Phyllanthus macraei Müll.Arg., Linnaea 32: 29 1863. (Syn: Diasperus macraei (Müll.Arg.) Kuntze; Macraea rheedei Wight); . SW. India as per POWO; . Macrae’s Leaf-Flower; . Herbs, apparently reaching 50- 90 cm in height; branchlets and leaves softly hispid. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-oblong, obtuse, up to 5 x 2.5 cm, subcordate at base, glaucous beneath, glabrous or hispid; lateral nerves about 7 pairs; stipules peltate, subsagittate. Male flowers fascicled, shortly pedicelled, female long-pedicelled. Calyx lobes 5-6, imbricate. Petals 0. Disk of female cushion-shaped, thick; style lobes erect, spreading; disk of male of large flat glands; filaments free; anthers subglobose, the cells dehiscing transversely or on a slant. Ovary 3-celled; styles 3, free or connate at base, 2-fid. Capsule more or less verrucose, prominently warted when wet; seeds minutely tubercled. Flowering and fruiting: August-January Shola forests and grasslands Southern Western Ghats (From India Biodiversity Portal (Phyllanthus macraei var. hispidus) Please help to id this Euphorbiaceae member. Could this be Phyllanthus rheedi? Date/Time- 06-11-2010 / 11:00 AM -This is Phyllanthus macraei Muell. Arg. var. hispidus Gamble. It is endemic to peninsular India. . Euphorbiaceae Fortnight :: herb for ID :: MK005 : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 5 authors. Please help me in identifying this herb of height up to 2 feet. Leaf: up to 3 cm long Date: 17 Aug 2013 Place: Kothagiri RF, Nilgiris, TN Alt.: 2000 m asl Habitat: open floor near Evergreen forest What about Phyllanthus reticulatus? This looks different from P. reticulatus … surely a Phyllanthus as you have pointed out.. I am unable to fix a name to it This is not P.reticulatus for sure. Phyllanthus gardnerianus (Wight) Baill. ??? This is most probably Phyllanthus gardnerianus. It is very close to P. narayanswamii which may not be specifically distinct. I am sorry. This is not Phyllanthus gardnerianus. On a closer look, this is the rare species, Phyllanthus macraei, occurring on the Nilgiris and a few other places in Tamil Nadu. . References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Flora of Peninsular India Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal (Phyllanthus macraei var. hispidus) India Biodiversity Portal (Phyllanthus macraei var. macraei) |
Phyllanthus macraei
Updated on December 24, 2024