Phyllanthus macrocalyx Müll.Arg., Linnaea 32: 48 1863. (syn: Diasperus macrocalyx (Müll.Arg.) Kuntze; Reidia macrocalyx (Müll.Arg.) Gamble); . Much-branched subshrub. Leaves alternate, up to 6 x 2.5 cm, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, rounded at base, equal-sided; nerves 6-8 pair, very slender; stipules small, lanceolate, caducous. Flowers monoecious, axillary, solitary, male and female in fasicles, the male with rather short filiform pedicels, the female with longer pedicels widening upwards; bracts very small, often numerous and imbricate. Calyx-lobes of male not dentate or lacerate, in female greatly enlarged in fruit and closely imbricate; disk in male annular, in female saucer-shaped; styles reflexed, 2-fid to the middle. Stamens 2 or 4, the filaments united in a column around a pistillode; anthers dehiscing horizontally. Ovary 3-celled, 2 ovules 1 in each cell; styles 3, deeply 2-fid. Fruit a capsule of 3 thinly crustaceous 2-valved cocci; seeds triangular, glabrous or appressed hairy; cotyledons oblong. Evergreen forests Southern Western Ghats (endemic) (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . . Rediscovery of phyllanthus macrocalyx : Pls go through the link: Good work, … Congrats to you & your team. Congratulations … Best wishes for future endeavors. All your articles related to new records and new discoveries are classics. Enjoyed a lot while reading those details and the plates are also meticulously presented. Well done …, Keep it up. Forward it to … for inclusion in plant discovery 2015. Very good exploratory work resulting in such publications. I appreciate you for selecting Current Science as the medium to publish your rediscovery. I know many more are in line!
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Phyllanthus macrocalyx
Updated on December 24, 2024