Euphorbia indica

S. Iran to Indo-China as per WCSP;
Afghanistan; Aldabra; Angola; Assam; Bangladesh; Botswana; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Ethiopia; Gulf States; India; Iran; Iraq; Malawi; Maldives; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Saudi Arabia; Socotra; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Thailand; Transcaucasus; West Himalaya; Zambia; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of life;
In E. rosea two limbs of glands are larger and elongate, whereas in E. indica all limbs of glands are of equal size;
In Euphorbia hypericifolia, the leaves are longer, lanceolate and narrowed towards apex. In E. indica the leaves are oblong and shorter;
In E. hypericifolia the leaves are narrowed towards upper portion and the stems are erect and unbranched, whereas in E. indica, the stems are decumbent and branched from base;

Request for ID : 010611 : AK-3: Taken at a nursery in Nasik, Maharashtra growing wild….
on the 28th of Feb, 2011.
A very tiny plant.
Euphorbia sp?

Euphorbia indica Lam.

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Euphorbia indica L. from Uttarakhand_DSR_18 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Euphorbia indica L. is a less common than E.hirta in Pantnagar. From a distance both looks similar but on closer look can be differentiated easily.

Thank you very much … for this upload. I am getting a feeling I may have mixed up some (or perhaps all) of my sightings with E. hypericifolia.

This Euphorbia was shot from mid hills of Uttarakhand (1500m, near Joshimath, Chamoli) and resemble to E.rosea. But E.rosea and E.indica (earlier posted by me)
seems very closely related, at least when compared in photos. Therefore, I am doubtful about its identity.
The experts please help in determining the correct ID.

Interesting upload, myself more confused, E. rosea, E. hypericifolia, E. indica look alike in pics..hope to get things resolved..

This is Euphorbia indica Lam. In E. rosea two limbs of glands are larger and elongate, whereas in E. indica all limbs of glands are of equal size. In your specimen, all pink limbs of glands are of the same size.

Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbiaceae Herb for ID::AVD02 : Attachments (7). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Please help me identify this herb. Probably a Euphorbia sp.
Have attached multiple images.
Habit: erect herb, 10 cm high
Leaves: Finely serrate margins.
Flowers: less than 3 mm. White.
Fruits: Globose smooth.

… to me looks like Euphorbia hypericifolia.
Let us wait for comments.

efi page on Euphorbia hypericifolia

On further inspection this seems to be Euphorbia indica Lam.

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT :: Euphorbia erythroclada :: SMP 29 : 1 image. 2 posts by 2 authors.
This species was earlier IDed as possibly Euphorbia erythroclada.
Will get some comments from the new experts

This seems to be Euphorbia indica Lam. with cyathia clustered in axillary peduncles.
In E. erythroclada, the cyathia are solitary of paired in axils, never in clusters as here. The leaves are pale greenish silvery white beneath in E. erythroclada, but the lower surface of leaves are not visible in the photo.


ID-DB-1: Photo taken on- 8.1.2009

At- Kulish smiriti van, jaipur

This is a species of Euphorbia possibly E.parviflora locally called Gulabi Dudhi.

Euphorbia parviflora. Compare with the link below.

This is Euphorbia indica Lam. E.parviflora is one of its synonym.


Euphorbia parviflora:
My third Euphorbia species!!!! this one is very small about 20 cm. found in moist soil in forest undergrowth 28/11/2012 Yeoor, Thane (SGNP)
Euphorbia parviflora (E.hypercifolia) family:- (Euphorbiaceae) गुलाबी दुधी.

Euphorbia parviflora auct. non L. sensu Hook.f., FBI 5: 250 is Euphorbia indica L.
The photographs here belongs to E. indica L.

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT : RVS-2 :  2 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Euphorbia sp.
Collected from: Shimla, HP.
Please ID this plant…

This is Euphorbia indica Lam.



Euphorbia parviflora : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
My third Euphorbia species!!!! this one is very small about 20 cm. found in moist soil in forest undergrowth 28/11/2012 Yeoor, Thane(SGNP)
Euphorbia parviflora (E.hypercifolia) family:- (Euphorbiaceae) गुलाबी दुधी.

Euphorbia parviflora auct. non L. sensu Hook.f., FBI 5: 250 is Euphorbia indica L.
The photographs here belongs to E. indica L.


EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Euphorbia hypericifolia for validation from Panipat NS-68 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
I hope this one is rightly identified as Chamaesyce hypericifolia.. this was shot from Panipat.. please give your opinion..

This is Euphorbia indica Lam. In E. hypericifolia the leaves are narrowed towards upper portion and the stems are erect and unbranched, whereas in E. indica, the stems are decumbent and branched from base.

Images by Nidhah Singh – Id by N.P.Balakrishnan


EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Euphorbia to id from Morni Hills-42 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
I do not know where to place these pics.. please let me know if they can be Euphorbia rosea…. or E. hypericifolia
Recorded from Morni Hills in Haryana Siwaliks.. sorry for I could not take better pics..

In E. rosea the limbs of glands are of unequal size, two limbs longer and larger than the other three.
In the photos here, I find all limbs of glands are of the same size. Therefore this plant fits into Euphorbia indica Lam.

Thank you very much … for this concluding remark and information….

26082017BHAR1 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 MB each.
Found commonly in near by places of Chennai.

Euphorbia species. Also check for the latest nomenclature.

Pl. check comparative images at Euphorbia page in efi site.

Mostly it could be a subspecies or a variety of E.hirta

Chamaesyce hypericifolia

Chamaesyce hypericifolia attached.
I newly captured it that is different from Euphorbia Indica.
C. hypericifolia leaves are fully green and bigger than that of E. Indica.
Any how thanks for introducing Chamaesyce hypericifolia.

This plant is Euphorbia indica

SK 2224 16 October 2019 : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) – 2 mb each.
Location: Pharping, Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 1690 m.
Date: 14 September 2019
Habit : Wild
Euphorbia hypericifolia L. ?

Attachments (2)- 2 mb and 3 mb.

So it seems to me. There are species…

E. hypericifolia 
E. hyssopifolia
E. indica 
E. nutans 
E. deccanensis
and even E. hirta
(and there might be others) …… times all look similar !!

Not listed in Nepal:

E. hyssopifolia
E. nutans
E. deccanensis
Not matching to E. hirta !
According to elevation looks like matching with Euphorbia indica Lam.
By the way ACFPoN says Euphorbia indica Lam. is the synonym for Euphorbia parviflora L. but all other sites listed them separately.

In an earlier post few days ago point was discussed as E. indica is hairy plant. I tried to look but specimen looked glabrous. Leaves on the other hand are not classic E. hypericifolia. Let us wait for more opinions.

Sure …

Based on the prostrate-decumbent nature and sparse hairiness of leaves and stems, this plant appears more likely to be Euphorbia indica Lam.
E. hypericifolia, E. hyssopifolia and E. indica are all closely related and it is very difficult to clearly demarcate them from photographs.
These species should be subjected to molecular studies to understand their relationships.

Thank you … for saying this. Exactly my point. not all plants can be identified based on a few digital photographs. many need further details from dissections and photomicrography. others may need chromatography or other chemical analysis and still others need molecular DNA/RNA analysis i.e. genetic studies.

Very true but मेरे बस कि बात नहिँ😁😂!

true, my sympathies. … but
current state of citizen science requires//demands instant gratification, even down to not only species level, but to cultivar or var. level. we see it here everyday.
I shudder to recall what happens in other groups where the membership revels in passing whats app pictures for definitive ID… at least we don’t do it, nor do we encourage it.
we have a more serious goal… ask …, and look at his dedication, and …
current state of citizen science requires//demands instant gratification, even down to not only species level, but to cultivar or var. level. that bothers me and irks me… no end

but what do. we are living in a world not of Pliny or Darwin, or Newton who had luxury of pondering ideas, to sit under a tree or to sail around the world and think…

do you read Pliny the elder’s nature essays? or Darwin or …..

No !

Plant identification : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)-1 mb each.
Please help to identify this plant.
Location-Kurud, Chhattisgarh
Date-22 Oct.2019

Euphorbia sp. Please check Euphorbia !
E. hypericifolia or indica !

Surface looks hairy, so E. indica would be my guess.

This is Euphorbia indica Lam., a common weed throughout India.

E. hypericifolia L., has longer leaves, which are glabrous and narrowed towards the upper part; the plants are erect, decumbent, stems are reddish and stiff; the petaloid appendages of glands are larger

Sorry, I am not speaking in proper language here.

In a previous post it was pointed out that a similar looking species, E. hyssopifolia is recognised by a tiny leaf like structure on peduncle below bunch of Cyathia. After that post I kept looking on all specimen I came across … and I found that tiny leaf in all specimen, which I think were E. hypericifolia and E. indica. If there was any E. hyssopifolia, I did not recognise.
These are what I recognise as E. hypericifolia … by the way they can grow up to 4 feet tall, much branched…that tiny leaf is there …petal like appendages are large.
These are what I Think as E. indica
…hairy. There are subtending tiny ‘leaves’ below inflorescence. This too shows erect posture with branching … taller than 2 feet I have seen in sugarcane plantations where it grows undisturbed.

[Efloraofindia_ Euphorbia thymifolia_291111PD01_ Flora of Orissa]: sending the photograph of Euphorbia thymifolia from Ranpur
Name of the species: Euphorbia thymifolia
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, orissa
Habit: prostrate herb
Habitat: Wild, along scrub forests and in rice fields
Altitude: 200 m above msl

This is my first sighting of the flowers of E.thymifolia. Its also a very useful medicinal plant. Interestinglly when i went their again to collect a super macro close up of the flower, i did not found the whole population. It means its been collected from the wild frequently as and where found in orissa.

Oh that would have been nice. I like all theses Chamaesyce thymifolia, C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia prostrata and E.hirta plants with their cute leaves flowers and fruits. They intrigue me a lot.

To me appears close to Euphorbia serpens
Pl. confirm.

It looks like E.hyssopifolia

Not E. serpens nor E. thymifolia. Likely an odd-looking E. indica with long appendages, but hard me to say. E. corrigioloides is similar but that is out of range.

Yes it is Euphorbia indica


14-08-2010: Thakurwadi (Base of Prabalgad fort, Panvel region);Euphorbia sp? 150810-PKA2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


For species identification: 4 images.

Please help me to identify the Euphorbia sp.
Plant is a prostrate herb, seen near the seashore. 
Photo attached taken during March 2021
From Vizhinjam, Kerala, India.

Check for Chamaesyce prostrata ???  Cannot confirm as I cannot see  the details of the floral parts etc. You may also post the habit photo for proper ID.

It could be either E. thymifolia or E. prostrata. The differences between them are as follows:
1a. Stems and leaves dark green; fruits acutely keeled on cocci with hairs restricted to the keels only; seeds distinctly 4 or 5-furrowed on facets. …       E. prostrata
1b. Stems and leaves green or reddish tinged; fruits obtusely keeled and evenly appressed hispid  throughout; seeds 2 – 3-furrowed on facets…….       E. thymifolia
Please check the live plants for the above characteristics. They are not clear in the photographs.

May I request you to pl. post a high resolution image along with a habit image, to correctly determine the id.

To me appears different from both Euphorbia thymifolia and Euphorbia prostrata
May I request you to pl. post a high resolution image along with a habit image, to correctly determine the id.

I will post some pictures collected in the same day. I will collect some more once the lock down is over. Now I am residing around 100km away from the place.
3 high res. images.

To me appears close to Euphorbia indica Lam. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Euphorbia.

I too agree with you … for Indica

I am posting some more clear pictures for identification
8 images.

I think id as Euphorbia indica Lam. is OK.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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