Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Klotzsch & Garcke, Bot. Ergebn. Reise Waldemar: 32 (1862) (syn: Ephedra gerardiana var. congesta C.Y.Cheng); . Afghanistan to SW. Siberia and W. Nepal: Afghanistan, Altay, Nepal, Pakistan, Qinghai, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Tuva, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO; . Common name: Somlata, Gerard Jointfir • Hindi: Ain, Khanta, सोमलता Somlata • Ladakhi: ཆེཔཏ Chhepat, སོམlཏཱ Somlata • Malayalam: Buchchur • Sanskrit: सोमा Soma, सोमलता Somlata ; . VoF: Ephedraceae – Ephedra gerardiana Wallich ex C. A. Meyer: No image seen now. Ephedra gerardiana Wallich ex C. A. Meyer, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. Sci. Nat. 5: 292 [Vers. Monogr. Gatt. Ephedra 102]. 1846. Family: EPHEDRACEAE A gymnosperm found around the rocks exposed to sun. Not so common. Gymnosperms fortnight :: Ephedra gerardiana from Paddar valley SKR09: Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Ephedra gerardiana from Paddar valley J&K. I hope same as in earlier post Re: [efloraofindia:176580] Gymnosperms fortnight ::Ephedra gerardia from Paddar valley SKR09 : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author. Gymnosperm Fortnight: Ephedra gerardiana: 121213: GSG-03 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Ephedra gerardiana, ‘Somlata’, photographed from Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh Can it be Ephedra intermedia Schrenk & C.A.Mey. as per differences at Ephedra intermedia vs Ephedra gerardiana and as per POWO and GBIF specimens unlike those of Ephedra gerardiana at POWO and GBIF specimens? GYNMOSPERM FORTNIGHT (1-14 Dec2013): Ephedra sp for ID from Uttarakhand_DSR_20 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. This Ephedra species was shot near Badrinath at an altitude of 3400m. It was growing on a rock crevice on almost vertical slope. Ephedra species in efi Appears to be Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf as per comparative images in efi at Ephedra Thank you … Now taking it as Ephedra gerardiana. Can it be Ephedra intermedia Schrenk & C.A.Mey. as per differences at Ephedra intermedia vs Ephedra gerardiana and as per POWO and GBIF specimens unlike those of Ephedra gerardiana at POWO and GBIF specimens? Great picture, as always. As per literature, male strobili of E. intermedia are said to be 6-12 mm long and 6-8mm wide as compared to that of E. gerardiana (5-6×3-4mm). Should it be E. intermedia or E. gerardiana ? To me it looks like E. gerardiana….:) Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf (accepted name) ??? : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Jomsom, Mustang, Nepal Altitude: 9200 ft. Date: 21 April 2013 Very nice images of male plant, showing strobilii.. thanks … Nepali Names : सोमलता Somalataa / कागचरो Kaagacharo I feel it may be Ephedra intermedia Schrenk & C.A.Mey. as per differences at Ephedra intermedia vs Ephedra gerardiana and as per POWO and GBIF specimens unlike those of Ephedra gerardiana at POWO and GBIF specimens. Yes, it is an accepted name, … However, correct authority is E. gerardiana Wall. ex Klotz. & Garcke. Fwd: id? : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) – 2 MB. May I request you to pl. let us know where & when was it clicked ? Pl. check at /species/a—l/e/ephedraceae In particular /species/a—l/e/ephedraceae/ephedra/ephedra-gerardiana . . References: POWO The Plant List GRIN Flora of China Flora of Pakistan & Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (Author citation different from The Plant List & GRIN) |
Ephedra gerardiana
Updated on December 24, 2024