Bauhinia purpurea L. (Syn: Bauhinia castrata Blanco; Bauhinia coromandeliana DC.; Bauhinia platyphylla Zipp. ex Spanoghe; Bauhinia platyphylla Span.; Bauhinia purpurea var. corneri de Wit; Bauhinia purpurea var. violacea de Wit; Bauhinia rosea Corner; Bauhinia triandra Roxb.; Bauhinia violacea Corner; Caspareopsis purpurea (L.) Pittier; Phanera purpurea (L.) Benth.); . butterfly tree, orchid tree, purple bauhinia • Assamese: kurial, kanchan, og-yok • Bengali: koiral, রক্তকাঞ্চন raktakanchana • Garo: megong • Gujarati: દેવકંચન devkanchan • Hindi: कांचन kanchan, लाल कचनार lal kachnar, केवनार kevnar • Kannada: devakanchan, kanjivala, kempu mandaara • Khasi: dieng long • Malayalam: chovanna-mandaru, suvannamandaram • Manipuri: chingthao angangba • Marathi: देवकांचन devakanchan, रक्तकांचन raktakanchan • Mizoram: vaube, vaufavang • Oriya: vaube, borodo • Sanskrit: देवकांचन devakanchan, रक्तकांचन raktakanchan, रक्तकोविदार raktakovidara • Tamil: மந்தாரை mandarai, நீலத்திருவத்தி nilattiruvatti • Telugu: bodanta, దేవకాంచనము devakanjanamu, kanchanam; . baw-HIN-ee-uh — named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple . Native to: India, s-e Asia, Australia . Edible use (WILD): … flower buds and young fruits (as VEGETABLE) cooked, or pickled … tender leaves (as VEGETABLE) . Fabaceae (legume, pea, or bean family) » Bauhinia purpurea baw-HIN-ee-uh — named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple Native to: India, s-e Asia, Australia Edible use (WILD): … flower buds and young fruits (as VEGETABLE) cooked, or pickled … Plants . Flora of Haryana: Bauhinia purpurea from GMNPG College Campus Ambala Cantt Haryana: Bauhinia purpurea from GMNPG College Campus Ambala Cantt Haryana yes very nice to see the seedpods..
Sharing the images of Bauhinia purpurea from Coimbatore. Location: NBNP Garden Habitat: Garden Habit: Tree Are these photographs from the same plant.
Photographed at a private society garden in Oct and Nov 2011 Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Bauhinia variegata from Coimbatore: Pl. validate the sp. attached herewith is it Bauhinia variegata or purpurea? Leaf smaller than B. purpurea. I will upload leaf and other picture in few days. Bauhinia purpurea Stamens 3, petals narrow Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) – Bangalore – Bauhinia variegata – Mountain Ebony Tree (I amnot sure about this): The tree bark is different, buds are not very smooth but still has ridges It is Bauhinia purpurea only Note three stamens Thanks … Thats what I thought also. I read somewhere that variegata also can have 3 stamens. But the bark has knobs and blackish compared to purpurea which is more ash in color. I am never confident about saying that its a variegata in all the trees I have seen in my walking domain. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Bauhinia purpurea from Delhi: Bauhinia purpurea Linn., Sp. Pl. 375. 1753 syn: Bauhinia triand Common names: purple bauhinia, orchid-tree, butterfly-orchid-tree, butterfly-tree, camel’s-foot Hindi: Khairwal, Koliar. Beng & Mar: Deva, rakia kanchan Tel: Kanchanam Tam: Mandari Kan: Sarul Mal: Chuvanna, mundaram Medium tree with leaves rather longer than broad, 12-18 cm long, 10-15 broad, lobed 1/2 down into acute or rounded lobes, petiole 3-5 cm long; flowers 10-12 cm across, in short racemes, appearing with leaves; calyx about 3 cm long, splitting into two reflexed segments, one emarginate, another 3-toothed; petals pink, white in centre, 4-5 cm long, oblanceolate, not overlapping; stamens 3, others reduced to staminodes; pod 12-25 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick Photographed Rajouri Garden, New Delhi in October, flowering in October-November. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Bauhinia purpurea from GMN College Campus Ambala Cantt: Bauhinia purpurea I remember somebody saying about thinner petals of this species.
baw-HIN-ee-uh — named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple Dec 25, 2006 … avenue tree at Vaghbil, Thane commonly known as: butterfly tree, orchid tree, purple bauhinia • Assamese: kurial, kanchan, og-yok • Bengali: koiral, রক্তকাঞ্চন raktakanchana • Garo: megong • Gujarati: દેવકંચન devkanchan • Hindi: कांचन kanchan, लाल कचनार lal kachnar, केवनार kevnar • Kannada: devakanchan, kanjivala, kempu mandaara • Khasi: dieng long • Malayalam: chovanna-mandaru, suvannamandaram • Manipuri: chingthao angangba • Marathi: देवकांचन devakanchan, रक्तकांचन raktakanchan • Mizoram: vaube, vaufavang • Oriya: vaube, borodo • Sanskrit: देवकांचन devakanchan, रक्तकांचन raktakanchan, रक्तकोविदार raktakovidara • Tamil: மந்தாரை mandarai, நீலத்திருவத்தி nilattiruvatti • Telugu: bodanta, దేవకాంచనము devakanjanamu, kanchanam Native to: India, s-e Asia, Australia more views: Dec 1, 2007 … avenue tree at Vaghbil, Thane Oct 18, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra nice upload.. but for me its doubtful species,, flower colour look quite different from purpurea.. Colours and shades of both B. purpurea as well as B. variegata are variable. I think there should be no doubt. Flowers with leaves, narrow non-overlapping petals and 3 stamens are distinctive.
Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Bauhinia purpurea Pune: Bauhinia purpurea Flora of Haryana: Bauhinia purpurea from Safidon (Jind): Bauhinia purpurea from a roadside area in safidon Jind District. Avenue tree profusely flowering Yes … Really nice colour of flowers and good capture. Bauhinia for ID : 100112 : AK-1: The other day you were explaining the difference between Bauhinia purpurea & Bauhinia blakeana. Can you explain that to me too? Although I think this is Bauhinia purpurea, would like your confirmation. This picture is taken at Muscat,Oman. Yes Bauhinia purpurea Bauhinia blakeana is sterile (does not produce seed), and is a hybrid between Bauhinia variegata and Bauhinia purpurea. Bauhinia blakeana is the national flower of Hong Kong. Its the flower in Hong Kong flag and its is depicted in many Hong Kong coins and currency notes. Here is the mail giving differences between the three species: efi thread Bauhinia purpurea :: Hooghly, West Bengal: In continuation of my earlier post on B.blakeana I hereby present photographs of Bauhinia purpurea that i took sometimes in 2009. I hope I haven’t made any mistake in identifying the plant. Species – Bauhinia purpurea Date/Time- 11/11/2009 Location- Chanditala (Hooghly District), West Bengal Habitat- Roadside plantation Plant Habit- Tree Height- 20 ft. approx. Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- cleft relatively deeper Inflorescence Type/ Size- In short racemes Flowers Colour- Petals pink, whitish in centre Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- yet to take any photograph Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- presence of 3 stamens is an important key to identify it from B.variegata & B.blakeana ID & Info help : I copied text from earlier post by …, at efi thread Bauhinia purpurea L (?) from Guwahati.: Attaching images of what looks like Bauhinia purpurea L. Pl. confirm the ID. Date : 12.11.2012 Location: Guwahati Family : Caesalpiniaceae Genus & species : Bauhinia purpurea L (?) Habitat: Grows on roadside Habit : Tree Flower : Large Yes, this is Bauhinia purpurea. Doing a piece on Camel Foot (Bauhinia purpurea). Would anyone give me a few lines on what you like or you dont about the tree?? This is for the Hindu. Attached images are Bauhinia sp.. Please ID the sp. Date :.2013 Location: Kamrup district, Assam Family : Caesalpiniaceae Genus & species : Bauhinia sp. Habitat: Grows wild Habit : Tree Flower : White The images are of Bauhinia purpurea L. The flower buds are clavate and angled towards the apex. The flowers have 3 fertile stamens. Bauhinia for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5). please Id this Bauhinia. The photo was taken At BRD Residential Complex, New Delhi. Bauhinia purpurea I hope please ID another Bauhinia from the BRD Residential Complex, New Delhi. Bauhinia purpurea again … confirmed that both the posts belong to B. purpurea. TSPNOV2015-5: Images of Bauhinia purpurea (Fabaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Bauhinia purpurea (Fabaceae) Habit: Medium sized tree. Habitat: Cultivated. Sighting: Hassan and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 900 msl Date: 01-08-2014, 06-08-2014, 15-12-2014 and 26-07-2015
Bauhinia variegate-PC-04-22.12.2015 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) here is Bauhinia variegata from Delhi. please confirm or correct the ID. flowering plant at Nigdi Pradhikaran, Akurdi,Pune GMR 10 01 2016 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Its tall tree, so could not get close picture of flowers, dry Pod & seed were lying under the Tree, Got this link I think you are right The pictures are not very distinct. Still these are of Bauhinia purpurea L. The flower buds are clavate and angled towards apex. If … has seeds, they should be plano-convex with pale spots on the periphery. Flower for Id – ID 01112016SH1 Which Bauhinia sp. is this ? : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Flower for Id pl. Which Bauhinia sp. is this ? Location – Guwahati-Shilong Road Date – 15.10.2016 Bauhinia purpurea But …, Isn’t B.purpurea dark pink/ lavander in colour ? These flowers are almost white ! Thanks, … I also agree. But …, purpurea sp . is pink/ lavander in colour ? It comes in white colour also as in so many other species. Oh, thanks ! I was unaware. So id of this species is based on no. of stamens I suppose. Bauhinia for ID :: Mumbai :: ARKNOV18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) This Bauhinia too was seen in the Aarey forest in December 2015. Is this Bauhinia purpurea? MS Nov., 2017/08 Bauhinia glauca ? for Id/confirmation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location : Near Sairang, Mizoram Date : 22-11-2017 Habit : Large scandent shrub Habitat : Wild I think it is same as MS Nov.,2017/07 Bauhinia sp. for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Location : Near Sairang village Date : 22-11-2017 Habit : Large scandent shrub ? Habitat : Growing wild with B.glauca I think /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/bauhinia/bauhinia-purpurea I don’t think it is. B.purpurea is a middle- sized tree. Color of flowers are also not same. Sorry ! I think I am wrong. These are some photos of Bauhinia Purpuria (as per earlier post). Tree : Bauhinia Purpuria, common name Purpleorchid, Marathi रक्त कांचन , गणेश मंदार Type : Cultivated Location : Delhi, The trees with flowers are from Purana Qila, Large tree without flowers from Lotus Temple complex. Month : November 2018
A very common garden Tree for ID before putting more photos. : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) This is for identification. Type : planted Tree name : we call it Mandar (मंदार) in Marathi but could not find it on Internet Location : common at many places, This one from a park in Delhi Flowers colours : Pink, White and intermediate mix. Bauhinia pupurea most probably Yes, I agree. i agree also Kindly help in identification of this. It is a flower Local name- Bokdo flower Date-22nd November, 2018 Place-Godda, Jharkhand Pl. check To me appears close. Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Date: 31 October 2018 Elevation: 0 ft. Habit : Cultivated Which Bauhinia sp. ? Yes. Bauhinia species. But not able to pin point the species name. Bauhinia purpurea L. Bauhinia purpurea L. Thank you …!
Bauhinia puzzle Part 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Bauhinia purpurea purely white..Pl.Confirm. – efloraofindia | Google Groups Bauhinia purpurea var. alba;
Another one for ID Bauhinia.. – efloraofindia | Google Groups Re: SK 2330 19 December 2019 : 13 posts by 3 authors. 5 images- more than 5 mb each. Location: Nagarkot, Bhaktapur Date: 24 October 2019 Elevation: 1528m. Habitat: Wild Bauhinia purpurea L.?? Habit ? Bauhinia purpurea, if it is a small tree. Image 1.! Shrubby tree. Not thick trunk and tall. it is Bauhinia. Yes …! Looking for the specific ID. Stamen 3. Bauhinia purpurea Thank you … for key and validation. Nepali Names : टाँकी Taankee / रातो कोइरालो Raato Koiraalo . Id. Please: 3 + 5 images. Pictures taken in April 21 at Aambyvalley Rd.,Off Lonavala,Pune in the wild. Height about 7 ft. Bauhinia variegata Details of flowers are not clear. I feel it may be Bauhinia purpurea You may be right attaching more photos of the same plant taken today. Hope this is good for identification. Bauhinia purpurea? Yes. . MS,Aug.,2021/09 Bauhinia sp. for id.: 2 images. Sorry !! Already sent. B. purpurea. id: – Bauhinia sp. Name of the species can be identified when flower is seen This is the season for flowering of this tree. Maybe this is Bauhinia variegata as it is about to bloom in this part of the country. At least in Gwalior. – bauhinia retusa i think I think Bauhinia purpurea L. I too think Same . Bauhinia purpurea L.: 3 very high res. images. Location: Salyan, West Nepal Altitude: 1354m. Date: 30 August 2021 Habit : Wild Beautiful images. For me the ID is correct. Seen in many places in our place. . Bauhinia purpurea L.: 10 very high res. images. Location: Nagarkot, Bhaktapur Nepal Date: 04 November 2023 Altitude : 14615m. Habit : Wild . Fabaceae: Bauhinia variegata L.: 1 high res. image. No, it is not. Yes
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Bauhinia purpurea
Updated on December 24, 2024