Pterocarpus santalinus

IUCN Red List Status: Endangered (EN)
Pterocarpus santalinus L.f. (Syn: Lingoum santalinum (L.f.) Kuntze);
Red Sanders Tree or Red Sandal wood; Hindi Lalchandan, raktachandan; RaktaChandan’ ‘रक्तचंदन’ / ‘Ratanjan’ ‘रातांजन’ in Marathi;
China (U) ; India (N); Andhra Pradesh; Orissa ; Pondicherry; Tamil Nadu ; West Bengal ; Sri Lanka (I) ; Taiwan (I) as per ILDIS;
As per efi thread :
1a Leaflets 5-7, rarely 3, elliptic-oblong; wings of pods broader………………..1. P. marsupium
1b Leaflets always 3, broadly ovate-suborbicular; wings of pods narrower……2. P. santalinus





121011-MS – 53 – Pterocarpus santalinus:
Herewith enclosing the photographs of Pterocarpus santalinus A medium sized tree. Very rare in Chennai.
Perhaps seen only in GNP. Photos taken during 2008 in Guindy National park, Chennai.
Date not sure. ID  confirmation requested.

Affirmative, …. It is Pterocarpus santalinus, the Red Sanders.
‘Sandana vengai’ சந்தன வேங்கை in Tamil.
It is endemic to Andhra Pradesh (Chittoor dt.) and extensively planted by Forest dept. in the forests of TN.

Agree with … The Red Sanders tree occurs naturally only in a small area of Andhra Pradesh & adjoining parts of Tamil Nadu.
Have planted a few saplings of this on my property. Sending a photograph of the leaves of one for comparison.

I think the major portion of its wild population occurs in AP. Even though Gamble mentions its presence in the Hills of Cuddapah, S. Kurnool, N. Arcot and Chingleput, we have not come across its wild populations during our surveys in the latter two districts (of TN). The wild occurrence might be very sporadic or disappearing. What we observed in these districts were plantations, mixed or monoculture, by the FD. Wherever it is planted, it runs wild…we have seen hundreds and thousands of seedling and saplings in the plantation areas and its surroundings, espl. in Chengalpattu dt. Seed germination of red sanders seem to be very successful. But I think it is one of the slow-growing trees. I will be happy to know more about its wild occurrence in TN. Are there any recent reports or sightings?… pl share here.

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: RVS16: Pterocarpus santalinus:
Pterocarpus santalinus, the Red Sanders, from Talakona, AP.



Tree for ID – Seshachalam Hills – 04022014-NAW1 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Kindly identify this tree. photographed on the 1st Feb 2014, in the Seshachalam Hills forest by the Rayachoti-Rajampet road in Andhra Pradesh.
Tree 6-10 metres tall. rough cracked bark. leaves almost circular shiny above and lighter green below, about 7-9 cm length. seedpod circular about 4-5 cm diameter.

This is our renowned red sander tree endemic to Seshachalam range, Pterocarpus santalinus, legume family (Fabaceae), the wood is precious, forest department has established several plots of this tree. It is closely related to Vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium ) where the number of leaflets more and narrow

Good explanation. Hope every one do the same..


Pterocarpus santalinus L.f. SN May 35 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).

Pterocarpus santalinus L.f, Fabaceae,
endemic to Seshachalam Hills,
cultivated tree near Denkanikota Tamilnadu




Please Identification : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8).

Habit: Tree
Place: Bangalore University Campus, Bangalore
Date of Pic taken: 16.08.2014
I am confuse either this species is Red sandal or What? Please identify..

Yeah, its a Pterocarpus

If it is having only 3 leaflets, it is Pterocarpus santalinus, the red sandal wood.

May be it is Pterocarpus marsupium.

No it is Pterocarpus santalinus only

For identification :  4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (11).
Habit: Tree
Place: Bangalore University Campus, Bangalore
Date of Pic taken: 16.08.2014
Leaves are alternate, leaflets 3 and alternate few branches and opposite in some branches.
I am confuse either this species is Red sandal or What? Please identify..

It looks like Pterocarpus santalinus to me too.
Here is a key:
1a Leaflets 5-7, rarely 3, elliptic-oblong; wings of pods broader………………..1. P. marsupium
1b Leaflets always 3, broadly ovate-suborbicular; wings of pods narrower……2. P. santalinus

Yes it is our famous Red sanderPterocarpus santalinus. Endemic to Seshachalam range of eastern Ghats (Rayalaseema of Andhrapradesh)


Pterocarpus santalinus identification : 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please send me Key characters of Pterocarpus santalinus. How to identify Pterocarpus santalinus using taxonomy key characters?

Pterocarpus spp photographed at two different locations near mysore is attached here for discussion, since, they look different.
Every time, it gets confused over P.santalinus & marsipium.
P. santalinus is supposed to be present only in Andhra pradesh as per gamble flora.
Here one can see the different leaf shape, bark and flowers colour.

“”one” is P.santalinus. Key charecter is the axillary flowers.
“two” is P.marsupium. Key character is flowers (panicle) are terminal.
Would you please inform me if there is fruit set in P santalinum.

To me Pterocarpus one is like P. santalinus and Pterocarpus two is like P. indicus 












Pls help in identifying this plant 04 : 14 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 Mb each.
location : Govardhan Eco Village (100km north of Mumbai)

Dalbergia latifolia

what is it? is it a tree? a shrub, a herb? planted/desired, weedy/came up on its own? flowers? fruits? habit? habitat ? including soil. please follow our standard format. was sent to you when you were accepted as a member

I will go through the format. Didn’t pay good attention to that.

ggreat. that’s for the future cases. how about this one here? any data?

It is not Dalbergia latifolia; the leaves in the picture are 3-foliate, and it looks like a climber. dalbergia latifolia has imparipiinate leaves with 5-9  orbicular leaflets.

This one was planted 3 years ago. It looks to be a tree. and very closely resembles the name that … mentioned. Dalbergia Latifolia
i.e. Sheesham. Indian Rosewood. but i am yet to see any flowers on this plant.
I do not have a very good understanding of the soil types so cannot comment on that. However, the general characteristic of soil of our farm is black soil. habitat is Western Ghats. coastal region.

I am not trained in botany. however, the plant is not a climber. it is growing like a tree. only 3 years old

It is definitely not Dalbergia latifolia.
Going on the available pictures my guess is Pterocarpus santalinus.

Thanks, …, for the id. To me also appears close to images at Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.

If you think seeing pics of some other parts of this plant can help in better identification, let me know which parts should I capture? I can take pics and post here.
The plant has not started flowering yet. It is 3 years old.

Pterocarpus santalinus may not flower where you are. It is not native to your area. The pictures you posted are sufficient.

agree with …


Fabaceae: Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997


Fabaceae: Pterocarpus santalinus: 5 high res. images.
Pterocarpus santalinus from Andhra University Botanical Garden Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh on 02/02/2024


Updated on December 24, 2024

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