Passiflora coccinea (Introduced)

Passiflora coccinea Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 828 1775. (Syn: Passiflora fulgens Wallis ex E. Morren; Passiflora toxicaria Barb. Rodr.; Passiflora velutina DC.; Tacsonia coccinea (Aubl.) Barb.Rodr.; Tacsonia fulgens (Wallis) hort. ex Mast.);
Peru, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta
Amacuro), Colombia (Amazonas, Guaina, Guaviare, Meta, Santander, Vaups,
Vichada), N-Brazil (Roraima, Amapa, Para, Amazonas, Acre, Rondonia), NE-Brazil
(Piaui, Bahia), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso), Haiti (I), Dominican Republic (I),
Lesser Antilles (I) (Guadeloupe (I)), Honduras (I), El Salvador (I), Bangladesh
as per Catalogue of Life;
P. coccinea has unlobed double serrated leaves and larger bracts, whereas P. vitifolia has lobed leaves somewhat similar to that of a grape leaves.  
According to Ulmer & MacDougal, coccinea has “unlobed double-serrate leaves and large bracts, distinguishing it from other species of supersection Coccinea, especially P. vitifolia.”  
Red Passion Flower, Scarlet Passion Flower, Red Granadilla; ‘Rakta Krishnakamal’* *’रक्‍त कृष्‍णकमळ’ in Marathi;

Wanted to share some pictures of Passiflora Coccinea or Red Passion flower seen blooming at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik on the 16th of April,2010.

This is so beautiful…..I happen to have written a research article on Passifloras, hence I have great affinity towards this genus, especially the blue ones, but this is great and really a beautiful picture too…..  Keep it up……

Excellent flower. I have seen this passion flower in a nursery in Kalyan. Is it fruiting type?

attached few pics of passiflora sp. for id.
Pics taken at a nursery in shahapur in Feb 09.

Leaves are not clear in photographs, but it looks like P. coccinea on the basis of what I could study about leaves, and they are not lobed.

If the leaves are lobed mostly 3-lobed, it can be P. vitifolia.

leaves are not 3 lobed. I checked with flowers of india. It matches (flower and leaves, both) with P. coccinea.

‘Passiflora coccinea’ is called ‘Rakta Krishnakamal’ ‘रक्‍त कृष्‍णकमळ’ in Marathi.

Saw this beautiful flowering and a fruit of Passiflora coccinea at Shahpur, Mah. last week of March, ’10.

Excellent photo. Is the fruit of this variety edible?

Yes I think it is, but experts need to conform.

Yes … … would be very happy. Here is some information:
– fruit is about 2- 3 inches long and edible and looks like a mini Sandia (watermelon)
Green-yellow, striped, 2″ passion fruit with edible pulp.
The edible fruit is rounded, relatively large, 5 cm, green, striped and mottled, becoming yellow or orange when ripe.

Thank you got for the great information Sir ji , fruit is used to flavor ice-cream, juices and also other soft drinks !! oh yes used in fruit salad too I forgot !!

Thanks … for your valuable information. I was under the impression that only the variety P.edulis is edible. I have seen this plant in a Nursery in Kalyan (not for sale). Let me try whether they have some saplings for sale.

This flower picture I took from Amboli on 7.4.07.
It is shrub.
Please give ID

this is Passiflora coccinea


ID Please:  This is from the Archive.



Please I’d sir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Passiflora coccinea

Botanical Gardens, Sibpur- June 2006;Passiflora coccinea —————— Tanay Bose – efloraofindia | Google Groups

SK1151 28 MAY 2018 : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 800 kb each. 

Location:  Soureni, India 
Date: 7 May  2018
Altitude: 4000 ft
Habit : Cultivated

Pl. check at 

I checked. It does not look like Liliaceae

Can it be some Cucurbitaceae member ?

Not sure …

Passiflora vitifolia Kunth ??

Pl. check 
I am not sure. 

2nd image of my recent post on same sp. and the image of the link below looks like same.


I think this may be Passiflora coccinea as per images and details herein. 


Updated on December 24, 2024

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