Litsea glutinosa

Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson, Philipp. J. Sci. 6(5): 321 321 1911 (Syn: Litsea chinensis Lam.) as per Litsea glutinosa – Species Information, Factsheet – Litsea glutinosa – Trin, LITSEA CHINENSIS LAM – ijrpc (2012- pdf), Puso-puso / Litsea glutinosa / Indian laurel / Chan gao mu jiang zi etc.
Himalaya (Kashmir to Bhutan), Assam, S. India, Ceylon, Burma, China, Indo-China, Malaysia as per Checklist of Nepal;


Hooghly-sept-sk08 : Lauraceae Fortnight : sk04 : Litsea sp. :  4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
I posted this species earlier, but there were two different individual in the same thread. So, I am resubmitting this fortnight. These pictures were recorded in May, 2012, on a railway platform, in Hooghly, West Bengal.

Litsea glutinosa?

This tree is Litsea glutinosa..

Thank you Sir, earlier too it was identified as Litsea glutinosa.


Hooghly-sept-sk09 : Lauraceae Fortnight : sk05 : Litsea sp.2 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
This tree was found on the roadside, in Hooghly, May-2012.

very nice. curious to know what did the tree itself look like, how tall, canopy shape, trunk  bark

the original post can be found at efi thread, where I uploaded two individuals. Both the trees seemed to me same, about 25 ft high, and I have recorded the bark of one.

I do not have canopy or trunk photographs of this particular individual. Otherwise I would have uploaded the same in this thread.

Litsea glutinosa

Thank you once again Sir. Earlier, in 2012, I posted both the tress (this one and the previous one) in a single thread.

Attaching 2 sets of pictures that i think are of same species.
While ‘set1’ (4 images in total) is taken at Gobra Rly. Platform, ‘set2’ was recorded on the next day 1 km away from the first site.
Could it be the same Litsea glutinosa as in efi thread ?
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : tree, 25 to 30 feet (both trees), planted tree on rly. stn. & roadside
Date : set1 – 11-05-12, 9.25 a.m.; set2 – 12-05-12, 10.06 a.m.
Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB
Links that might be considered :

I think there are some similarities between the images of my post and the images available in … post (efi thread).

I think it is Litsea glutinosa unless experts think otherwise.

yes, It is Litsea glutinosa Male plant

For me the ID is correct. Could be Litsea glutinosa var. glutinosa as the lateral veins are more than 8 pairs.


efi page on Litsea glutinosa

It seems to be going very difficult to nail the id of this plant.
“Plants of the Coast of Coromandel” (vol2, p76 & 77) shows two illustrations –
  1. Tetranthera apetala = Litsaea sebifera Pers. (Bengal Plants)
  2. T. monopetala = Litsaea polyantha Juss. (Bengal Plants)
Descriptions of the above two can be found in Flora Indica, vol3, p 819 to 821
I think my plant is Tetranthera apetala = Litsea apetala (Roxb.) Pers. or Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob. !!!

This is a female tree.
Attachments (4)

Yes Sir

Nepali Name : मेदा  Meda 

Hooghly-sept-sk10 : Lauraceae Fortnight : sk06 : Litsea sp.3 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).
This is about 15 ft tree, on roadside, in Hooghly (West Bengal). Photographs were taken in May, 2013. Please identify the species.

This could be Litsea glutinosa

Thank you .. and many thanks to …, it is the same as in efi thread and it’s a female tree. TPL has updated the accepted name!

Fruits of this individual specimen, recorded on 08-08-2015
Attachments (7)


Plant pics required – Bengali Name ” Kukurchita” , ” Rudrajata” “bainchhi” “nil janti”:
I want to identify the following plants. Pls provide me some pics of the following plants…
Bengali Name — ” Kukurchita” , Rudrajata” , “bainchhi” , “nil janti”

Please check these –


small tree with white flowers for id mm2 23 03 2013 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 2 authors.
small tree about fifteen feet

with trailing branches
small white flowers about 5 to 6 mm
growing on the edge of a pathway besides a thick evergreen rain forest
in Mount Harriet, Andamans last week of december

This might be a Litsea sp. (Lauraceae)

A reply from …, who is an expert on Andaman Plants working at Tropical Botanic Garden Kerala (
This species seems like Litsea glutinosa.


Umbellularia californica at VJBU : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 4 authors.

Umbellularia californica, native of California (U.S.), commonly known as: California bay, California bay laurel, California laurel, cinnamon bush, headache tree, Oregon myrtle, peppernut tree, pepperwood, spicebush
Identified by … at my flickr photostream.
Validations welcome.

Date/Time : August 12, 2007 at 4.11pm IST
Location Place : Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan, Mumbai … Altitude : 10 m … GPS : 18°58’40.93″N, 72°50’5.59″E (± some seconds)
Habitat : Garden … Type : plains, exotic
Plant Habit : small tree … Height : 3 – 4 m …
Length : – not creeper –
Leaves Type : simple, alternate, margin entire … Shape : broad elliptic … Size : not sure, 10 – 15 cm x 5 – 7 cm
Inflorescence Type : solitary, axillary … Size : do not know
Flowers Size : about 15 – 20 mm … Colour : pale yellow …

I have doubts that this is Umbellularia. The foliage shape looks different and the flower on your specimen seems more “open”.
If you crush the foliage of Umbellularia, it is VERY pungently aromatic, often to the point where it can’t be tolerated. Please confirm if possible.
The tree is likely some sort of Lauraceae nonetheless.

Attached is a link with a better close-up of Umbellularia inflorescence. (Black on foliage is sooty mold. This plant is a very common host for various scale insects in its native range here in California, USA).

Many many thanks for the review, Kenneth … …, please re-consider.
One of the comments at flickr photostream, … has suggested Litsea chinensis.

I had observed this plant at VJBU during my research
it was identified as
Litsea deccanensis Gamble, Fl. Madras 2: 1235, 1925; Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 2: 829, 2001; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 4: 256, 2003; Pradhan et al, Fl. SGNP 539, 2005.
one plant of this is at Kamala Nehru Park, (Hanging garden).

Further feedback from another thread:
Thanks to … about 4 years back, he had suggested this ID for one of my Litsea sighting in VJBU …

I am not sure if we are still talking about the same plant but the picture on … flicker link is of Litsea chinensis. This species is closely allied to L.deccanensis but differs in having umbellules on a peduncled umbell (as seen in … picture) while Litsea deccanensis has solitary umbellules.
I am attaching a picture of L. deccanensis for comparison. (5MB)

Thanks very much … for the clarity and picture for comparison. Will soon correct my notes at flickr.

Yes … this is the ID query where … helped me with Litsea chinensis.
You may conclude / complete the the thread as ID resolved.


Litsea For ID : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 220813 : AK-2 : Attachments (3). 13 posts by 5 authors.
Saw this Litsea tree in bloom today (22.8.13) at Jijamata Udyan.
Litsea involucrata?
Kindly confirm id.

… please also check for Litsea chinensis.

It looks to me as if … is correct

While I put my guess, I was hoping … posted tree and mine are same !
Thanks to  … about 4 years back, he had suggested this ID for one of my Litsea sighting in VJBU …
Now thanks to … for seconding my thought.

I am getting confused.

I have no doubt about … id.
I went through … post of Litsea chinensis, suggested by …
Same post has been later identified by … as Litsea deccanensis.
In FOI too, same picture shows as L. deccanensis.
Kindly help.

My mistake … inadvertently typed in this post as chinensis. It should be deccanensis. Sorry for this mess.

I am not sure if we are still talking about the same plant but the picture on … flicker link is of Litsea chinensis. This species is closely allied to L.deccanensis but differs in having umbellules on a peduncled umbell (as seen in … picture) while Litsea deccanensis has solitary umbellules. I am attaching a picture of L. deccanensis for comparison.

Thanks very much … for the clarity and picture for comparison. Will soon correct my notes at flickr.

I also mean L chinensis which is blooming now in other places around Mumbai

Google search on Litsea chinensis generally throws up Litsea chinensis Lam. as a syn. of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson as per the following link:
While The Plant List treats them as separate species, while there is no mention of Litsea chinensis in eflora of China (Litsea glutinosa in Flora of China @ etc. 
I am confused. Pl. clarify. 


¿ Glochidion sp. ? : Attachments (2). 8 posts by 4 authors.

Eager to know ID of a plant at Yeoor Hills (seen on 16 AUG 09)
I was in a hurry … therefore, I have only these 2 photos.

This belongs to Lauraceae family. May be Actinodaphne?

Litsea deccanensis

…forgot to update this post with Litsea glutinosa, ID provided by Dr Almeida’s response via … (read at efi thread)
Many thanks, …, for your ID too.
Friends, please resolve, I am not familiar with Litsea.

Litsea glutinosa – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
This was identified as Litsea glutinosa by Dr.Almeida.


Request TreeID-070909 :  9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (5)
This flowering tree was seen at the  national park, Mumbai yesterday (6.9.09).  Request ID  please.

flowers pic is not clear…

It could be a Litsea sp. possibly Litsea tersa [L.chinensis].

Thank you … for the possible ID. The charactersitics of leaves and flowers match well.

However I would like to  point out the discrepancy in the citation of first person to discover the Species.  In T.Cooke on Pg. 539 it is mentioned as Litsea chinensis Lam.
In Flora of Mah. It is mentioned as Litsea tersa (Linn.) Almeida. 

Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. Litsea chinensis Lam.

So far as I know, Litsea glutinosa will have both primary and secondary peduncles.

It does look like L. chinensis but it is not possible from these pics to be 100 percent sure that it is not L. deccanensis which has solitary umbellules.
L. chinensis has umbellules on a peduncles. On the whole L. chinensis has leaves which are less tomentose than L. deccanensis so I vote for that one.


Requesting ID of this tree – Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai – Jun 2014 :: 04JUL14 :: ARK-06 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in June 2014.

It is Litsea sp., most probably Litsea glutinosa

Also know it as L. glutinosa. This tree is also present elsewhere in South Mumbai (Cumballa Hill etc.).
Please note that it has been documented as L. involucrata in the survey conducted by Dr Almeida & his students in 2010.


Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight :: Lauraceae :: Litsea glutinosa :: Jijamata Udyan :: ARKSEP-02 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).
Attached are pictures of Litsea glutinosa captured at Jijamata Udyan in June and September 2014.
Requested to please validate the ID.

Oh yes.


Tree for ID:07072014: RV 1 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
Please help to identify, saw this small tree with flower buds…. about 18 ft tall today in SGNP, Boriwali, Mumbai…… when leaf crushed it has a strong fragrance and was very sticky mixed with rain water.

Litsea sp?

The stickyness gives you a clue….  It is Litsea glutinosa

june15sk30/35 — Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (7)
The leaves of this species, inflorescence, indumentum are variable in this species also. Unless one sees its fruit the id can not be ascertained. In this particular specimen, recorded today (16.6.15), except petiole leaves are glabrous on both surface, leaves are crowed at the tip of branches, inflorescence also confined at the tip of the branches.
The last two pictures of fruits, recorded in 2013, show difference of this species with L. monopetala (Roxb.) Pers.

I mean last two pics are fruits of this species whereas fruits of L. monopetala can be seen in my earlier upload.


Flowers of this very small tree.
Attachments (3)


Found this caterpillar of common mime butterfly today on this very tree…. this is the first time I record one mime cat, and that too on LHP.
Attachments (5)


Litsea ID from Bangladesh SM130 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Habit: Tree
Habitat: Park
Location: Dhaka City

Litseaspecies in India & eFI with details & some keys

No other Litsea, listed in ‘Bengal Plants’, except Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson comes closer to it. But I am not sure….. leaves should be thin. If it is a special/exotic species planted in the park then perianth segment is needed to ID.

It looks me Litsea chinensis

i am very much ashamed that I have provided you entirely wrong info… I wonder now how I did it! Really sorry. You have several species over there, listed in BP (attached herewith).
However, I think it comes closer to
It is not likely to be any other species, listed in BP, either for leaf characters (base, apex etc) or for inflorescence character (peduncle, pedicel length).

It is ok …

Attaching a collage of larva of Common Mime butterfly feeding on the leaves of Litsea glutinosa (Syn. Litsea chinensis),

Fwd: LITSEA GLUTINOSA : HOST PLANT FOR COMMON MIME : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)

In the earlier post I attached three collage to explain the life cycle of COMMON MIME (CLYTIA). There was a surprise waiting for me. As I wrote earlier, I picked up two mature larva on 21-5-2017 and kept in my room. Both of them pupate on 23-5-2017. Pupa which was formed earlier did not release butterfly on 3-6-2017. I thought it might have reached a dead end. But today at 7.57 AM I observed change in colour to the pupa and new that butterfly will emerge soon.
But to my surprise the butterfly was COMMON MIME (DISSIMILIS). Interesting point is , I picked up both the mature larvae from the same plant on the same day and the result was two different forms of the same butterfly and one form (dissimilar) was released a latter. Attaching three collages of this event.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 946 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Chestnut tailed Starling visiting flowers of Litsea glutinosa.


A few days back I collected few larvae from a Litsea glutinosa (MAIDA LAKRI/ KUKUR CHITA/ BAGNARA) tree.

         The were kept on an earthen plate in the balcony of our house. All the three larvae turned in to pupa on 25-6-2017.

         After 12 days pupa from the 3rd larva released a Common Mime butterfly (dissimilis form). No butterfly was released on the 13 th day from the remaining two pupa. But on the 14th day when I reached balcony at about 5 AM to see the progress on the two remaining pupa I found the plate lying on the table the two pupa missing. Tell tale sign indicated a civet cat visited the place. I concluded that the pupa were devoured by the civet cat. I could not capture the incident on camera. Attaching few images to show the progress of larva to pupa, progress of pupa and release of butterfly from one pupa.


Litsea for id 160210MK1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

This Lauraceae tree was photographed on May month of 2007 at IIT-Madras campus.
I could not find out the fruits.
Tree ranges 10m high.
What is this Litsea sp.? Experts please help.
Could this be L. glutinosa?

i hope the plant in the attached photo is
Current name: Litsea glutinosa
Authority: (Lour.) C.B. Robinson
Family: Lauraceae
Litsea chinensis Lamk
Litsea geminata Blume
Litsea glabraria A.L. Juss.
Litsea tetranthera (Willd.) Pers.

Litsea fernandesii : For ID Confirmation : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 230813 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Shown by … of TAW (Tree Appreciation Walks) on 30/3/2012.
Kindly confirm id.

A link I found on net:

Though not found this name in IPNI or any other taxonomic site like The Plant List.

May be Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson as per other posts from Jijamata Udyan:
Identification – Reg. RL4 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 3 MB each.
Id request for attached plants.
Location- Salem (Altitude- 3000 ft.)
Month – Dec, 2017

Pl check for Litsea sp.

It looks like Litsea glutinosa. I would like to suggest … that the images should be clear to note the key characters; by experience we are judging

2nd image identified as Rhynchosia minima in another thread.


13082018BHAR01 -Tree in Yelagiri : 7 posts by 4 authors. 4 images.
Found this tree in Yelagiri hills of Eastern ghats at an elevation of 1500 M.

It is a member of Lauraceae family as seen from flower. Can it be Litsea monopetala.

Great. by the looks of the pictures background it seems the pictures were taken indoors. i see room wall and roof meeting line? so did the flowers wilt while the twig was brought indoors?

I didn’t take the camera handy. So I plucked a twig and captured in a room.

Also check for Anogeissus latifolia. 

It is Litsea glutinosa of Lauraceae
Nice pictures, the leaves are variable hence sometimes creates some confusion

MS Sept, 2019/02 Litsea sp. ? for ID : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram
Altitude : ca 900 m.
Date : 06-09-2019
Habit : Shrub or small to middle-sized tree

Resembles L. glutinosa,

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also appears close to Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson as per comparative images at Litsea


Date/Time- 19-07-2021 08:00 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Dhakuria lake, Kolkata
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type – Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree (Medium)
Height/Length- 30 Feet 
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Simple, oval, 5-7’’
Inflorescence Type/ Size- not seen
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- not observed yet
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- small, roundish, in loose cluster, blackish when ripe 
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc: quite a few young trees growing under it

Yes it’s matching …


id please of tree _Shillong: 1 very high res. image.
tree about 12 ft tall was fruiting in october at elevation of 1900 m
shillong, Meghalaya

Pl. check Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson
To me appears close.
When was it clicked?


identify please: 3 high res. images.
palmate leaves, pantnagar, 25/4/23

On close observation, these are simple leaves clustered at the ends of the branchlets. Possibly the leaves of a Pavetta sp. [Rubiaceae].

It could be a Litsea species, possibly Litsea glutinosa.
Unlikely to be Rubiaceae because there are no stipules.

Yes one possibility as per images at


MS, June, 2023/11 Litsea sp. for id: 4 images.
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.960 m
Date : 24-06-2023
Habit : Medium-sized tree
Habitat : Wild

Lauraceae !

I guess you are right

I could not find any match as per the keys on checking in POWO.

I think it may be only.
POWO gives distribution in the area.

Young fruits of Litsea

These are buds and not fruits.

It again flowers on 05-09-2023 on the same tree as attached herewith. I think it’s not Litsea glutinosa.

It is only.

Ok, sir. Sorry for that


MS,Sept.,2023/25 Litsea sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.900 m.
Date : 23-06-2023 (fl,) & 05-09-2023 (fr.)
Habit : Shrub or small tree
Habitat : Wild

Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. ????

Yes sir


Plant identification from Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary: 2 high res. images.
Please identify the plant species

Actinodaphne ???

To me it appears close to images at

Oh yes. You are right


Updated on December 24, 2024

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