
Holoptelea integrifolia Planch. (Indian Subcontinent to Indo-China, E. Borneo: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Ulmus lanceifolia Roxb. (Nepal to China (Yunnan, Guangxi) and Indo-China, Sumatera, Lesser Sunda Islands (Flores), Sulawesi: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Myanmar, Nepal, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)


Ulmus villosa Brandis ex Gamble (N. Pakistan to W. Himalaya as per POWO)


Ulmus wallichiana Planch. (E. Afghanistan to Nepal: Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO)


BSI Flora of India with details:

Ulmaceae is now with comparative images:
Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎‎ Ulmaceae are now with comparative images. On clicking the link of species, one can check the complete details. Genus pages generally give details of most of the species found in India.
May I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identification in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this family (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified/ wrongly identified images, it will be really nice.

I posted many pictures of Holeptelia integrifolia long back (may be 8 to 10 yrs). But these are not seen.  Just for your information.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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