Melanthera biflora (L.) Wild, Kirkia 5: 4. 1965 4 1965. (syn: Acmella biflora (L.) Spreng.; Anthemiopsis macrophylla Bojer ex DC.; Buphthalmum australe Spreng.; Eclipta scabriuscula Wall. [Invalid]; Niebuhria biflora (L.) Britten; Spilanthes peregrina Blanco; Stemmodontia biflora W.Wight (Unresolved); Stemmodontia canescens W.Wight (Unresolved); Verbesina aquatilis Burm.; Verbesina argentea Gaudich.; Verbesina biflora L. .; Verbesina canescens Gaudich.; Verbesina strigulosa Gaudich.; Wedelia argentea (Gaudich.) Merr.; Wedelia aristata Less.; Wedelia biflora var. canescens Fosberg ..; Wedelia canescens (Gaudich.) Merr.; Wedelia chamissonis Less.; Wedelia glabrata (DC.) Boerl.; Wedelia rechingeriana Muschl. (unresolved); Wedelia scabriuscula (DC.) Engl. ex K.Schum.; Wedelia strigulosa (Gaudich.) K.Schum.; Wedelia tiliifolia Rechinger & Muschl. (unresolved); Wollastonia canescens DC.; Wollastonia glabrata DC.; Wollastonia insularis DC.; Wollastonia scabriuscula DC. ex Decne. .; Wollastonia strigulosa DC. ex Decne. (unresolved); Wollastonia zanzibarensis DC.); . Melanthera biflora,[4] also known as sea daisy, beach daisy and sea ox-eye, (Hindi: Bhringaraaja; Malay: Serunai laut, Pokok serunai; Fijian: Kovekove, Sekava; Maldivian: Mirihi; Samoan: Ateate; Thai: เบญจมาศน้ำเค็ม or ผักคราดทะเล;[5] Tongan: Ate), is a species of flowering plant in the aster family. It is a scandent, rough-looking and fast-growing plant with a wide distribution. . Wedelia biflora : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Flowers of Wedelia biflora . Wedelia trilobata??? Tanay : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Is this plant Wedelia trilobata ?? Found growing in a garden Not sure, … The leaves look different. I am uploading mine separately. Can it be Guizotia abyssinica (but its an erect herb, cultivated for oil seeds)? or any other species of Wedelia? But certainly not Wedelia triloba. I also dont think this is Wedellia trilobata this was growing in a garden as a creeper just like people grow W trilobata Please explore Melanthera biflora (syn: Verbesina biflora; Wedelia biflora). Eflora of Taiwan gives 4 varieties. looks very close to Wedelia biflora I have also compared the photograph with Wedelia biflora. I also think it may be Wedelia biflora ? Agree with … id. Flower for ID. : Attachments (2). 16 posts by 7 authors. ID of this flowers please? Shot at Pattambi, Kerala – June 2010. Could be Wedelia chinensis, but not very sure Wedelia chinensis is the call from me too !! Please check with Wedelia trilobata … commonly spreading weed in Tamil Nadu. Wedelia chinensis. The leaves of W. trilobata are quite distinct, three-lobed with broadly winged base. I am uploading W. trilobata for reference. Could it be Guizotia abyssinica ? Guizotia abyssinica looks good. I think more closer to Melanthera biflora . Identification of Asteraceae member : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors. Pl. id the attached Jpeg image of the family compositae Locality: moist places of Barasat Road side (Plane area), West Bengal Date: 1.7.2013 I may be totally wrong, yet this seems to be a Verbesina (Wedelia) species, for its broad campanulate involucre. Please check –
Another possibility can be Tithonia species as in It is again Melanthera biflora (L.) Wild = Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC, Sir ji. Please note the phyllaries in the attached picture (magnified) you will see (very faint though, but one is recurved) outer phyllaries are elliptic; as in the illustration by Wight (TOP LEFT CAPITULUM ) – inner phyllaries are triangular-ovate.(KEW).. Leaf,, only single one uploaded in the thread which is not desirable in most of the asteraceae, is deltoid, can e compared with another illustration and GBIF specimen – Wedelia urticaefolia? Synedrella nodiflora ?? Side view for calyx is required. Not Wedelia urticifolia as per images herein. Pl. see three closely related species, out of which one may be yours: If it is reported in Bangladesh, it may be W. urticaeolia DC = W. wallichii Less of Bengal Plants & FBI = POWO But If it is shrubby climber from coastal area, it is most likely W. scandens Clarke of BP = W. biflora DC of FBI = POWO This is suggestion only, based on your single picture without any description or detailed features I have doubts about both of these. It would have been better if you expressed your reason behind your doubt. Since you doubt both the IDs it’s ok with me. I checked your links along with other resources on net and on efloraofindia and gave my views. You are right in asking for reasons, which I could not give due shortage of time. btw, A question was raised, and … replied- efi thread If it weren’t you I wouldn’t think twice! Yes, you are correct (you often do, but not always!!). But, before you rejoice, think of it – (1) If I consider KEW as an authentic site for information Wedelia wallichii Less. = Wedelia urticifolia DC. = Lipoblepharis urticifolia subsp. urticifolia is Native to: Assam, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Jawa, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Northern Territory, Thailand, Vietnam (no mention of India, meaning Central, Western & Southern India. and KEW considers Asam is outside of India !!!) (2) If I consider KEW as an authentic site for information Wedelia biflora C.B.Clarke = Indocypraea montana (Blume) Orchard is Native to: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, Jawa, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam (no mention of India, meaning Central, Western & Southern India. and KEW considers Asam is outside of India !!!) And, finally, yes, I was wrong, you are correct, it is none of the above; this is most probably –Wedelia biflora (L.) DC. = (illustrations) Melanthera biflora (L.) Wild = Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC. is Native to: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Bismarck Archipelago, Cambodia, Caroline Is., Chagos Archipelago, China South-Central, China Southeast, Christmas I., Cocos (Keeling) Is., Comoros, Cook Is., Fiji, Gilbert Is., Hainan, India, Jawa, Kazan-retto, KwaZulu-Natal, Laos, Malaya, Maldives, Marianas, Marshall Is., Mozambique, Mozambique Channel I, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New South Wales, Nicobar Is., Niue, Norfolk Is., Northern Territory, Ogasawara-shoto, Philippines, Queensland, Samoa, South China Sea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Tonga, Tubuai Is., Tuvalu, Vietnam, Wallis-Futuna Is. Yes, Sir ji, I understand, that is why I rechecked, without waiting for your reply mail . In future I won’t press for “reasons” I apologize, I know eFI is your dream project and I also want to be a part of this project (that is why I have returned and remain here,, spending resources for hours). Thanks, …, for the understanding. How about Wollastonia biflora as per FOI and POWO ? I sent this mail, in the morning at 6.47 AM/, Oh, Yes. I do not know how I missed it. It’s your expertise, Sir ji, i salute you In fact, we should name you as ‘The Great Investigator’. Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) ::Wedelia sp??? at Andaman & Nicobar ::PKA60 :: : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. This herb was spotted in Wild near Elephanta Beach (Andaman & Nicobar– Havelok). Could this be some Wedelia sp.. Date/Time: 19-12-2010 / 01:20PM. Sphagneticola calendulacea (L.) Pruski I think looks different as per images at Sphagneticola calendulacea Some member from Heliantheae, but not getting upto the species. It is possible that it may be Indocypraea montana as per Research Gate. But not getting sure as per GBIF specimens from India– one, two Finally I think it may be Wollastonia biflora as per FOI and POWO.
I don’t know if there is more to the above list. eFI features the 2nd one of the above list, i.e. Lipoblepharis urticifolia subsp. urticifolia = Wedelia urticifolia DC.- (But KEW doesn’t recognise its presence in Cetntral-Western-Southern-Eastern India, except North-East). I am uncertain if this specimen from Andaman can be Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC., because IMG_2068 clearly shows different phillaries than the KEW specimen from Sri Lanka, which is similar to Wight Plate number 1. This specimen has only one type of phyllary – ovate-lanceolate; which maybe similar to – Please check if any of no.1 and no.2 of the list above can be found in Andaman-Nicobar. 4 attachments Thanks, … CoL and FoPI gives distribution of Wedelia urticifolia (Bl.) DC. along with many book references in FoPI. Also posted plant looks different from those at Wedelia urticifolia (Herb with solitary heads as per FoPI) As per keys in Flora of Udupi, Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC. is a scandent shrub and heads three together at the end, while others (Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis) are herbs with solitary heads. Posted plant appears more like a shrub and looks different from images at Wedelia urticifolia To me plant appears to be Wollastonia biflora only as per GBIF specimens from India– one and two (both from Andamans) Yes, Sir, I missed the head count. But I didn’t miss the presence of epicalyx like bracts (phyllaries) at the base of KEW-specimen capitulum (of W. biflora) which are invisible in the uploaded specimen. .
Please check Asteraceae : Yes, it definitely looks like Asteraceae. But can anybody help with the species name? I checked a few of them, but Asteraceae family is too big to check flowers individually. Difficult for me to ID. Closest I could go is Pl. check Thank you … The leaves and flowers definitely look like those of Melanthera biflora.
Thank you very much, …
. References: |
Melanthera biflora
Updated on March 14, 2025