Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 119 1825. (Syn: Lepidagathis hyalina Nees);
Common name: Curved Lepidagathis • Mizo: Vangvattur • Nepali: सेतो फुली Seto phuli ;

MS April, 2016/09 Lepidagathis sp. for Id. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Tawizo, Mizoram
Altitude : c. 1,500 m.
Date : 30/03/2016
Habit : Decumbent herb
Habitat : It grows wild

On perusal of comparative images at Lepidagathis, I think you can check with images at Lepidagathis purpuricaulis Nees

it appears from acanthaceae family

Lepidagathis incurva, I think.

I had seen this herb at Shigekeri, North Karnataka. Stem prostrate.
Date/Time: 16-01-2011 / 11:40AM
Location: Shigekeri, North Karnataka
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb
Leaves Opposite.
Family: Acanthaceae

it is not a Haplanthodes species as Haplanthodes has cladodes. this looks like some Justicia species.

Lepidagathis incurva Don.

To me looks different from other images at Lepidagathis incurvaBuch.-Ham. ex D.Don

On further investigation, I found that there are many varieties as per CoL and POWO, found in India. That is why there appears to be a difference in our observations from all over India at Lepidagathis incurva
As per Flora of Peninsular India, in addition to type variety, Lepidagathis incurva var. lophostachyoides and Lepidagathis incurva var. mucronata are also reported. I think it appears close to specimen at Lepidagathis incurva var. mucronata


I had seen this herb at Shigekeri, North Karnataka. Stem prostrate.
Date/Time: 16-01-2011 / 11:40AM
Habitat: Wild
Leaves Opposite.
Family: Acanthaceae
Bot. name: Lepidagathis incurva Don.???

I think you are right …


Came across this Prostrate herb.
Bot. name:  “Lepidagathis incurva“? (Acanthaceae family).


07 -03-2010 / 09:40 AM

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-

Mumbai, 90 ft

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-


Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-

Herb  (prostrate herb, stems slender)


 ~ 40cm long

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-

Opposite, slightly pubescent,  variable,  1.5cm – 6cm by  0.8cm – 3cm , elliptic,  Petiole ~ 2 to 4mm , nerves-6 pairs

Inflorescence Type/ Size-

Flowers in axillary & Terminal  softly hairy spikes (~ 2cm)

Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-

Corolla White coloured , 6mm,   dotted with brownish & purple spots , 2 lipped, Upper lip- somewhat  notched, Lower lip- 3 lobed, rounded at apex and middle lobe broader as compared to adjacent ones.

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- 

Do not know..

Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.-  

Flowering observed

I think ID is possibly correct.

Kalatope id (Dam side) Al041612: An April flower for id….
Location Kalatope Chamba
Altitude 1200 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 18 inches (approx)
Season April

This looks close to Lepidagathis incurva…. I had collected this from Morni Hills in Haryana…

It is Lepidagathis incurva and in flowering nowdays at Renukaji, Nahan, and also on Morni Hills.

please find the images of Lepidagathis incurva taken from Barbara RF, Odisha. It includes some images posted earlier and finally identified after getting the habitat and the leaves during last field visit.

Name of the species: Lepidagathis incurva
Family: Acanthaceae
Place of collection:Barbara RF, khurda, Odisha
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild. Under the canopy of Moist deciduous forests

looks like white mickey mouse ears!!!


051111PD06 Flora of Orissa for ID: taken this photograph from Deogarh district of Orissa. I am extremely sorry that i don’t have more close up of leaves as the plant was very small as it appears in picture (i took the photograph in a haste as i had to catch the group vehicle). Kindly bear with this.

Habit: Herb
habitat: Dry deciduous Sal forest
Place of collection: Deogarh, Orissa
Altitude: 150 m above msl
Plant height: 5 cm

In my opinion, this should be any Lepidagathis species.

I also think it as Lepidagathis species.
Do you have any other habitat and full plant pictures?

i was also thinking of Lepidogathis by observing the flower characters. But unfortunately i don’t have much information and no more close up of habitat and leaves.

This may be Lepidagathis incurva var. incurva

Many thanks for the ID …. I think you are right. I had doubt between L incurva and L. purpuricaulis.


Lepidagathis incurva Buch.- Ham. ex D.Don. from Kamrup district, Assam:

Attached images are Lepidagathis incurva Buch.- Ham. ex D.Don
Date : 21.12.2012
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Acanthaceae
Genus & species : Lepidagathis incurva Buch.- Ham. ex D.Don
Habitat: Grows wild on hilly area
Habit : Herb

Found this small wild herb in a thicket.
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : less than 1 foot tall.
Date : 05-01-13
Place : Hooghly

Bengal Plants” describes five Lepidagathis species of which L. hyalina (L. incurva) covers two varieties.
Flora of British India” describes more varieties of L. hyalina Nees.
I do not know if my species is any of those varieties of L. hyalina Nees (L. incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don.).
Further, i do not know if my species is L. incurva at all.

Attaching two more new pictures of almost similar looking plant found 3 km away from the plant in this thread.

This is Lepidagathis incurva of Acanthaceae

Wild Plant For ID : Uttarakhand : 280513 : AK-4 :  Attachments (4).  7 posts by 3 authors.
A small wild plant seen near the Jim Corbett Waterfall on 24/3/13.
Tiny white flowers seen.

This can be Blepharis sp. probably B. maderaspatensis..

Yes …, To me also Lepidagathis
The last image DSCN6731 look like Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

Thanks for supporting my possible id.
… has identified a similar looking Lepidagathis from Uttarakhand on flowersofindia.
Hope he is able to help with my id.

Yes, I am corrected..this is Lepidagathis incurva….thanks …

Thanks … Actually pictures are not very good.
The forest was dense and the smaller plants below had very little light making it difficult to photograph in proper light, without flash.


Lepidagathis incurva for confirmation :  Attachments (4). 5 posts by 2 authors.
Lepidagathis incurva hopefully

Shivalik hills on the road to Kasauli from Kalka
Photographed in the month of May.
Would very much appreciate a confirmation

It looks me lapidagathis incurva



lepidagathis incurva : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4).
lepidagathis incurva

a few kilometers from dehradun
in a fallow field
second week of march



09022015 PTR3 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_09022015 PTR3
Date/Time-:05/02/15   –    09:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga, Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-  wild
Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Length- 50cm

It looks like Rungia pectinata of Acanthaceae

Thank you, the flower not clear to me.

it looks as Lepidagathis species. It is suggested to post photos of larger branch along with close ups of flower, which can give the arrangement of leaves and other details. It will give better clue to people who try to identify it.

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don


Anshi Ghat :: Lepidagathis incurva :: DVFEB35/68 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
Anshi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 25 MAY 2013 … Altitude: 340 – 380 m asl
Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (family: Acanthaceae)

Attached images are Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don from Assam.

Acanthaceae Fortnight ANMAR02/21 Please identify this herb : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (11)

Family: Acanthaceae
Date: 6th March 2015
Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala
Habit: Herb

Rungia sp.

Rungia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

Lepidagathis ¿ incurva ?

Though I have labelled it as Lepidagathis incurva; it does not seem to match the plant at Flowers of India; please validate.
at Anshi on February 21, 2012
along KSH34 near Anshi on (same day) February 21, 2012posted earlier – DVFEB35/68

As per Haines, Lepidagathis hyalina Nees is a perennial, much branched herb, 1-2 ft high; fl.-fr. from Dec-April; leaves variable; spikes dense, 2-10 together, secund; bracts very dense, 4-farious imbricate; corolla .3 to .35 inch long, upper lip emarginate or two lobed, white with mottled brown palate or upper lip brown….
I have noticed difference in the flowers uploaded, in our dbase, from Eastern India and Southern India. FBI has several var. under the epithet L. hyalina Nees. I do not know if any particular variety has received separate identity in later days. Till I find further and recent literature on Indian Lepidagathis
I agree with your ID, …

Thank you very much, …
My feeling – every species must get lot of pictures to its account – from various people, various seasons, various places – whether identified / for ID / validation. That is one of the ways of getting accustomed to variations as well as kill any ambiguities.

Yes, …, in addition to that sometimes images from neighbouring countries also help, if available.

This sub-erect herb is recorded from Morni Hills, Haryana..
Please validate/correct the id..
Lepidagathis incurva..

I do not know if it can be L. incurva Buch-Ham. Leaves look too hairy, please upload mature leaves at lower region of branches.

Well, there are varieties and mollis has hairy leaves both sides, may be some other too. I do not object, it may be L. incurva.

Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae, Nepeta sp for ID from Morni-GSMAY77/80 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Photographed from Morni hills, perhaps a species of Nepeta. Please help in ID

Most probably it is Nepeta bracteata

Thanks, … Neither FOP nor WCSP gives range of Nepeta bracteata Benth. in DC. in India.
You mean it to be Nepeta bracteata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don is a synonym of Pogostemon crassicaulis (Benth.) Press ?

Actually it is Nepeta bracteosa and not Pogostemon crassicaulis. But the plant I suspected belongs to Nepeta and not Pogostemon which belongs to  different subfamily.

To me this is more likely to be Lepidagathis sp.

As … suggests… may be in Acanthaceae; Lepidagathis (?).
The plant seems woody, Nepetas are often quite herbaceous with loose inflorescences.
Experts may enlighten!

Thanks …, it seems we are reaching somewhere

How about Lepidagathis incurva?

Yes, very likely to be Lepidagathis incurva …

SK245DEC16-2016:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Nuwakot , Nepal
Altitude:  3200 ft.
Date: 25 April 2015

I think this is a Lepidagathis sp

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (accepted name)  ???
http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=200022009  ??

Pl.  Also check comparative images at EFI site.

I think appear close to images at Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

Thank you … Nepali Name: सेतो फुली Seto Phuli / कांडे Kaande 

MS Jan.2017/08 Lepidagathis rigida ? for ID/confirmation : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Sairep, Mizoram
Date : 25-01-2017

Habit : Decumbent herb
Habitat : Wild

Thanks. Pl. Check with images at EFI site.

It is Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don.

ID No.08062011 RD02: 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help to identify this Small herb
Date/Time-09/02/2011- 11:30 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-  Assam,
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Type
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb
Flower: as seen in the photos

Rungia sp.

Rungia repens, Acanthaceae

It appears like images at Lepidagathis incurva

Staurogyne zeylanica (Nees) Kuntze (accepted name) ??? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
Location: Balaju, Raniban, Nepal
Date: 30 March 2017
Altitude: 4500 ft.
Surprisingly no record is found in Nepal list.

I think close to images at Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don as per comparative images at Staurogyne

Thank you. Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (accepted name).
Nepali Names : सेतो फुली Seto Phuli / काँडे Kaande

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Location: Swayambhunath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal 
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Date: 16 March 2018
Habit : Wild


Shrub for ID :: JJ – Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park, Jodhpur, March 2018 :: ARKAPR-11 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
This was clicked at the Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park, Jodhpur, RJ in March 2018.
Is it some Lepidagathis? Requested to please provide ID.

Taking it as per the stated link, which I found is the closest as per comparative images.

SK1580 18 Nov 2018 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) – around 600 kb each.
Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong 
Date: 2 November 2018
Elevation: 1300 ft.
Habit : Wild
Which Lepidagathis ??

Yes, appears to be Lepidagathis.

Any hint for specific ID? I tried but failed !

Check Flora of Hong Kong site.

Looks like Lepidagathis incurva.

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
I was with same opinion.

SK 2347 29 December 2019 : 13 posts by 3 authors. 5 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India
Date: 26 November 2019 
Elevation: 1350m.
Habitat: Wild
Barleria ??

To me appears something else. Not Barleria

OK …!.

Lepidagathis incurva? Asteraceae

It is a common species here, Sir.

Thank you Once again. I have shot flowering 2 times in Nepal but I found it flowerless as well as taller, as such could not decide.

Yes Sir, I also noted that that leaf-size and inter-node space vary in populations at different sites.


Justicia SN7220 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Wild herb from Calicut interior Kerala.

Looks like Lepidagathis sp. Acanthaceae

Pl. check Lepidagathis purpuricaulis Nees and Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don as per comparative images at Lepidagathis

Please keep under incuva …, From Kerala 3 new species are published. We need to check that also.
The area is very shady so the number of flowers less.

once check with Blepharis too, there is possible,

Thanks, … Does not match with comparative images at Blepharis



Identification of plant : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
please identify this wild plant, Its from Karbi Anglong (Assam)

Amaranthaceae ??

Some Lepidagathis sp?

This is Lepidagathis incurva (Acanthaceae).
I think this yellow minute flower which is fallen from other plant.


Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don: 7 very high resolution images.

Location: Chandragiri
Date: November 2020
Altitude: 1700m.
Habitat : Wild

Image by Sourav Mahmud (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Fwd: [efloraofindia:212720] Acanthaceae ID from Bangladesh SM 190- 1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Habitat Wild

Lepidagathis linearis from … 

I think more likely to be Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don as per images and details herein.

This erect herb was recorded from near Kosani, Uttrakhand, during my return journey from Gori Valley in October..
I have placed this as a species of Lepidagathis, please give your valuable opinion regarding id..

Lepidagathis species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Looks like Lepidagathis incurva Buch.–Ham. ex D.Don !

Thanks, … Yes, appears close as per images at Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

Acanthacean (Lepidagathis?) for id from Gori valley:: NS April 2022: 5 images.
Please help me identify this Acanthaceae member (Lepidagathis?), which was recorded from Gori valley, Uttarakhand..the pics are not so clear, any clues are welcome…

Lepidagathis cuspidata Nees

I think it has to be checked, I have seen L. cuspidata plenty of times, and this plant is not resembling that..

I think close to images at Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don (a high variable species with many varieties) and as per our earlier post at ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Lepidagathis ? from Kosani:: NS MARCH 09/09

Acanthaceae ID REG. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Acanthaceae ID REG.

Let me put my guesses: Lepidagathis OR Dyschoriste … I could be far from ID.

Lepidagathis sp

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don ??

Yes, appears close to images at Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

Fwd: [efloraofindia:183404] please enable the ID GK1 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
please enable the ID

Justicia sp

Justicia – some species in India & eFI with some keys

Lepidagathis sp.?, A chance for L. incurva

I also think Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don is more likely as earlier suggested by …


Acanthaceae for ID:
Photographed last month in Kerala.
Fingernail sized flower white flower with pink spots on lower petal(s). Pls help with ID

may be Pseuderanthemum variabile from the flower apperance but I do not know about the flower size.
Please wait for expert comments

… any chances of Phaulopsis OR Lepidagathis ?

Some more details:

Date/Time- 24-Nov-2011 10:35 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Karimba, Palakkad district, Kerala (close to Western Ghats)
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- Less than 30 cms
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Dark green, ovate, oppositely arranged, about the size of curry leaves
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Single flower emerging from hairy bracts
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Fingernail sized flower, white with pink spots on lower petal(s)
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not known
Nearest match I could find on FOI website was Dyschoriste vagans (FOI)
Also found some similar photos by … on Flickr with the label “Phaulopsis OR Lepidagathis ?”
I too found similar photos by you on Flickr with the label Phaulopsis OR Lepidagathis ?” and they match I think

… post at efi thread has similar looking plant (could be different species).

look like Lepidagathis sp. to me..

L.incurva to me

This is lepidagathis incurva


Identification requested
Location: Pokhara, Nepal

When was the image clicked ?
Maybe Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Lepidagathis

The photo was clicked on 6th April 2021 at 1:50 pm.


228 ID wild plant Lepidagathis: 14 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 05.12.2021, 10.20am
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: legume, erect, obliquely, branches, slender weak angular stem 02.5mm diameter, annual
Height: 01 feet
Leaves: opposite, ovate, apex, wavy margins, winged petiole, size:05×2.5cm or less
Flower: racemose, bracts, diameter:03mm, white, non fragrant, 3 days life
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don ??

Yes, it is Lepidagathis incurva dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal
Date: 01 January 2023
Elevation: 97 m.
Habitat: Wild

Yes, appears close to images at Lepidagathis trinervis


Id of Flower – ID05032024SH1: 3 images- 2 high res.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Lava Road, Gorubathan, West Bengal
Date – February 2024

Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don


Lepidagathis incurva Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don: 7 high res. images.

Location: Panchase, Pokhara, Nepal
Date: 14 March 2024
Elevation: 1156m.

Habitat: Wild

