
Saussurea albescens (DC.) Sch.Bip. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (1,2) and Alok Mahendroo (3,4- ID by Gurcharan Singh))


Saussurea atkinsonii C.B.Clarke (Image by D.S.Rawat)



Saussurea auriculata (DC.) Sch.Bip. (Images by Balkar Singh)


Saussurea candicans C. B. Clarke or Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube (Images by Nidhan Singh (1,2,3) and Alok Mahendroo (4-ID by Gurcharan Singh))


Saussurea candolleana (DC.) Sch. Bip. (Images by Anzar A.Khuroo (1,2-ID by J.M.Garg) and D.S.Rawat (3,4))


Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch. (Images by Balkar Singh (1,2,3) and Nidhan Singh (4))


Saussurea fastuosa (Decne.) Sch.Bip. (Images by Balkar Singh, ID by Tabish and Gurcharan Singh)


Saussurea glacialis Herder (Images by Suresh Rana, validation by Gurcharan Singh)




Saussurea globosa F.H.Chen (Image by Piyush Kumar Dutta, ID by Ritesh Kumar Choudhary)


Saussurea gnaphalodes (Royle) Sch.Bip.  (Image by Gunjan Arora (id by Amit Chauhan & Saroj Kumar Kasaju)) 



Saussurea gossypiphora D.Don (Images by C.S.Rana (1) and Suresh Rana (2,3))


Saussurea graminifolia Wall. ex DC. (Images by D.S.Rawat (1) and Prashant (2,3,4-validation by D.S.Rawat))


Saussurea inversa Raab-Straube (Image by Suresh Rana)


Saussurea nepalensis Spreng. (Image by Ushaprabha (mixed thread))


Saussurea piptathera Edgew. (Images by Nidhan Singh (1,2,3) and Prashant Awale (4-validation by Balkar Singh))


Saussurea schultzii Hook.f. (N. Pakistan to W. Himalaya and W. Tibet as per POWO)
Images by Sayed Nudrat Zawar, ID by Gurcharan Singh, Pankaj Kumar, Srikant Ingalhalikar, Saroj Kasaju and J M Garg

Re: Saussurea species : 1 post by 1 author.
I have inserted images in identified species of Saussurea genus (Asteraceae).


Pl. go through Saussurea page (Asteraceae (Compositae)) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by D S Rawat ji).

If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know.
If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), it will be really nice. Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know.