Sonerila maculata Roxb., Fl. Ind., ed. 1820 1: 180 1820. (Syn: Cassebeeria emaculata (Roxb.) Kuntze; Cassebeeria picta (Korth.) Kuntze; Sonerila alata Ridl.; Sonerila angulata Craib; Sonerila angustifolia Roxb.; Sonerila ciliata Ridl.; Sonerila collina R. N. Parker; Sonerila emaculata Roxb.; Sonerila flaccida Stapf & King; Sonerila gibbsiae Ridl.; Sonerila laeta Stapf; Sonerila maculata var. angustifolia Kurz; Sonerila maculata var. emaculata Benn.; Sonerila maculata var. glabrata Stapf; Sonerila notata Craib; Sonerila picta Griff. (ambiguous synonym); Sonerila picta Korth. (ambiguous synonym); Sonerila picta var. clarkeana Craib; Sonerila picta var. concolor Ridl.; Sonerila picta var. maculata Ridl.; Sonerila picta var. pusilla Ridl.; Sonerila quadrangularis Guillaum.; Sonerila rivularis Cogn.; Sonerila sylvicola Craib); . China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan), Vietnam, Nepal, Khasia, peninsular Thailand, Borneo, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Cambodia, Myanmar [Burma] (Taninthayi, Mon), Bhutan as Catalogue of Life; . Location : Tuirini, Mizoram Date : 18-07-2017 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Difficult to say without specimen. But it will fall under maculata/ khasiana. I could not find any images of Sonerila khasiana except for the type specimen at Some images of Sonerila maculata are given at links below: May I request you to pl. confirm this as per your images at http://www.flowersofindia.Spotted-LeafSonerila I also request you to post your images in our group so that these are included in efi site.
MS Jan.,2018/02 Sonerila sp. (maculata ?) for Id. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Date :21-07-2016 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Sonerila maculata MS Jan, 2018/03 Sonerila maculata ? for id/confirmation : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Date : 21-07-2016 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Sonerila maculata
Location : Champhai Road Sonerila species with comparative images so far in efi To me appears close to images at Sonerila maculata Roxb. rather than Sonerila khasiana as per comparative images at Sonerila MS March, 2020/ 01 Sonerila sp. for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 2 mb. Location : Hmunpui, Mizoram Date : 23-07-2015 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Sonerila khasiana C.B.Clarke ?? Thanks, … To me appears close to images at Sonerila maculata Roxb. rather than Sonerila khasiana as per comparative images at Sonerila What are the other species reported from your area? Sonerila khasiana and S.tenera are also reported I was confused because of white sopts on leaf of S. maculata. MS, Nov.,2021/55 Sonerila sp. for id: Location : Mat (Kawrlungtuk) Date : 13-11-2021 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Photo : Anuna Appears to be Sonerila maculata, as per images and details herein and as per keys at MS, Sept,2021/11 Sonerila sp. for id.
. References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos IPNI GBIF (with type specimen) Flora of China FOC illustration Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Encyclopaedia of Life (Specimen) India Biodiversity Portal |
Sonerila maculata
Updated on December 24, 2024