Marsdenia jenkinsii

Marsdenia jenkinsii Hook. fil., Fl. Brit. India 4: 36 (1883);
Assam as per POWO;

Hook. f. ; glabrous or puberulous, very stout, leaves broadly elliptic or orbicular cuspidate thickly coriaceous, corolla-tube globose, lobes glabrous without villous within, coronal scales subulate much exceeding the very short anther-tip.
ASSAM, Jenkins (Herb. Calcutta).
Branches as thick as the little finger. Leaves 7-10 by 5-7 in., pale beneath ; nerves 6-8 pairs, diverging, straight or a little arched ; petiole 2-4 in. Cymes small ; peduncle short, very thick ; flowers subumbellate, bracteate ; pedicels stout, 1 in. Sepals 1/2 in., lanceolate, pubescent. Corolla 3/4 in. diam., lobes rounded fleshy. Stigma dome-shaped.
(Attributions: IBIS Flora (FBI)

MS, July, 2021/16 Marsdenia sp. ? for id.:
Location : Darlawn, Mizoram

Date : March, 1996 ?
Habit : Large climber with milky juice
Habitat : Wild
Note : Leaves & young stems are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

Any other image?

Sorry ! Not available sir.

What species are reported in your area with keys?
Do not find a match as per comparative images at Marsdenia including Gymnema species.

This species is not listed in the Flora of Mizoram. But this specimen was identified at … as Marsdenia maculata (= M.macrophylla). No key is available.

I am doubtful about the id as no distribution in this part of the world as per POWO, although listed in WILD EDIBLE PLANT RESOURCES USED BY THE MIZOS OF MIZORAM, INDIA along with Marsdenia formosana in Mizoram.
I tried to match both the species along with species reported in Checklist of Nepal, but could not find a match.
However, clear and detailed images may help.

A remark at Marsdenia species- Darlawn, Mizoram, from Sven Landrein:
“Your picture is very interesting and this specimen is very similar to Marsdenia incisa which is endemic to Xishuangbanna in China. I wish I could study this species with you in Mizoram and found its relationship in India-Myanmar-China.”

I now found out this species is Marsdenia jenkinsii first recorded from Assam




Updated on December 23, 2024

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