images at Corydalis as requisite details are not there in the image. .
Corydalis diphylla Wall. ! Yes, it is Corydalis diphylla dear Saroj ji, thank you very much for ID my plant Yes, appears close to images at Sharing unopened flower images. .
Yes JPG images Yes ! Yes, as per images at
. References: Taxonomic Revision of Corydalis diphylla Wall from Herbarium of Quaid-I Azam University, Islamabad (ISL), Pakistan – Jehanzeb Khan- Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies · May 2013 |
Corydalis diphylla subsp. diphylla
Updated on December 24, 2024