Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin, Nuytsia 22(6): 466 (2012) (syn: Mimosa pennata L.; Acacia pennata (L.) Willd.) as per Synoptic overview of Acacia sensu lato (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in East and Southeast Asia- B.R. Maslin- Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 67(1): 231–250. 2015 ^ Thorns straight; rachis glandular between 4 uppermost pinnae…….A. torta ^ Thorns recurved; rachis glandular between 2 uppermost pinnae…..A. pennata . Leaflets 35-60 pairs ……A. pennata . Acacia for ID : Kasara Ghat,Maharashtra : 280412 : AK-2: it looks like Acacia Pennata Yes I agree on A. pennata, leaflets 40-50 pairs. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Acacia pennata at Thane and Pali: Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. a-KAY-see-uh or uh-KAY-shuh — from the Greek akis, meaning point, barb, thorny, spiny pen-AY-tuh — feathered Sep 13, 2008 … along Ghodbunder Road near toll post, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: climbing acacia, climbing wattle, feather acacia, narrow-leaved soap pod • Hindi: agla bel, biswal • Kannada: kaadu seege • Konkani: सांबु sambu • Malayalam: കാരീഞ്ഞ kaariinja, മല ഈഞ്ച mala inja • Marathi: शेंबरटी shembarati, शेंबी shembi • Nepalese: अर्खु arkhu • Oriya: gohira • Sanskrit: अरि ari, खदिरवल्लरी khadiravallari, शिलीखदिर shilikhadira, ताम्रकण्टक tamrakantaka, वल्लिखदिर vallikhadira • Tamil: இந்து inthu, காட்டிண்டு kattintu, காட்டுசிகை kattuchikai • Telugu: గూబ కోరింద guba korinda Native to: China, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indo-China, Indonesia References: Flowers of India • Floristic Survey of Institute of Science • Acacia World • NPGS / GRIN more views:Sep 13, 2008 … along Ghodbunder Road near toll post, Thane, Maharashtra Sep 25, 2010 … at Sarasgad, near Pali, Maharashtra
GRAM – Acacia sp. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) I found this very interesting phenomenon at Kasara in the beginning of July 2016. Got so engrossed in the activity of these little insects that I forgot to click the right pictures needed to ID the tree. Thanks, … Pl. check with comparative images at Acacia I think it matches with images of Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin as per comparative images at Acacia Regarding activities of these insects, … may pl. clarify. Acacia hohenackeri Craib SN Sep 51 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Acacia hohenackeri Craib, wild scandant shrub from Gudalur area of Nilgiri, Tamilnadu Does not matches with the specimen at the following: Senegalia hohenackeri is so far known only from the type collection, Hohenacker 1602 (CAL!, BM: image!, K: image!) collected from the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu. The material apparently differs from S. pennata in the petiolulate (petiolule ca 0.5 mm long) leaflets and their reticulate tertiary venation. There are a number of closely related species in this group such as S. andamanica and S. pruinescens differing from each another in small characters.. While transferring the Indian species of the erstwhile Acacia to Seneglia and Vachellia, the respective authors did not point out the characteristic/distinctive features of the species although a number of species considered to be synonyms by Chakrabarty & Gangopadhyay (1996) were elevated to species rank. Thus, there is need for further critical evaluation. Identification, please. Local name Chilaati. Date/Time- November 4, 2017; 09:57 AM Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat; 21°17.483′ N, 77°22.530′ E Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub/Understory tree Height/Length- 5-6’ Height Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/acacia It does not look like this is in the list. Is it Acacia pennata? Pl. check images and details at Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin Full set of images is required for proper id. Thank you, … Looks like Senegalia pennata.
Acacia pennata? – indiantreepix | Google Groups Re: Acacia ? : 10 posts by 6 authors. 5 images. Kumarghat Unakoti Tripura Please identify Acacia torta, seems to be: yes. from the one pic we have I think closer to Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin rather than Senegalia torta (Roxb.) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger as per comparative images at Senegalia Are the leaves edible? I am putting this question because the leaves of S.pennata are edible. How to differentiate Acacia pennata from Acacia torta ? Leaflets 18-35 pairs………………..A. torta Nepali Name : अर्खु Arkhu / अर्फु Arfu / अरारे Araare need help with specie of this spiny mimosa liana : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- around 750 kb each. Taken in Bhopal. 14/8/2020. Black soil. Senegalia sp ?? Is it possibly Acacia concinna? Acacia concinna: possibly. Compare with the images at: efi thread Most likely it’s A. concina because the photos I’ve sent are of a liana, not of a shrub or small tree. Climbers, scandent shrubs, or small trees and leaflets 15-25 pairs in Acacia concinna (Willdenow) Candolle and climbers and leaflets 30-54 pairs in Acacia pennata (Linnaeus) Willdenow So it is Acacia pennata (Linnaeus) Willdenow only, which is syn. of Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin Ok … Will wait for the fruit to see if it is shikakai or not. Yes… We need to wait. Mimosaceae Shrub for identification MK NOV-002 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7). the leaflets are minute (like that of Albizia amara) Acacia– species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) This is most probably Albizia amara (Krishna Siris). There are variants. Therefore, please also check for the subspecies. I think it is Acacia caesia (L.) Willd.(=Acacia intsia Willd. var. caesia (L.) Baker ) It cannot be Acacia caesia. The arrangement of leaves flowering type etc. are quite different. Please see the links To me it looks like Acacia torta. Compare with Acacia torta and A. pennata. This appears close to images at Senegalia pennata
Re : Acacia torta – efloraofindia | Google Groups . 131 ID wild plant Mimosa sp.: 14 images. Please ID wild plant, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 11.08.2021, 12.50pm Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: climbing, branches, hard stem brown thorned cylindrical and greenish brown thorned rigid medium stem, bark used for catching fish from stream, long lasting Height: 12 meters Leaves: alternate, pinnate, opposite ovate oblong leaflets that closes late evening and opens early morning, pinnate size:8×1cm or less Flower: racemose, globular, diameter:11mm, yellow, good fragrance Fruit: beans green into brown, size:8×1.5×0.2cm or less Seed: brown up to 4 nos., pea shaped size:9×4×1.5mm Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Senegalia pennata Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant. Here one more variation, big hard base stem remains rigid thorns silver white in colour (blooming soon, but very high so I am not sure capturing) we used it’s bark for hair shampoo. Note that using bark of S. pennata as shampoo get reverse reaction, it’s sap from bark when crushing in water is poisonous and used as folklore here to catching fish from small streams. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week Acacia sp for id request from Coimbatore: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. Date: 03.01.2012 Location: NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Habitat: Wild Habit: Woody climber. The tender leaves a edible. (used by local tribal). Acacia sp., may be A. torta. I think it may be Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin … if found planted, one of the possibility is Leucaena leucocephala … Looks somewhat different from images at Leucaena leucocephala Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Acacia We may tentatively keep it as Leucaena leucocephala ? I too am not confident about Leucaena leucocephala. The cluster of pods made me think so. Otherwise the branches seem to bear prickles – not very clear. Hopefully, someone will comment. There is no way to be a Leucaena leucocephala., . MS,Oct.,2021/71 Senegalia sp. for id.: 4 images. Senegalia pennata . MS,Oct.,2021/71 Senegalia sp. for id.: 4 images. Location : Hlimen Date : 05-05-2017 Habit : Large prickly climber Habitat : Wild Senegalia pennata Senegalia pruinescens ? Keys pl. I think Senegalia pennata only, as flower heads not yellow, branchelets not pruinose and pinnae more that 9-11 pairs (as in Flora of China) , SK 3108 04 November 2021: 7 very high res. images. Seems S. torta This has got no distribution in Nepal ! Three sp S. catechu, pennata and rugata are listed in the Book of Karnali Province ! Yes, Senegalia pennata . 131 ID wild plant Mimosa sp.: 16 images. Please ID wild plant, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 11.08.2021, 12.50pm Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: climbing, branches, hard stem brown thorned cylindrical and greenish brown thorned rigid medium stem, bark used for catching fish from stream, long lasting Height: 12 meters Leaves: alternate, pinnate, opposite ovate oblong leaflets that closes late evening and opens early morning, pinnate size:8×1cm or less Flower: racemose, globular, diameter:11mm, yellow, good fragrance Fruit: beans green into brown, size:8×1.5×0.2cm or less Seed: brown up to 4 nos., pea shaped size:9×4×1.5mm Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Senegalia pennata Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant. Here one more variation, big hard base stem remains rigid thorns silver white in colour (blooming soon, but very high so I am not sure capturing) we used it’s bark for hair shampoo. Note that using bark of S. pennata as shampoo get reverse reaction, it’s sap from bark when crushing in water is poisonous and used as folklore here to catching fish from small streams Sharing more images of old and medium stems and information . Acacia Species : White Flowers : Way to Nasik : 08JUL22 : AK – 02: 5 images. Senegalia pinnata . Request for identification: 4 high res. images. Yes. Acacia only. I think close to images at Yes … it is Acacia pennata . References: |
Senegalia pennata
Updated on February 23, 2025