Hymenocallis littoralis

Hymenocallis littoralis (Jacq.) Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 338 1812. (Syn: Hymenocallis adnata Herb. …..; Hymenocallis americana (Mill.) M.Roem.; Hymenocallis americana Salisb. ex Standl. …; Hymenocallis arenaria M.Roem.; Hymenocallis biflora K.Koch & C.D.Bouché; Hymenocallis disticha (Sims) Herb.; Hymenocallis dryanderi (Ker Gawl.) M.Roem.; Hymenocallis dryandri (Ker Gawl.) Sweet; Hymenocallis insignis Kunth; Hymenocallis littoralis var. disticha (Sims) Herb. ex Sims & Curtis …; Hymenocallis niederleinii Pax; Hymenocallis panamensis Lindl.; Hymenocallis pedalis Herb.; Hymenocallis peruviana M.Roem.; Hymenocallis senegambica Kunth & C.D.Bouché; Hymenocallis stapelsiana (Herb.) M.Roem.; Hymenocallis staplesii Sweet; Hymenocallis tenuiflora Herb.; Pancratium acutifolium Sweet; Pancratium americanum Mill.; Pancratium distichum Sims; Pancratium dryanderi Ker Gawl.; Pancratium littorale Jacq. ..; Pancratium pedale (Herb.) Schult. & Schult.f.; Pancratium pediale Lodd.; Pancratium staplesii (Sweet) Steud.; Pancratium tenuiflorum (Herb.) Herb. ex Steud.; Troxistemon distichus (Sims) Raf.; Troxistemon dryanderi (Ker Gawl.) Raf.; Troxistemon littorale (Jacq.) Raf.);


june15sk23/28 — Hymenocallis sp. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (11)

Posted on 14.6.18.
This is near my home. It didn’t flower last year, there was no indication that it survived, because it gets mutilated often. Actually there are several individual clumped together.
Leaves are upto 90 cm long, scape is as long as leaves or slightly longer; with around 20 sessile flowers, flowers are not fragrant (nor even mildly).

May be Hymenocallis littoralis as per the following:


Hooghly Today : Pancratium ? Hymenocallis? :  Attachments (8). 9 posts by 3 authors.

  • Hymenocallis
  1. These flowers look like – Top tropicals.
  2. But FoNA has many species – http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=116083, but no Pancratium
  3. Bengal Plants, FBI, FI none.
  4. Our group has one = /species/a—l/a/amaryllidaceae/hymenocallis/hymenocallis-littoralis.
Many a time both the above two genera are synonyms.
According to FBI – “The genus Hymenocallis, which is exclusively S. American, differs from Pancratium in the ovules being 2 collateral and basal in each cell.”
The plant in this thread is an ornamental, so it can come from anywhere in the world, but i have seen many similar looking plant in rural wilderness, as in – efi thread.

I think Hymenocallis only

Pancratium: Free part of filaments just 6 mm long; ovules numerous, one above another

Hymenocallis: Free part of filaments longer than 10 mm; ovules two in each cell, side by side

According to a downloadable pdf there are about 100 species and India hosts a number of them.
Key of all species is not found in the net.

I doubt if species level id can be possible.

May be Hymenocallis littoralis as per efi page?

Can you please provide the key? for

There are many similar looking plants, eg. – Plant illustrations

For me Hymenocallis sp.

Thank you very much …

It certainly is a species of Hymenocallis.

After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, I feel it is more closer to images of Hymenocallis littoralis as per details below:

Elegant White from Hooghly : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors.

I see this flower after a gap of about 3 years. But i remember that it was common even two decades ago. Don’t know the particular species. Please take a note on its filaments. Couldn’t get to closer because of the fear of snakes.
This is a LF plant for Polytela gloriosae moth. Attaching a photograph of the caterpillars of the same, identified by ‘diversityIndia’ / ‘mothIndia’ group. Needless to say, the moth is also getting rarer.
Species : Crinum sp.
Habit & Habitat : wild herb, roadside jungle
Date : 12-05-12, 10.31 a.m.; 09-07-09 (moth cat.)

Ex-situ Silviculture : Pancratium triflorum Roxb. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Posted on 3.4.14.

It may be Hymenocallis littoralis

After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, I feel it is more closer to images of Hymenocallis caribaea as per details below:
SUB: SPIDER LILY TO CONFIRM -GMR27022016 Spider Lily AndheriEast, MIDC area, Mumbai
With Ref. to flowersofindia website, it is spider Lily,
My friend … told me that during her childhood she has helped the Pujaris’ in Temple; who used to brings these flowers in Bud forms keeping them in water for use of next day morning – which then blooms but has only a day long life. But she recongnises it as Gulchadi as told by Pujariji (Temple).
I too have seen them at Flower Merchants using them for Garlands, & hence was happy to see live in the Roadside Gardenpot,

Hope this helps confirming ID,

I think some Hymenocallis species may be Hymenocallis littoralis

Looks like Hymenocallis littoralis to me too.

May be Hymenocallis littoralis as per the following:

Please ID.Amaryllidaceae-Crinum lily-130914,RT : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 MB.
Posted on 12.9.14.
please id.
Habitat-cultivated garden
Height-2.5 feet.
Flowers-not scented.

Is it Crinum asiaticum?

It looks like Hymenocallis littoralis of Amaryllidaceae to me.

It is for sure Hymenocallis as Crinum doesn’t have corona (cup-like structure). It is a cultivated species and again unless and until we have literature like exotica (which is very costly) we cannot be sure about species level identification. Secondly, my interest is in wild amaryllidaceae. The image could be Hymenocallis tenuiflora or H. littoralis.

This species is Hymenocallis tenuiflora Herb. (Amaryllidaceae).

see the key (in Flora of Balaghat Ranges of Maharashtra).
1a. Filaments united into a staminal cup ………………………………………….….. 2
1b. Filaments not united into staminal cup …………………………………………… 3
2a. Cultivated; filaments more than 5 cm long; ovules few ………………………… Hymenocallis
2b. Wild; filaments 3-4 cm long; ovules many ……………………………….……….. Pancratium
3a. Scape 1-flowered ………………………………………………………………….…….. Zephyranthes
3b. Scape 2-many flowered ……………………………………………………………….. 4
4a. Corona present ….….………………………………………………………………….…. Hippeastrum
4b. Corona absent ……………………………………………………………………………. 5
5a. Umbels globose with many flowers ………………………………………………….. Scadoxus
5b. Umbels not globose, with 3-15 flowers ……………………….……………….….. Crinum

After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, I feel it is more closer to images of Hymenocallis caribaea as per details below:
Hymenocallis sp. : 2 image.
Posted on 4.8.08
Hymenocallis (Spider Lily) shot in Waterstones club, Mumbai.
Also seen in gardens in Powai, Mumbai. Identified by the characteristic membrane comnnecting the petals, absent in other spider lillies of Crinum genus.
Could the experts write more about this for us beginners and compare it with other spider lilies?

After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, I feel it is more closer to images of Hymenocallis littoralis as per details below:


Spider Lily-171010MN : 4 posts by 4 authors. 1 image.

Place :  Garden in Dombivli.
Uses  :  making gardlands

Crinum Sp

Hymenocallis species, because of corona (Crinum lacks corona). Leaves will help in species fixation

I hope Hymenocallis narcissifolia



Hymenocallis sp ?:  Pl. validate the sp. attached herewith. Hymenocallis Sp?

Date: 22.01.2012
Location Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Anaikatti, Coimbatore
Habitat: Garden

Habit: Shrub like?

I think the genus id is correct. Please check Hymenocallis littoralis of Amaryllidaceae family

Thanks …, The leaves are not much broader like Crinum.

The leaf and flower characters are match with Hymenocallis littoralis.

I hope Hymenocallis narcissiflora

After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, closet I can go is Hymenocallis littoralis as per details below:

Taking it as Hymenocallis littoralis for the time being.


Hymenocallis littoralis : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (6)

Similiar one attached.


Hymenocallis littoralis (Jacq.) Salisb. : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- 1 Mb each.

Location Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation :  4600 ft.
Date : 6 August 2012
Habit : Cultivated

Is lower portion of petals missing as at Hymenocallis littoralis ?

These are the only images.

After perusing all the posts and sorting them properly, I also feel your plant is Hymenocallis littoralis


Hymenocallis Species for ID : Bangalore : 16AUG21 : AK-03: 8 images.
Recently I found two Species of the above on FOI.
Both flowers look quite similar to me.
Hence, posting for Species id.
Pictures taken in July and August,20.

Crinum species???

Thanks … I don’t think so. This is Spider Lily.

Is it Hymenocallis littoralis?

… is right, Hymenocallis littoralisCrinum does not have staminal corona clearly seen here, Pancratium has similar corona but smaller and jagged.

Thanks for validating.
I was sure it was Hymenocallis Species.
But was confused between H littoralis and H speciosa, as shown in FOI, since both are looking similar.
Hence posted for validation.


Amaryllidaceae: Hymenocallis littoralis: 2 high res. images.
Hymenocallis littoralis collected from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh on 15/09/24


Amaryllidaceae: Hymenocallis littoralis: 4 high res. images.

Hymenocallis littoralis collected from Andhra University Botanical Garden, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India 

Yes as per images at


Updated on January 11, 2025

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