Conyza bonariensis

Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist, Bull. Torrey Club 70 1943. (syn: Aster ambiguus (DC.) E.H.L.Krause; Conyza ambigua DC.Conyza crispa (Pourret) Rupr.; Erigeron bonariensis L.; Erigeron linifolius Willd. ….);
fleabane, hairy horseweed, flax-leaf fleabane, wavy leaf fleabane, rough conyza, Argentine fleabane;
As per efi thread:

1a. Plants usually shorter than 50 cm; lateral branches equalling or overtopping main axis; heads 5-8 mm across; ray corolla shorter than 0.3 mm; fruiting head 8-10 mm across, pappus 3-4 mm long; lower leaves linear-lanceolate, upper linear ……….. Conyza bonariensis
1b. Plants usually taller than 50 cm; lateral branches shorter than main axis; heads less than 6 mm across; lower leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, upper linear- lanceolate ………. (2) 
2a. Ray corolla shorter than 0.3 mm; heads 4-6 mm across; ruiting head 7-8 mm across, pappus 3-4 mm long; lower leaves oblanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate; plants densely hairy, phyllaries short hairy ……… Conyza sumatrensis
2b. Ray corolla 0.3-1 mm long; heads 2-4 mm across; fruiting head 5-6 mm across, pappus 2-3 mm long; leaves lanceolate; plants sparsely hairy; phyllaries with few long hairs ………… Conyza canadensis

Conyza bonariensis from my fields Lohari Panipatcommon small herbaceous weed in roadside areas and along wheat fields


Small flowered conyza species: 1. Conyza bonariensis:

Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 70: 632. 1943 syn: Erigeron bonariensis L; Erigeron linifolius Willd.

It is quite common to find small flowered (rather small headed) species of Conyza throughout India along roadsides and wastelands. They are much more commoner in temperate climates. During my last visit to Kashmir I found that larger headed of the two, more robust, long hairy and low growing Conyza bonariensis (syn: Erigeron linifolius) had come in flowering and more delicate with smaller heads, taller with branching in the upper part Conyza canadensis came up to flowering towards end of June. This year with extended stay in Kashmir i found that by middle of july another very tall often growing to the height of 1-2 m, much more robust plant had come up and started flowering, but by the time C. canadensis had almost started to disappear. Initially I thought this to be late flowering population of Conyza canadensis, but when It came to flowering in August I discovered that it was very distinct from Conyza canadensis in robust habit, broader leaves, larger heads and phyllaries with much shorter hairs. It was finally identified as Conyza albida now correctly known as Conyza sumatrensis, a species often confused with the other two. Here is the key to separate them

1a. Plants usually shorter than 50 cm; lateral branches equalling or overtopping main axis; heads 5-8 mm across; ray corolla shorter than 0.3 mm; fruiting head 8-10 mm across, pappus 3-4 mm long; lower leaves linear-lanceolate, upper linear……..Conyza bonariensis

1b. Plants usually taller than 50 cm; lateral branches shorter than main axis; heads less than 6 mm across; lower leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate…….. (2)

2a. Ray corolla shorter than 0.3 mm; heads 4-6 mm across; fruiting head 7-8 mm across, pappus 3-4 mm long; lower leaves oblanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate; plants densely hairy, phyllaries short hairy……….Conyza sumatrensis

2b. Ray corolla 0.3-1 mm long; heads 2-4 mm across; fruiting head 5-6 mm across, pappus 2-3 mm long; leaves lanceolate; plants sparsely hairy; phyllaries with few long hairs…..Conyza Canadensis


efloraindia: 012111 BRS 243: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request.

Location: NBNP Garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore.
Date: 02.12.2011
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Herb.

may be Conyza bonariensis? but please wait for expert comments

Yes, This looks like Conyza bonariensis, though a shot of the basal leaves should have been decisive.


identifying plant:  Sir I am sending you some photos of a plant. Please help me to
identify this plant.

Place : Ambala Cantt
Month : December
Habitat : Roadside and garden
Habit : Erect , green
Height : About 2.5 feet
Leaves : Long , narrow , pointed
Stem : Green

Yes as … suggested it is Conyza bonariensis to me also

VOF: Asteraceae sp5 at Joshimath:  One more Asteraceae sp. from Joshimath.
Date/Time: 06-08-2012 / 11:10AM

Looks very close to Conyza bonariensis…..

Yes Conyza bonariensis



Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 251012 : AK-1: A small wild plant commonly found.

Pictures taken on 15/4/2010 in our Nasik home garden.
Height of plant around a foot.
White flowers suggesting Asteraceae.

Id please.

Looks like Conyza bonariensis

Thank you for the id.

Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 70: 632. 1943
syn: Erigeron bonariensis L; Erigeron linifolius Willd.
It is quite common to find small flowered (rather small headed) species of Conyza throughout India along roadsides and wastelands. They are much more commoner in temperate climates. During my last visit to Kashmir I found that larger headed of the two, more robust, long hairy and low growing Conyza bonariensis (syn: Erigeron linifolius) had come in flowering and more delicate with smaller heads, taller with branching in the upper part Conyza canadensis came up to flowering towards end of June. This year with extended stay in Kashmir i found that by middle of july another very tall often growing to the height of 1-2 m, much more robust plant had come up and started flowering, but by the time C. canadensis had almost started to disappear. Initially I thought this to be late flowering population of Conyza canadensis, but when It came to flowering in August I discovered that it was very distinct from Conyza canadensis in robust habit, broader leaves, larger heads and phyllaries with much shorter hairs. It was finally identified as Conyza albida now correctly known as Conyza sumatrensis, a species often confused with the other two. Here is the key to separate them
1a. Plants usually shorter than 50 cm; lateral branches equalling or overtopping main axis; heads 5-8 mm across; ray corolla shorter than 0.3 mm; fruiting head 8-10 mm across, pappus 3-4 mm long; lower leaves linear-lanceolate, upper linear……..Conyza bonariensis
1b. Plants usually taller than 50 cm; lateral branches shorter than main axis; heads less than 6 mm across; lower leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate…… (2)
2a. Ray corolla shorter than 0.3 mm; heads 4-6 mm across; fruiting head 7-8 mm across, pappus 3-4 mm long; lower leaves oblanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate; plants densely hairy, phyllaries short  hairy………Conyza sumatrensis
2b. Ray corolla 0.3-1 mm long; heads 2-4 mm across; fruiting head 5-6 mm across, pappus 2-3 mm long; leaves lanceolate; plants sparsely hairy; phyllaries with few long hairs……..Conyza canadensis 

Asteraceae sp. from Joshimath.
Bot. name: Conyza bonariensis
Date/Time: 06-08-2012 / 11:10AM

Yes …


Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads:Erigeron bonariensis from Kaithal- NS 59 : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors.

This very common weed was shot from my village in Kaithal, HaryanaErigeron bonariensis… hopefully I am right..

Yes … Good photographs.

Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist [=Erigeron bonariensis L.] is a very common weed throughout India.
Here photographed in Pantnagar Uttarakhand.


Wild Weed For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 211213 : AK-28 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.

A weed seen growing wild inside the garden.

Conyza species?

Conyza bonariensis?

Conyza bonariensis I suppose

Thanks for confirming.


I need id assistance for following plants collected from JNU New Campus Forest, New Delhi. Date: 27.04.2015

Seems like Eclipta prostrata (alba)

This looks to be Conyza bonariensis..

Need id assistance for JNU Plant : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

I need id assistance for the following image belonging to Asteraceae member
Date of Collection: 13th April 2015
Locality : JNU New Campus, New Delhi

Not very clear but perhaps Conyza bonariensis

yes of course picture is too dark and somewhat fuzzy

Thank you sir for your correct id assistance although the image was not clear.


Fwd: MS/07/2017/1 : ID of a plant. : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)

Please identify the plant, a weed /ornamental grown in some body’s house. Sent from one of my friends. The photographs are not clear.

I think Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist as per comparative images at Conyza 

Thanks … For me the ID is correct and take it to label the picture.

SK789 11 OCT-2017:ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Location :  Tatopani, Pokhara, Nepal
Date : 12 April  2017
Elavation : 5000 ft.

Pl. check with images at 

Date/Time- AUGUST 2018
Plant Habit-  Herb 
Height/Length- 1-1.5 FEET MAX

A Conyza sp. of Asteraceae?

Kindly check for Gamochaeta sp. of Asteraceae

It looks very close to Conyza canadensis of Asteraceae in my view.

Does not seem to match with any species as per comparative images at Gnaphalieae

Thanks, …, for initial id.
I think more closer to images at Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist than those at Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist

Please help to id this Compositae found as roadside weed in Ooty, The Nilgiris.

Date/Time- 18-04-2011 / 03:00 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.2100asl; Ooty, TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- roadside fence
Plant Habit-erect herb
Height/Length- c. 25 cm long
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.6 x 2 cm
Inflorescence Type/ Size- terminal heads
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- yellowish-creamy; c. 0.3 cm across

– I think Conyza bonariensis (syn: Erigeron bonariensis; E. linifolius)

– Many thanks .., this Tropical American herb is Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist


Kalatope id al120611: An id for this weed please..

Location Kalatope, Chamba
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Altitude 2100 mts
Height 36 inches approx.


Asteraceae uid1: Sending last photos for today, herb aromatic in waste places, heads yellow, collected from Pantnagar, uttarakhand

confused between Conyza canadensis, stricta, japonica ?

I doubt they are two photographs of the same plant. The first one from leaves looks like Vernonia cinerea (but should have pink heads), the secomd may well be Conyza bonariensis.  You may please recheck

These photographs are of same plant and I think it may be Conyza bonariensis as suggested by you.

Same plant in both the pictures. This plant is Conyza bonariensis of Compositae. I posted earlier for identification and please check on: efi thread

I too think that this is Conyza bonariensis (Asteraceae)

I have a humble request to all that while taking pictures of herbs please take at least one picture to show the entire plant and its near surroundings. This would sometimes help in easy id. Please check the link provided by .. efi thread
of the same species. The leaves that are aggregated at the base is also a key character for this species.

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Plant
Height/Length-about 1.5 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- yellow buds
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-i think brown seeds

Conyza bonariensis, a common weed, native to America.
Flowers in Israel

Thank you … for almost a spot identification.
After looking on the net I found the following info and was shocked to know its medicinal use. I am surprised to learn that most of the wild plants have infact a great deal of medicinal value

efloraindia: 220911 BRS 41:  Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id.

Date/Time-Location- July, 2011
Place, Altitude, GPS- NBNP Garden, (640 MSL), Coimbatore Dist.,
Plant Habit-  Shrub?

yes…one of the five flea-banes used in various herbal medicinal traditions… with mixed enthusiasms over the centuries and continents… MY question is this  a pl480 import or is it native to India?


210312::wild::Sl. No.-3: Date/Time- 11th March, 2012

Location- Place- Merrut

Habitat- Wild

Plant Habit- shrub

Height- 50cm



I was going through my old pictures.
Found this one. Looks like a herb 3-4 feet in height.
Some blumea?

Erigeron bonariensis syn. Conyza bonariensis ?

Yes, it resembles sir,

Yes, may be as per comparative images at Conyza


ID verification : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- 1mb each.
I will be thankful if you could suggest/verified the ID of the attached species.
Location- Rajgir town, Nalanda (Bihar)
Annual herb
Date-  02 June 2020

Yes, it is Erigeron bonariensis..

Yrs, …


SD036 plant ID assistance : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Clicked in mid July, Najafgarh, Delhi

Erigeron bonariensis L. Syn : Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. ???

Thanks, …, for the id.
Yes, appears close to Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist as per comparative images at Conyza

Main difference from Conzya sumatrensis is that Conzya bonariensis (L.) is a shorter plant, and its lateral branches are taller or equal to the main axis. Am I right?
My images do not show this difference, so how do we arrive at the conclusion that it is Conzya bonariensis? What are the other key differentiators you can see in my images, …?

Yes it is Conyza bonariensis

If you observe the images at Conyza sumatrensis and Conyza bonariensis, you can see the differences.


Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 21APR21 : AK-11: 4 images.
Wild plant seen in a grassland.

Erigeron bonariensis,


I’d plz Asteraceae plants: 1 high res. image.
I’d plz

Location : Porbandar, Gujarat
Date : 21/12/2021
Form : herb
Family Asteraceae

Check with Conyza

I hope conyza bonariensis

Erigeron bonariensis L. looks good …!


Updated on December 24, 2024

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