Colocasia affinis Schott, Bonplandia (Hannover) 7: 28 1859. (Syn: Alocasia jenningsii Veitch; Colocasia affinis var. jenningsii (Veitch) Engl.; Colocasia bicolor C.L.Long & L.M.Cao); . MS, April,2021/01 Colocasia sp. for id.: 3 images. Location : Lengte, Mizoram Date : 23-08-2014 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Note : The spadix is eaten cooked as a vegetable. It has no large tubers like Colocasia esculenta. Plant size is also smaller than C.esculenta. The tubers are not eaten. The spadix is available in local markets. Appears to be the same as in another post: Alocasia sp.(Araceae) for ID(A.fornicata?) For the two pictures of spadix with spathe and part of the third picture (Colocasia sp. (Baibing) (1).jpg) showing part of the plant I would say, yes, this is wild variety of C. esculenta. And yes, wild variety is slender, yet sometimes a bit taller than the cultivated ones. Here they grow around village “nullah” (drainage or ditch), having blackish to purplish to reddish petioles. Also its tubers (rhizome) are not eaten. But, in the picture no. Colocasia sp. (Baibing) (1) – the flower shown at the left hand box is from the same plant, then it is not Colocasia esculenta. It would be Xanthosoma sagittifolium. I thank … here, once again, for introducing me to it. Please, note that Xanthosoma sagittifolium is more robust than cultivated Colocasia esculenta. Thank you very much for sending this. This is not Alocasia. The mature spathe and the pistillate zone, and the leaf blade all resemble Colocasia in my view. Thanks, …, Pl. see more images at efi thread 1 . At present, could not answer. Thanks again. (How may I address you?) Alocasia sp.(Araceae) for ID(A.fornicata?) : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7). Location : Lengte, Mizoram Same plant. Attachments (2). This is not Alocasia fornicata (Roxb.) Schott….. this much I can say. To me, it is Colocasia, and looks like C. esculenta Again attaching herewith another same sp. This plant was recorded as A. fornicata in some books and internet. Experts are requested for identification because this plant is common vegetable in Mizoram. The local name is BAIBING. I am very sorry …, for creating some unnecessary inconvenience to you. Yes, the net has documents as you claim. Incidentally Calla virosa Roxburgh (spadix 1/4th of subulate spathe) is BISH-KOCHOO in Flora Indica, as is Arum fornicatum Roxb.! Please wait for experts’ views……………. Same colocasia (spadix) I am really sorry …, I have no idea. You may please see/download this document to know differences between Alocasia & Colocasia. As per the above document Alocasia (not sure if all species or not) spadix has brain like pattern in its appendix region (please see the attached image). As for the name ‘BAIBING’ you may please see the following articles –
An article on wild plant used by people of Nagaland can be found at which doesn’t feature A. fornicata Roxb. Also attached herewith the description of A. fornicata by Roxburgh and Haines. Attachments (4) I still think it is Colocasia and maybe C. esculenta. As per one doc (I have pasted link yesterday) C. gigantea can be found in your region and the entire plant is edible. But that species is a stout one. In C. esculenta appendix is narrowly conic. The appendix of your plant is clavate, similar to the illustration of C. fallax in FoC. Pic DSCN1602 lacks an appendix, which is sometimes a feature of C. fallax, C. antiquorum (leaves glossy adaxially as per FoC) and very short in C. gigantea. Please check probability of C. fallax. Colocasia affinis Schott as per discussions at MS, April,2021/01 Colocasia sp. for id.
Colocasia heterochroma ?? Yes ! I think the same (variegated form of C. fallax) as in MS, April,2014/04 Colocasia sp. for id This is not C. fallax… this appears to be C. affinis var. jenningsii (with the caveat that it may be a different species than C. affinis Deva & Naithani 1985) Caladium for ID : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Got this recently from a nursery where they have called it Caladium bicolour and also said it’s medicinal. Wanted to reconfirm. It is Maranta leuconeura kerchoveana. Thank you very much. Is it medicinal? No idea … I do have some Maranta’s and this one looks different. More like a Caladium. This is Colocasia fallax Schott. Appears like Princess Taro ‘Jenningsii’ (Colocasia affinis) as per Is it Colocasia heterochroma??? It looks more like Colocasia affinis and Colocasia heterochroma. I would rate this as C. affinis var. jenningsii, especially since it is circulating as an ornamental in a nursery. . Araceae ID from Nepal- 1: 1 image. Segregating clubbed posts due to same subject: ID PLZ Chitwan National Park, Nepal Please check Seems ornamenta Colocasia Jenningsii or similar Maybe Colocasia affinis var. jenningsii as suggested by … But the top view of the image is not sufficient for id. These variegated Colocasia spp. are really difficult to identify based only on the variegation. This is likely C. affinis as suggested, but both C. fallax and C. affinis are variable in their display of variegation, and we need to consider the possibility of as yet undescribed species also having similar variegation. . References: |
Colocasia affinis
Updated on December 24, 2024