Veronica speciosa R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn., Bot. Mag. 63: t. 3461 1836. (syn: Hebe imperialis Cockayne; Hebe speciosa (R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.) Andersen; Veronica hendersonii hort.; Veronica imperialis Hort. ex Vilmorin; Veronica kermesina Loud.; Veronica speciosa var. imperialis Boucharlat);
New Zealand (W-coastal cliffs of North Isl., endangered), Hawaii (I) (Hawaii Isl. (I) (Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (I)), USA (I) (California (I)), ?England (I), Ireland (I), Colombia (I), Mexico (I), Bolivia(I) as per Catalogue of Life;
Veronica speciosa R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn.
Syn: Hebe speciosa (R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn.) Andersen
Common names: New Zealand hebe, Showy hebe, Showy-speedwell
A shrub reaching up to 2 m in height with shining dark green obpvate-oblong 5-10 cm long leaves; flowers reddish-purple in udually thich axillary racemes, scarcely exceeding leaves.
A native of New Zealand, photographed from University of California Botanical Garden, 11-5-2014.
A native of New Zealand, photographed from University of California Botanical Garden, 11-5-2014.
Veronica Species for ID : Golden Gate Park, San Francisco : 06NOV20 : AK-05 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Seen at the park during my visit in Sept, 2014.
Veronica speciosa R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn. !
Yes Veronica speciosa
Ornamental plant for identification 030313MK01 : 5 images. 5 posts by 4 authors.
Please help me to identify this plant growing as an ornamental in a private garden in Ooty, TN.
Leaf: up to 8cm long
Flower: c. 1 cm across
Place: Ooty town, Nilgiris, TN
Alt.: 2200 m asl
Date: 17 Aug 2011
My guess is Lobelia species, probably Lobelia siphilitica
I dont think it is Lobelia
Veronica speciosa I hope (syn: Hebe speciosa).
It looks correct according to net images.
I find these more closer to Veronica × franciscana rather than Veronica speciosa
V. x franciscana is a hybrid between V. speciosa and V. elliptica and is characterised by leaves in four distinct rows, which I don’t see here.

Veronica Species for ID : Golden Gate Park, San Francisco : 11SEP21 : AK – 011: 1 image.
While going through my California plants, I found some I had missed earlier.
Another one.
Appears to be same as at Veronica speciosa (Introduced)
References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Wikipedia