Munronia pinnata

India: W. Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; Bhutan as per BSI flora of India;

Shrubs, younger parts villous. Leaves imparipinnate, 10-14 foliolate; leaflets opposite, 9-13 x 4-5.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate, apex acuminate, base rounded, hispid, below. Cymes short, axillary; flowers few, pedicel to 1 cm long; calyx tubular, lobes 8 x 3 mm, oblanceolate, leafy; petals 5, white, 3 cm long, spathulate, partly cohering below; staminal tube to 2 cm long, 10-toothed; anthers 10, apiculate; ovary 5-celled, cell 2-ovuled, style slender, longer than staminal tube. Capsule to 1.5 cm across, depressed globose, hispid; seeds 5, 7 x 5 mm, oblong, smooth.
Flowering and fruiting: September-May
Evergreen forests


50-TSP-ID-30-APR2016-3: Herbaceous plant at Vanagoor for ID : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly identify this herbaceous plant. 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Wild, Evergreen forest 

Sighting: Vanagoor, Sakaleshpur, Karnataka about 1000 msl 

Date: 28-04-2016

Could this be Turraea villosa??

Does not match with images at Turraea villosa 

Is this could be Naregamia species ?

Please check Munronia pinnata.

This plant is most probably Munronia pinnata (Wall.) Harms, belonging to the Family Meliaceae.

Munronia wallichii

Requesting ID of this plant : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Date : 07-05-2011. Habitat : Wild. Location : Thorangtlang, Mizoram

To me it looks like Munronia pinnata (Meliaceae).

Shrub Id from Bangladesh SM018 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Undergrowth of  mixed evergreen forest
Location: Maulvibazar
Flowering:  March
Picture taken: March,2008


Munronia pinnata (Wall.) W.Theob. ?

Thanks …

HAL 35 27/10/2014 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Please ID this small medicinal shrub with white flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012.

Nice photos…. Meliaceae?….

seed one that’s showing and the out of focus flower does remind me of a Turraea?? but which one?

Thanks for the ID, it may be Turraea heterophylla!

This is not Turrea because the leaves are compound and indicates 3-foliate. It is most probably a species of Jasminum occurring in SriLanka.The exact species could not be identified. It is probably J. humile or J. flexile, There are only a few species with trifoliate leaves. The identity depends on whether the leaves are opposite or alternate, which is not evident in the photograph. Only a Sri Lankan botanist will be able to help.

Looks like Munrovia pinnata. …, are you writing a book!!!

Yes, it is Munronia pinnata (Wall.) Theobald [Syn.: Turraea pinnata Wall.]
This species has highly variable leaves ranging from 3-foliolate to many-foliolate leaves with entire to toothed leaflets.
It is widespread in Asia.


16/06/2013 ASP 58 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Can you please ID this medicinal herb with white flowers. Photo was taken in a private property in Dec 2012 in Sri Lanka.

Munrovia pinnata. Rare and endangered in the wild because of over-exploitation for its medicinal value. This is not the wild cultivar.

SL 223 151213 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please ID this ornamental/medicinal herb with white flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.


I think it should be Munronia pinnata (Wall.) W. Theob. as per images herein.


Euphorbiaceae ?: 2 images.

This is from Pechartal, North Tripura
Kindly identify

Can you post the pictures of the leaves.

The flower? or fruit? in the second photograph look pentamerous… so could be something else too.
But I personally haven’t come across this plant and cannot comment further.

I am unable to recognize this plant.

I think it is Munronia wallichii / M. pinnata [Meliaceae]



Re: Small tree from Pecharthal Tripura 799263 : 6 posts by 3 authors.
Kindly identify

Any idea about the family ?

May be from Oleaceae
Pl. check comparative images at Jasminum

Ok, I will check.

I could not find a match as per comparative images at Jasminum
What are the species of Jasminum reported from your area?

Can you please check Meliosma glabrata?

Looks different.
Also does not match with any species reported from India as per Meliosma

Is this jasminum or some other sp .?

These images also appears close images at Munronia pinnata

I think the leaf and the fruits are belongs to different plants.

Yes, …, I was talking about the leaves.


MS,April,2022/20 Undershrub for id.: 2 images.
Location : Hmunpui, Mizoram

Altitude : ca. 950 m.
Date : 23-07-2015
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild

Leaves appear like that of a Jasminum species.

Appears similar to images at Jasminum species?- Pecharthal, Tripura
Could not go further.

Any chance of Meliaceae?

Not sure after checking comparative images at Meliaceae
Flowers and fruits will help.

Munronia pinnata meliaceae

358 ID wild plant: 14 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant, smells and tastes like curry leaves,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 17AUG2022, 11.35am
Habitat: wild moisture, shady misty hill
Plant habit: micro tree, erect, unbranched, semi hard flexible silver stem 03cm base diameter, aromatic tastes and smells like Murraya koenigii
Height: upto 02.5 feet
Leaves: alternate, odd pinnate, leaflets opposite, elliptic, acute, hairy, aromatic smell and taste, wavy and hairy margins, size upto:08×4cm
Flower: axillary umbel racemose, diameter:10mm, reddish green, non fragrant
Fruit: globular irregular 04 lobed berry, green into …, diameter:25mm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

… identified it as Munronia pinnata of Meliaceae family

Munronia pinnata (Wall.) Harms

Yes, it is Munronia pinnata, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Identification help 140323AS1: 1 very high res. image.
Posting again as clubbed with another post due to same subject, from …:
May I ask for assistance in identification of the attached plant.

Yes, you are right. It is from Meliaceae.


MS, May, 2024/01 Undershrub for id: 2 images.
Location : Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.600 m
Date : 30-04-2024
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild

To me appears close.






POWO  The Plant List  GRIN  IPNI  Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal  Flora of China  FoC illustration  GBIFspecimen (fruits) India Biodiversity Portal  BSI flora of India

Updated on December 24, 2024