Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I. Darbysh. (Syn: Dianthera bicalyculata Retz.; Dianthera bifida Moench; Dianthera malabarica L. fil.; Dianthera paniculata Forssk.; Dianthera rugosa Perr. ex Nees; Dicliptera bicalyculata Kostel.; Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) J. C. Manning & Goldblatt; Justicia bicalyculata (Retz.) Vahl; Justicia ligulata Lam.; Justicia malabarica (L. fil.) Soland.; Justicia ruderalis Russ. ex Steud.; Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees; Peristrophe dewevrei Wildem. & Th. Dur.; Peristrophe doriae Terrac.; Peristrophe kotschyana Nees; Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) R. K. Brummitt; Peristrophe schimperiana Hochst. ex Nees; Ruellia paniculata (Forssk.) C. B. Cl.); Acanthaceae Week: Dicliptera paniculata from Delhi: Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 113 113 1832. syn: Dianthera bicalyculata Retz.; Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees; Justicia bicalyculata (Retz.) Vahl; Dianthera malabarica L.f. Tall erect much branched annual herb with angled stem, 5-10 cm long ovate leaves and with pinkish flowers in lax panicles, corolla bi-lipped; capsule pointed. Common in Delhi as weed in Rainy season. Photographed from Khalsa College and Ridge in Delhi. . Acanthaceae Fortnight: Dicliptera paniculata from Delhi-GSMAR17/18 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 113 113 1832.syn: Dianthera bicalyculata Retz.; Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees; Justicia bicalyculata (Retz.) Vahl; Dianthera malabarica L.f. Date/Time-Location- Place: 08.09.2011, Sungam, Coimbatore Dist. Habitat- Urban Habit- Shrub Flowers Size- less than one cm. Colour- pink The plant in front with pink flowers is Peristrophe paniculata [P. bicalyculata]. … may not be Peristrophe paniculata (my thinking: flowering when leaves are shed) and as name suggests in panicle albeit lax … could be some other Peristrophe OR Dicliptera … me could be wrong. I think Peristrophe paniculata only . This plant once was identified by … (confused which one is accepted name) Bengali name : NASABHANGA H & H : small herb on roadside Date : 25/10/12, 11.40 a.m. Place : Hooghly I think yes. Nice photographs What a weird flower with just two petals?? . Herb ID request – RK52 – 27-Nov-2012: This is Peristrophe paniculata [previously P.bicalyculata]. . Hooghly today : Peristrophe paniculata (Forsskål) Brummitt: Peristrophe paniculata (Forsskål) Brummitt, recorded today in Hooghly. ID help : Peristrophe paniculata (Family: Acanthaceae) Hooghly (WB) : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. I attach hereby images of Peristrophe paniculata, identified by … sometimes in January in the facebook group. I am sorry that i fail to give the facebook-link here as i have deactivated and left my facebook account a couple of days ago. Species : Peristrophe paniculata Type : wild herb Date : 06-Dec-2011, 11.39 a.m. Yes Peristrophe paniculata very nice color… bangla name? I do not know its Bengali name, Madam. . ID Request 031213SG : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 4 authors. Quite likely to be Peristrophe sp. perhaps P. bicalyculata…. efi page on Dicliptera paniculata (syn. P. bicalyculata) yes, it does look like the ones in eFI link. Wild Plant For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 270114 : AK-26 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors. A small wild plant with tiny purple flowers. I have seen this before, can’t recollect the name. Picture taken on 29/11/13 at Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai. ID OF THESE WILD FLOWERS AT THE SUKHNA LAKE RESERVE FOREST, CHANDIGARH : 4 posts by 3 authors. Could the learned members of the group establish the identity of these tiny flowers growing wild at the Sukhna Lake Reserve Forests, Chandigarh? This is in the Shiwalik foothills. These flowers were photographed on October 28, 2014. Any background information on this flower would be welcome. Dicliptera cuneata, I think. … has kindly offered on my request the following perspective on the shrub: ANOCT89 Acanthaceae herb for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Dicliptera sp.? Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees Flower for Id- 04022015SH3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Flower for Id pl. PERISTROPHE BICALYCULATA – ACANTHACEAE Thanx … Can anyone tell me it’s name in Marathi ? I checked it on web and it is mentioned as ” पित्तपापडा” but Fumaria parviflora is also known as “पित्तपापडा”. Pl. help to sort out the confusion. Acanthaceae Fortnight::Peristrope paniculata :: NSJ-21 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Peristrope paniculata?? / Dicliptera paniculata – Both the pictures are slightly different Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Peristrophe paniculata :: Ghodbunder Road :: DVMAR85/96 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images. Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt along Ghodbunder Road on November 11, 2007 Acanthaceae Fortnight :: ID Request – Dicliptera :: Aarey Milk Colony :: ARKMAR-50/62 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Aarey Milk Colony in November 2014. Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Peristrophe paniculata? :: Mumbai::: PKA-MAR98/98 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Peristrophe paniculata? from Mumbai. Dicliptera paniculata Yes, it looks like so, what I have learned from FoI and DV. . Fwd: [efloraofindia:239291] For Id GP070216 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please help me identify this plant. Peristrophe paniculata
Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus) at Hodal – indiantreepix | Google Groups Peristrophe paniculata :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Yeoor Hills … part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Date: December 29, 2019 … Altitude range: about 100 ft (30 m) to 1575 ft (480 m) asl Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) R.K.Brummitt Yes sir ! . Names of Plants in India :: Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. : 3 posts by 2 authors. via Species > D > Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. … family: Acanthaceae
Kannada transliteration is correct. I want to correct name for Santali Language. Badge khode baha Badge means Garden, Khode is a native name, baha means flower Correct name: ᱵᱟᱲᱜᱮ ᱠᱷᱚᱲᱜᱮ Badge Khodge Thank you very much …, for validating the Santali name, and for providing it in the modern Ol Chiki script. I will incorporate the correction shortly in my notes. dye-CLIP-ter-uh — Greek: diklis (double-folding); pteron (wing), referring to the wing-like divisions in the capsule … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: panicled foldwing, panicled peristrophe • Assamese: নাক ভঙা naka bhanga • Bengali: নাসাভাঙ্গা nasabhanga • Dogri: जनैहरू jannehru • Gujarati: બોડી અઘાડી bodi aghadi, કાકજંઘા kakajangha, કાળી અઘેડી kali aghedi • Hindi: अत्रिलाल atrilal, काकजंघा kakajangha, काकनाडी kakanadi, मसी masi, नसभंगा nasabhanga • Kachchhi: કારી અઘેડી kari aghedi, લસી અઘેડી lasi aghedi • Kannada: ಚೀಬೀ ಗಿಡ cheebee gida, ಸೀಬಿ ಗಿಡ sibi gida • Malayalam: കാട്ടുപുഴുക്കൊല്ലി kattupuzhukkolli • Manipuri: ꯈꯨꯃꯥꯟ ꯂꯥꯡꯊ꯭ꯔꯩ খুমন লঙথ্ৰৈ khuman langthrei • Marathi: काकजंघा kakajangha, पित्तपापडा pittpapada, रान किरायत ran kirayat • Odia: ଧୁଅନ dhuben, କାକଜଂଘା kakajanga • Rajasthani: अत्रिलाल atrilal, कागजंघा kagjangha, पीपल पट्टी peepal patti • Sanskrit: काकजङ्घा kakajangha, काकतिक्ता kakatikta, नदीकान्ता nadikanta, प्रचीबल prachibala, सुलोमशा sulomasha • Santali: ᱵᱟᱲᱜᱮ ᱠᱷᱚᱲᱜᱮ badge khodge • Sindhi: નઝપત najhpat • Tamil: காரக்காஞ்சிரம் kara-k-kanciram, நெய் காய்ச்சும் பூண்டு ney kayccum puntu • Telugu: చేబీరా chebeera botanical names: Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. … synonyms: Dianthera bicalyculata Retz. • Dianthera paniculata Forssk. • Dicliptera bicalyculata (Retz.) Kostel. • Justicia bicalyculata (Retz.) Vahl • Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees • Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt … and many more synonyms listed at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ panicled foldwing, panicled peristrophe ~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ নাক ভঙা naka bhanga
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ নাসাভাঙ্গা nasabhanga
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~ जनैहरू jannehru
~~~~~ GARHWALI ~~~~~ no given name
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ બોડી અઘાડી bodi aghadi, કાકજંઘા kakajangha, કાળી અઘેડી kali aghedi
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ अत्रिलाल atrilal
काकजंघा kakajangha
काकनाडी kakanadi
मसी masi, नसभंगा nasabhanga
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ કારી અઘેડી kari aghedi, લસી અઘેડી lasi aghedi
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಚೀಬೀ ಗಿಡ cheebee gida
ಸೀಬಿ ಗಿಡ sibi gida
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കാട്ടുപുഴുക്കൊല്ലി kattupuzhukkolli
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ ꯈꯨꯃꯥꯟ ꯂꯥꯡꯊ꯭ꯔꯩ খুমন লঙথ্ৰৈ khuman langthrei ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ काकजंघा kakajangha
पित्तपापडा pittpapada
रान किरायत ran kirayat
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ଧୁଅନ dhuben, କାକଜଂଘା kakajanga
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~ अत्रिलाल atrilal
कागजंघा kagjangha, पीपल पट्टी peepal patti
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ काकजङ्घा kakajangha, काकतिक्ता kakatikta, नदीकान्ता nadikanta, प्रचीबल prachibala, सुलोमशा sulomasha
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ ᱵᱟᱲᱜᱮ ᱠᱷᱚᱲᱜᱮ badge khodge
~~~~~ SINDHI ~~~~~ નઝપત najhpat
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ காரக்காஞ்சிரம் kara-k-kanciram
நெய் காய்ச்சும் பூண்டு ney kayccum puntu
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ చేబీరా chebeera
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2022/07/dicliptera-paniculata-forssk-idarbysh.html . ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Dicliptera paniculata from Morni Hills:: NS MARCH 14/14 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Could it be D.roxburhgiana? (now D.chinense). efi page on Peristrophe paniculata (syn. Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I. Darbysh.) & Dicliptera chinensis …, your plant looks different from D. paniculata. Wrong images at Peristrophe paniculata in Flora of Peninsular India : 1 post by 1 author. Images of Dicliptera cuneata Nees of … has been wrongly placed at Peristrophe paniculata in Flora of Peninsular India. Pl. correct. Thanks … I hope … will soon take note of this post. I do not think so. I am not getting any response to so many corrections sent so far. OK, Let us mark a copy to an additional email box – herbarium@ces.iisc.ernet.in I am marking a copy to both mail addresses. Oh! I hope …, at least heeds and acknowledges receipt of our mails. He may respond later when he is free from his busy schedule. My apologies for not responding to your mails. I need to do a little bit of explaining. My wife had undergone heart surgery and is in the recovering phase. Thanks, … Sorry, I failed to comprehend such a situation. No hurry at all. We all should be proud of you, for having done such an excellent work with Flora of Peninsular India. . D. paniculata . Flower for Id -ID10022021SH2: 1 image. Flower for Id pl. Location – Taljai Hills,Pune Date – January 2021 I think this is Dicliptera beddomei I guess Dicliptera cuneata Nees! Peristrophe paniculata synonym of D.paniculata I too agree with … . Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2008 · JUN23 DV279: 1 image. Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh. Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2008 · 3:47 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I.Darbysh.: 2 images. . Plant for Id.: 3 very high res. images. Plant with purple one had only purple flowers, while other had only white flower. Date/Time-21/11/2024 Location- Place- Jodhpur Habitat- in graveyard Plant Habit- herb I think close to images at Is there any info on why there is white colour flowers on Dicliptera plants. It happens in many species. . |
Dicliptera paniculata
Updated on January 11, 2025