Solanum villosum Mill., Gard. dict. ed. 8: Solanum no. 2. 1768 (Syn: Solanum aegyptiacum Forssk.; Solanum arenarium Schur; Solanum canescens Kit. ex Kanitz; Solanum carmanicum Schönb.-Tem.; Solanum cerinum Otto; Solanum erythraeum Dunal; Solanum flavum Kit. ex Schult.; Solanum flavum humile Bernh.; Solanum hildebrandtii A.Braun & C.D.Bouché; Solanum humile Bernh. ex Willd.; Solanum incanum Kit. ex Kanitz; Solanum incanum Kit. ex Schult.; Solanum incertum Dunal; Solanum kitaibelii Schult.; Solanum luteovirescens C.C.Gmel.; Solanum luteum Mill.; Solanum miniatum Bernh. ex Willd.; Solanum minutiflorum Dunal; Solanum nigrum aegyptiacum Lam. ex C.C.Gmel.; Solanum nigrum var. humile Fr.; Solanum nigrum subsp. luteovirescens (C.C.Gmel.) Kirschl.; Solanum nigrum subsp. luteum (Mill.) Kirschl.; Solanum nigrum subsp. puniceum Kirschl.; Solanum nigrum var. sancti-marini Pamp.; Solanum nigrum var. villosum L.; Solanum nilagiricum Schltdl.; Solanum ochroleucum Bastard; Solanum olgae Pojark.; Solanum patens Lowe.; Solanum plebeium A.Rich.; Solanum pseudovillosum Schur; Solanum puniceum C.C.Gmel.; Solanum purpureilineatum Sabnis & Bhatt; Solanum rubrum L.; Solanum sinaicum Boiss.; Solanum suffruticosum Schousb. ex Willd.; Solanum transcaucasicum Pojark.; Solanum villosum (L.) Willd.; Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum (Bernh. ex Willd.) J.M.Edmonds; Solanum villosum subsp. puniceum Edmonds; Solanum viridescens Rchb.; Solanum woronowii Pojark.; Solanum zelenetzkii Pojark.; Witheringia rubra (L.) Remy); . Macaronesia, N. Africa to Eritrea and Mozambique, Europe to China and Arabian Peninsula, Indian Subcontinent: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Azores, Baleares, Belarus, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canary Is., Cape Verde, Central European Rus, Chad, China North-Central, Corse, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Djibouti, East Aegean Is., East Himalaya, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Gulf States, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirgizstan, Kriti, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Madeira, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, North Caucasus, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Qinghai, Romania, Sardegna, Saudi Arabia, Sicilia, Sinai, Somalia, South European Russi, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Tanzania, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Sahara, Xinjiang, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zimbabwe as per POWO; .
Solanum americanum, solanum nigrum & Solanum villosum– 5 images. . The species is distinct from S. americanum and S. nigrum in distinctly sinuate dentate leaves, 3-5-fld inflorescence, shorter peduncle usually shorter than 10 mm in fruit, berries red, orange or green, globose or ovoid. The typiical S. villosum has villous stems, and our specimens belong to S. miniatum, sometimes named as S. villosum var. miniatum with glabrescent to slightly pubescent slightly angular stems. Kew Plant list, however, does not recognise it as a distinct variety, and treats S. mineatum as simple synonym of S. villosum.. . ommon name: Yellow Nightshade, Hairy Nightshade, Red-fruited nightshade • Sanskrit: कोविदारः Kovidaraha, रक्तकोविदारः Raktokovidaraha .
Solanaceae Week: Solanum villosum from Delhi: The species is distinct from S. americanum (syn: S. nigrum) in distinctly sinuate dentate leaves, 3-5-fld inflorescence, shorter peduncle usually shorter than 10 mm in fruit, berries red, orange or green, globose or ovoid. The typiical S. villosum has villous stems, and our specimens belong to S. miniatum, sometimes named as S. villosum var. miniatum with glabrescent to slightly pubescent slightly angular stems. Kew Plant list, however, does not recognise it as a distinct variety, and treats S. mineatum as simple synonym of S. villosum.. Flora of Haryana: Solanum nigrum var villosum from CCS HAU Farms Hisar: Some confusion::????????? The plant list not have Solanum nigrum var. villosum L in their listing but list Solanum villosum Mill. as an accepted name with following synonyms Solanum humile Bernh. ex Willd. Solanum miniatum Bernh. ex Willd. Solanum nigrum var. humile (Bernh. ex Willd.) C.Y. Wu & S.C. Huang eflora of Pakistan list following synonyms of Solanum nigrum var. villosum L Solanum alatum Moench. Solanum luteum Miller Solanum luteum ssp. alatum (Moench) Dostal Solanum miniatum Bernh. ex. Willd. Solanum villosum (L.) Moench have following information ( –Solanum villosum (L.) Mill. with synonyms SOAL11 Solanum alatum Moench SOLU9 Solanum luteum Mill. SOLUA2 Solanum luteum Mill. ssp. alatum (Moench) Dostál SONIV4 Solanum nigrum L. var. villosum L. this site list Solanum luteum Mill. as accepted name calflora this site list Solanum villosum Mill. as accepted name with following synonyms Solanum alatum Solanum luteum ssp. alatum Solanum luteum Solanum nigrum var. villosum And Also see the link from KEW Accepted name: Solanum villosum Mill. Synonyms: Solanum villosum Mill. subsp. villosum, Solanum luteum Mill. subsp. luteum,Solanum luteum Mill., Solanum nigrum var. villosum L., Solanum villosum Moench, Solanum nigrum subsp. villosum (L.) Ball It is reasonable to treat it as Solanum villosum. Our plant is Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum. It was discussed during Solanaceae week Here is important publication on this underutilized-species.pdf Seems it grows here in the lower gangetic plains too… Yes … common in North Indian Plains
Herb for Id : 290912 RV 1: Please help to id this Solanum plant…..picture taken in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali Mumbai on 25th Sep,12. I hope Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum Yes Sir Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum Solanum sp. ID-01 25/02/2012 Hooghly (WB) SK : Attachments (5). 5 posts by 3 authors. Posting images of Solanum nigrum. Please confirm the ID. Species : Solanum sp. Date : 02-Feb-2012, 12.36 P.M. Place : Nalikul (Hooghly), West Bengal Solanum villosum i think Yes Solanum villosum
Solanum villosum Mill. from Delhi, distinct from S. nigrum in orange to red fruits, peduncle shorter peduncle (usually less than 1 cm long) and smaller shining fruit (6-8 mm), frequently confused and identified with S. nigrum but now treated as a distinct species (previously also treated as S. luteum or S. alatum). Nice detailed catch of the plant Posting images of Solanum villosum. Or, is it also S.nigrum? I took these photographs on 12th and 23rd this month at two different places in Hooghly. Please confirm the ID. Species : Solanum sp. Date : 12-Feb-2012, 12.08 P.M. & 23-Feb-2012, 8.59 a.m. Place : Hooghly, West Bengal Solanum villosum I hope Yes Solanum villosum Solanum ID from Bangladesh SM096 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Habit: Shrub I hope it is Solanum americanum Mill. (Syn. S. nigrum L.). Solanum americanum has small shining black fruits. This has orange yellow, Solanum villosum subsp. miniatum. Moreover, S. nigrum (large dull black fruits, larger flowers) and S. american (smaller shining black fruits, smaller fruits) are two distinct species. S. villosum, fruit is orange red when ripe
Another 1.5 ft wild herb recorded today (15.1.15). No ripe fruit seen yet. Didn’t scale. Flowers and fruit about same size as in S. nigrum L., uploaded a little while ago. This should be S. villosum Mill. Herb for ID, Rajasthan NAW-JAN15-07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5). Kindly identify this herb with white flowers, photographed in Ajmer district, Rajasthan in December 2014. Height of herb about 40-50 cm. Spherical green berries about 5 mm diameter. I hope Solanum villosum subsp. mineatum. Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanum villosum from Delhi-GSFEB01/03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Solanum villosum Mill., Gard. Dict. (ed. 8) no. 2 no. 2 1768. Syn: Solanum humile Bernh. ex Willd.; Solanum miniatum Bernh. ex Willd. The species is distinct from S. americanum and S. nigrum in distinctly sinuate dentate leaves, 3-5-fld inflorescence, shorter peduncle usually shorter than 10 mm in fruit, berries red, orange or green, globose or ovoid. The typiical S. villosum has villous stems, and our specimens belong to S. miniatum, sometimes named as S. villosum var. miniatum with glabrescent to slightly pubescent slightly angular stems. Kew Plant list, however, does not recognise it as a distinct variety, and treats S. mineatum as simple synonym of S. villosum.. These pictures clarifies my doubts regarding ID of plants growing here in Pantnagar. This species blooms in winters and spring here. Solanaceae Fortnight: Feb2015sk02/19: Solanum villosum Mill. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) This is another common wild herb here. My earlier post Yes …, I agree.. To me it looks like Solanum indicum (Orange fruited type).- Berries are sweet in taste. Near roadsides & Village Habitations around Shimla. As per Flora of British India, Solanum indicum L. is prickly undershrub, but my plant is not prickly. I am not sure if it can be Solanum indicum. Solanaceae Fortnight:: Solanum villosum Mill.from Haryana-NS Feb 39/39 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) These pics are largely recorded from district Kaithal of Haryana, but this herb is quite frequent elsewhere also, grows in dense patches, sometimes mingled with those of S. americanum Mill. Here the berries are orange red on ripening, flowers larger, stems purple, villous.. Solanum villosum Mill. Please also compare size and tinge of flowers of Solanum americanum Mill. (left) and Solanum villosum Mill. (right) Solanaceae Fortnight:: Solanum for id from Darjeeling-NS Feb 57/57 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) This herb is surely a representative of “Solanum nigrum complex”.. Please suggest id for this, I suspect it closer to S. villosum, than any of other two, was recorded from margin of LBG, Darjeeling.. I think S. villosum subsp. mineatum. I would like to use this thread to record what I have observed about Solanum nigrum complex around our region. I have uploaded 3 members which have been identified as villosum, nigrum and americanum. But, my nigrum species received a question mark in a personal mail and I have addressed it during last fortnight. The points of doubt were – 1) S. nigrum is uncommon species, 2) flowers after spring 3) nigrum is almost similar to villosum (?).
Assuming my nigrum species has been correctly identified I would like to record my observation of this plant –
I think my nigrum rather shows feature of Solanum scabrum Mill. or have a tendency toward it! I didn’t find any S. villosum with entire leaf. Hooghly-skMAY12/13 Solanum villosum Mill. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) It is also flowering+fruiting in summer Flora of Madh: Solanum nigrum L. : VG-JUL-04 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Sharing some images of the flowers & the leaves of Solanum nigrum, a small herb (the photographed specimen was about 9 inches tall). Flower size is 8 – 9 mm across. Mature fruits not seen. Strangely, S. nigrum is said to be a synonym of S. americanum in The Plant List! Photographed in March 2015. Beautiful pics … And this seems to be Solanum villosum instead, neither S. nigrum nor S. americanum which are both distinct taxa.. Many thanks … I’ll keep a watch for the fruits. Solanum villosum ABJUN01/14 : 14 posts by 5 authors. 5 images. This small plant grows on the ground and on stone walls here. The fruit is a tomato-coloured small berry. I think this is Solanum villosum. Please advise. Solanum villosum—Red-fruited Nightshade Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 29-30 June 2016 Yes … Very good photographs. Always nice to see. I forgot to ask if it is safe to eat the fruit. Please advise. Nice pics …, the berries can be safely consumed, they are good in taste… We used to eat them in our childhood. Thank you … I picked one after this message and it was indeed tasty. Thank you … I will collect these more often. Yes …, we used to eat ripe ones of both S. nigrum and S. villosum in our childhood, but not unripe green berries considered toxic. Thank you … I will make sure to pick only the ripe ones. all those foraging in the wild classes I have attended and lived off of in weekends has always said to learn to distinguish between the nightshades. Please learn to differentiate them. this one you are showing is indded. edible, berries when ripe. NOT leaves. nor the unripe ones. The one to be BEWARE of is the nightshade named but rally the Please look up all the guides and the internet for the distinguishing features. FOR a quick reference. just as an side…. There is a good book, i have perused it though not bought it myself called the Black nightshades i cant find it to buy may be better horticulture or botany libriries in INdia will have one. Thank you …. I wouldn’t have eaten the ripe berries of this plant had … not confirmed. I will do the same with other plants. Re: Solanum species from Kalimpong : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 correct images. May I know the name of this Solanum species ? I hope this is Solanum villosum… . Solanum villosum Mill from Assam KD 10 Mar. 2020 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 800 kb each. Attached images are Solanum villosum Mill from Assam. . Attached images may be Solanum villosum Mill.. Please validate. Date :.10.01.2015 Location: Tejpur (Assam) Family : Solanaceae Genus & species : Solanum villosum Mil Habitat: Grows wild on home garden Habit : Herb Flower : White Fruits : Not mature Looks good ! . Identification required for this Solanum sp from Rajouri j and k: (mixed thread): 2 high res. images. Habit : Herb Date:21-05-2021 Solanum villosum Mill. Not S.xanthocarpum now known as S. virginianum, which is densely covered with long spines . Forwarding for identification: 2 high res. images. Solanum diphyllum I do not think this is S. diphyllum, … sir is this Solanum torvum?? I don’t think so. Looks belonging to Solanum nigrum complex, but leaves look different. May be this paper helps. You are right … I agree with … observation. Based on ripe fruit colour it is S. villosum It is Solanum villosum… But leaves shape is different sir I agree with …
Location: RAJOURI JANDK Date: 23-05-2021 Habit: Herb Solanum diphyllum I am doubt as per images at Solanum diphyllum May I request you to pl. post an image showing a complete plant. Looks different from S. diphyllum ! I agree with … This appears close to images at Solanum villosum Mill.
Solanaceae ? Yes, may be some Solanum species. . Dholpur, January 2022 :: Solanum for ID :: ARK2022-054: 4 high res. images. As and when time permits, I will take up Solanum for comparative images, which will help in quick ids. Solanum americanum Mill.?? I think it is more closer to the images at Solanum villosum Mill. SK162OCT24-2016:ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. 3 correct high res. images. Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Chitwan National Park , Nepal on 13 january 2013 at 600 ft. Some Solanum sp. ?? Solanum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Lycianthes biflora (Loureiro) Bitter ?? I do not think matches with images at Lycianthes lysimachioides Any indication ? Some other Lycianthes sp. ??? To me appears close to images at Solanum villosum Mill. POWO has mentioned distribution in Nepal but images show more hairy. COL has listed S.villosum subsp. villosum and S. villosum subsp. miniatum (Bernh. ex Wild.) Edmonds. Solanaceae Fortnight : Solanum For ID : Muscat : 22FEB15 : AK-15 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) A plant seen growing wild on 28/9/2012. . Kindly identify PD:004: 3 images- 1 high res. Solanum nigrum L. Solanum nigrum L It is Yes … This plant is growing in my garden as a weed at present. . Regarding identification of the species collected from Bodhgaya Bihar: 3 high res. images. Solanum villosum Mill.! . Plant ID request: 2 images. Need help with this plant ID. Bhopal. Black soil. 22/02/2024 Solanum villosum Mill. . References: |
Solanum villosum
Updated on December 24, 2024