Passiflora foetida (Introduced)

Passiflora foetida L., Sp. Pl. 959 1753. (Syn: Cieca vellozii (Gardn.) M.Roem.; Decaloba obscura (Lindl.) M.Roem.; Dysosmia ciliata M.Roem.; Dysosmia foetida (L.) M.Roem.; Dysosmia hastata M.Roem.; Dysosmia hibiscifolia M.Roem; Granadilla foetida (L.) Gaertn.; Passiflora foetida Vell.; Passiflora foetida var. galapagensis Killip ; Passiflora foetida f. glabra A. & R.Fern.; Passiflora foetida var. hastata (Bertol.) Mast.; Passiflora foetida var. lanuginosa Killip; Passiflora foetida var. longipedunculata Killip; Passiflora foetida var. mayarum Killip; Passiflora hastata Bertol.; Passiflora hircina Sweet; Passiflora liebmanni Mast.; Passiflora marigouja Perr. ex Triana & Planch.; Passiflora obscura Lindl.; Passiflora variegata Mill.; Passiflora vesicaria L.; Passiflora vesicaria var. galapagensis (Killip) Vanderpl.; Tripsilina foetida (L.) Raf.);
Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Virgin Isl. (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Tortola), Lesser Antilles (Barbados, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia), Costa Rica, Peru, Belize, Panama, Mexico (Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Colima, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatan, Zacatecas), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Cordoba, Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, San Juan, San Luis, Tucuman), S-Brazil (Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Chile (Tarapaca, Los Lagos), Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Alto Parana, Amambay, Caaguazu, Caazapa, Canindeyu, Central, Concepcion, Cordillera, Guaira, Itapua, Neembucu, Paraguari, Pres. Hayes, San Pedro), Uruguay (Rivera), Venezuela (Amazonas, Anzoategui, Apure, Bolivar, Carabobo, Distrito Federal, Lara, Merida, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Yaracuy, Zulia), N-Brazil (Para), NE-Brazil (Maranhao, Piaui, Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso), SE-Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Bolivia (Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Pando, Santa Cruz, Tarija), Trinidad, Tobago, Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Arauca, Atlntico, Bolvar, Boyac, Caldas, Cauca, Cesar, Choc, Crdoba, Cundinamarca, Guaina, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nario, Norte de Santander, Quindo, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle), Marquesas Isl. (I) (Nuku Hiva (I), Ua Pou (I), Ua Huka (I), Eiao (I), Hiva Oa (I), Mohotani (I), Fatu Hiva (I)), Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I), Moorea (I), Raiatea (I), Tahaa (I)), Tonga (I) (Tongatapu (I), Nomuka (I), Lifuka (I)), Tuamotu Arch. (I) (Makatea Isl. (I), Rangiroa Atoll (I), Takapoto Atoll (I)), Western Samoa (I) (Aleipata Isl. (I), Upolu (I)), N-Line Isl. (I) (Fanning Isl. (I)), Gilbert Isl. (I) (Butaritari (I)), Tuamotu Arch. (I) (Makatea (I)), Volcano Isl. (I) (Iwojima (I)), Mauritius (I), Runion (I), Rodrigues (I), Hawaii (I) (Niihau (I), Kauai (I), Oahu (I), Molokai (I), Lanai (I), Maui (I), Hawaii Isl. (I)), Andamans (I), Nicobars (I), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Sri Lanka (I), Nepal (I), Pakistan (I), Vietnam (I), Philippines (I), Singapore (I), Laos (I), Thailand (I), Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives) (I), Maldives (I), Bangladesh (I), Taiwan (I), China (I) (Guangxi (I), Guangdong (I), Hainan (I), Yunnan (I)), trop. Africa (I), Guinea-Bissau (I), Cameroon (I), Chad (I), Burkina Faso (I), Congo (Brazzaville) (I), Gabon (I), Central African Republic (I), Bioko Isl. (Fernando Poo) (I), Somalia (I), Sao Tome (I), Principe Isl. (I), Java (I), South Africa (I), Angola (I), Benin (I), Togo (I), Guinea (I), Seychelles (I), Madagascar (I), peninsular Malaysia (I), Christmas Isl. (Austr. (I)), Cocos (Keeling) Isl. (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I), Northern Territory (I), Queensland (I), New South Wales (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Foetid Passion Flower, Stinking Passion Flower, Wild Maracuja or Running Pop, Love-in-a-mist • Hindi: झुमका लता Jhumka lata • Bengali: Jhumka lota • Marathi: वेल घाणी Vel-ghani • Kannada: Kukkiballi • Malayalam: ), Poochapalam • Telugu: Tellajumiki;
The caterpillars of Tawny coster butterflies feed on the leaves of this plant;
Fruits are medicinal but they stink very badly due to the glandular hairs present on the throughout the plant body except fruit surface;
Usually, the carnivorous plants attract insects and trap them. Sundew has similar droplets on the hairs, but that is sticky and is not actually containing any food for insects. But this plant attracts and then lures them with actual food on the droplets and then traps them or kills them or makes them immobile. So in that case, this should be a new type of trapping for carnivorous plant.
If someone wants to work on this, I can give one idea that this plant to me seems to have some trapping mechanism for insects and hence an insectivorous plant. In the morning you can see some tiny insects stuck to its glandular hairs. Those who want to work may check the chemical constituent of the liquid on the glandular hairs. If it has anything like chitinase then for sure this is insectivorous.


Climber for ID from Mirle | 17AugAR01:
Date/Time-24 Jul 2011 04.05PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Chunchanakatte-Mirle, Mysore dist
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, Near to a farm lake, Wild growth
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-Climber
Height/Length-approx – More than 6feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape –Resembles a hand- Palmate, Whorl, length-10cms, width-10cms, Hairy -leaves,margin and stem.
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-  Round, 3-4cms

This is Passiflora for sure but not sure whether is P. foetida.
because the later is known to have a foetid (bad) smell. So one needs to check the smell of the fruits. But the leaves surely looks like P foetida.
The hairy thing around the fruit is not calyx but bract.

Passiflora foetida for sure.
Another high value medicinal plant.
If someone wants to work on this, I can give one idea that this plant to me seems to have some trapping mechanism for insects and hence an insectivorous plant. In the morning you can see some tiny insects
stuck to its glandular hairs. Those who want to work may check the chemical constituent of the liquid on the glandular hairs. If it has anything like chitinase then for sure this is insectivorous.

I myself wanted to work on this, but could never get an opportunity. I worked on the foliar aspects of Passiflora and that was one of my first scientific article ever published. Hence I have an affinity for passifloras 🙂

I like their flowers very much and trying to have atleast 12 different Passifloras in my College. Till now have only 4 sp

Search in nurseries in Delhi for sure you will get more varieties.

Yes this is Passiflora foetida. I never knew this plant is having medicinal values. This climber is quite a weed in rural Tamil nadu, spreading all over the short canopy.
Yes … sir, I read your stomatal study to classify Passiflora spp.

This plant is included in Ayurveda I assume.

And.. the fruits are edible…!!!
We used to take the fruits in our childhood days.. 🙂

Am adding the link for the close up in my Flickr photo stream.


ID of passiflora species!:
I require your help in identification of this Passiflora species.  I had photographed it in Bangalore growing wildly along the shores of the lakes.
It is a wild creeper and it is surely not the passion fruit plant.  I would be grateful if you could help me in identification of this species!

Yes this is Passiflora foetida.

Now naturalized  in most tropical areas… is on a noxious weed  list:
invasive species
Though it seems to have some nice redeeming value… I liked the last sentence in WIKI .. that its saponin richness is useful in making nondetergent sahmpoo/soap… love that…
And Australian site that tracks useful plants list it:
Edict that Trash of one is gold of other….must be true !!
About the shampoo soap….wonder if someone has made it???
WHAT INTRIGUED ME THE MOST IS A PAPER BY DR RADHARAMANI of Bangalore… which states that the intricate network of the bracts on the surface of the fruit makes this plant a protocarnivorous, or borderline carnivorous… ((Radhamani, T. R., L. Sudarshana, et al. (1995).
Defense and carnivory: Dual role of bracts in Passiflora foetida.
Journal of Biosciences Bangalore 20(5): 657-664. {a} Promotion Res. Dev. Efforts Selected Crops., PC Unit, Bangalore 560 065, India  ))  I could
access only the abstract… the pdf needs to be bought  at springerlink site!!!

Open access to the article is available at:
However, I hv also attached the pdf here…
I knew that the bracts exude a sticky substance, but I never expected digestive enzymes in it…its an information to me…thanks to all… Dear …, your hypothesis (in an another thread) seems to be correct

the autoradiograph is interesting and the bracts picked up the most labelled phenylalanine… so the organ that’s source of enzymes is also the uptake organ??? I’ll keep the link you sent me as a source, I downloaded and read the paper you sent in, thanks again..

My plant from Dehradun.
Yes this plant is amazing.
Earlier my casual believe was the plant has glandular hairs to repel insects as it also has a strange odour. But my experiments with the plant proved that there was something more. It had this ability to make the insects feel dizzy or something not normal happened to the insects I used. I had no means to prove what!! I believed that there was something which attracted insects to the plants. Apart from being attracted, the same gland were used for digestion of the insects too, usually very small sized ones. Today .. made me happy to realise that my thoughts were not absurd :p.
Usually, the carnivorous plants attract insects and trap them. Sundew has similar droplets on the hairs, but that is sticky and is not actually
containing any food for insects.
But this plant attracts and then lures them with actual food on the droplets and then traps them or kills them or makes them immobile. So in that case, this should be a new type of trapping for carnivorous plant.
But yes, I had not seen this reference before. Thanks a lot for sharing.

The protocarnivorous thing was news to me when I read the abstract upon googling, that’s why I wrote about it, it intrigued me because I had not heard anybody talk of it or write about this Passiflora foetida being one..

I was actually doing foliar studies on three species of this genus and is one of my first free lance article before my MSc results came out.
Its a very basic paper hope you wont dislike it.
I had a small garden with huge collection of wild as well as ornamental plants which I started making since my 4-5th standard. You would be surprised to know that my first bonsai I started making was in 7th standard and it stayed with me till I came to Dehradun, but somehow due to negligence the root got infected by something and the plant died from base. One of my passion during those days was to collect climbers, Passiflora and Vitaceae just to name a few. Now that we shifted to new rented house and I hadnt been home since past 6 years, till recently, many of my plants couldnt survive, but still there are many.

Thought I should share this. The young fruits of P. foetida look like Christmas tree decorations which have been strung!

Would appreciate your help to Id this creeping wine growing wild along a fence of a private society at Pune. Green leaves with a lot of hair and secretions. tendrils, could see only one dried white broken flower. Green berry like fruits about 2-3 cm completely entangled in hair.
Is it some Passiflora?

Yes, some Passiflora (family: Passifloraceae) … most possibly P. foetida, in Marathi: घाणी वेल ghani vel

It looks like Passiflora foetida to me too. The best way to confirm is to smell the fruits if it turns out to be gross (foetida = bad smell) then you are confirmed.

Yes Passiflora foetida. This is a highly medicinal plant.

The green fruit on opening had a grey blue pulp but no smell. The yellow dry fruit had brown seeds inside and a mild fragrance of what we call ‘Shikekai’ in Marathi. I am sorry I do not its English name. Attaching pictures of the same.

Today I could spot one flower in the morning at about 11.a.m . But to my surprise the flower had closed by 3.00 pm. It was completely entangled with hair like structures. Probably the flower opens only in the early morning hours. There was another closed flower without surrounding hair like structures though..

Sorry I forgot to mention the dimensions of the flower. It was about 3cms.

Passiflora foetida i think

think so too

I have added the pictures of the flower because I did not find a single flower on the plant the first time except a dried broken flower. When I visited the same place in the morning I was lucky to see this beautiful flower and was overjoyed to see its intricacy and wanted very much to share the same with my friends.

I am very happy that you shared and followed up with more pictures of the physiological function… flower opening, and closing, hopefully after fertilization and getting ensconced in its own hairy net…. mnow lets wait and see the fruit develop from it?

Seen in March,2013 during visit to Bannerghatta National Park.
A climber with only fruits, flowering season was over.
Kindly confirm id.

Yes for Passiflora foetida

30062013 ASP 75 : Attachments (1).  2 posts by 2 authors.
Can you please ID this medicinal climber. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2012.

Passiflora foetida


Fruit For id : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 3 authors.
PLz id this fruit i think it is Fri=uti of passiflora sp ?? Near GIB sanctuary Solapur, nannaj, Maharashtra

Passiflora foetida

Yes these are fruits of Passiflora foetida as rightly told by …

Flora of Panipat: Passiflora foetida blooming..2013: Attachments (8). 8 posts by 6 authors.
This flower was in my wishlist for long.. thanks … for leading me to the patch where this was growing in full youth.. wanted to share my pics with the group..
Passiflora foetida L.

Very beautiful pictures. I have seen the fruits in Bangalore, yet to see the flowers.


Climber ID from Bangladesh SM160 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

This is some Passiflora species.

Proably Passiflora foetida?

Yes, this should be Passiflora foetida..

Passifloraceae : Passiflora foetida ???? : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
Date: 10 Aug, 2014
Location: Chitwan, Nepal
Altitude : 300 ft.

Yes, I am sure this is Passiflora foetida only…
Flowers and fruits give a foul smell..

Passiflora foetida

I do agree that the flowers and bracts covering the fruits smells not much pleasant; still Passiflora foetida fruits are edible.


Images by tspkumar


TSP-APR2016-23-323: Images of Passiflora foetida (Passifloraceae) : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Passiflora foetida (Passiflora foetida) 

Habit: Climbing vine 

Habitat: Wild, wastelands 

Sighting: Hassan,Tumkur and Bangalore, Karnataka, about 900 msl 

Date: 17-06-2014, 01-08-2014, 11-08-2014, 06-09-2014, 07-09-2014 and 01-06-2015

very though undertaking over time and region. appreciate your painstaking coverage

Passiflora Id from Bangladesh SM 1200 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Teknaf  Semii evergreen Rain Forest
Habitat :  wild, hill slope, elevation: 34 meter
Flowering:  October
picture taken: 12/10/2016
Flower color: perfect white

Passiflora species so far in efi.
Pl. check Passiflora foetida

Passiflora foetida

For me it is Passiflora foetida for sure. I have these plants grown wild all around my house.

ss 23MAY2017: Request for ID : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Please find attached the photos of a creeper which I found near my home (Charkop, Kandivali West, Mumbai- Maharashtra).
This creeper is not in abundance. But found at a particular place on the ground, This place is a semi-forest area.
The flowers are blooming in May and this creeper is fruiting also.
The flower looks similar to ‘White Passion Flower’ (Passiflora subpeltata) but the leaves of this creeper look different from that of White Passion Flower’ (Passiflora subpeltata). Is this a variety of White Passion Flower’ (Passiflora subpeltata) ?
Please help me ID this plant.
Location: Charkop, Kandivali West, Mumbai , Maharashtra
Date: 15-May-2017
Type of plant: Creeper (growing horizontally along the ground)
Thanks in advance.

Pl. Check with Passiflora foetida

Thanks for the reply Sir, But In ‘Passiflora foetida’ , the flower has violet colour at the beginning part of the coronal filaments.
Whereas the flower in the photo is completely white.

I think it has completely white flowers also.  May I request you to pl. check it’s images in efi site or on Google search to verify the fact, if other characters are matching.

To me too most of the plant looks like Passiflora foetida; not sure whether the central violet colour is sure feature.

Passiflora foetida…!!

Fwd: PASSIFLORA FOETIDA ( STINKING PASSION FLOWER ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a Passiflora foetida (STINKING PASSION FLOWER/ JAMAI SHASTHI)
I saw this plant at Pachmarhi and Barrackpore. The plant grows in the wild. The image is of a plant which was in our garden in 2009.


Passiflora foetida var. hispida (DC. ex Triana & Planch.) Killip : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Location: Kolkata, India
Date: 8 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft.


Sharing the images of Passiflora foetida, Coimbatore.
Date: Oct. and Nov.
Location: NBNP garden, Anaikatti.
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Climber.

Yes Passiflora foetida. Passifloraceae.

passiflora foetida?:

Kindly confirm the id.
I was unable to find an open flower.
is it passiflora foetida?
habit climber
location: Kottayam District, Kerala,
from a rubber plantation site
altitude 155MSL

… yes, Passiflora foetida L. (family: Passifloraceae).

Yes P. foetida, Poochakay in Malayalam.

Please help id this. Is this a passiflora? Found growing wild in our community in Whitefield, Bangalore.

passiflora foetida
I think
I would wait for a real botanist to tell me though

To me also this looks like P. foetida

Passiflora foetida L. from Guwahati:   Attached images are Passiflora foetida L. In Assamese it is known as Jhumuka-lota.
Date :08/11/12; 09/11/12
Location: Near Kamakhya station, Guwahati[Dist- Kamrup(Metro)]
Genus & species : Passiflora foetida L.
Family : Passifloraceae
Habitat: Grows on roadside, climb over the Epimeredi indicus (Anisomeles indica)
Habit :Climber
Flower : Large, White with puple patches.



Passiflora foetida ? from Hooghly 20/11/12 sk3:

This seems to be the Passiflora foetida L. But where is its petals and why locular fruits?
Species : Passiflora foetida Linnaeus ?
H & H : wild climber beside railway tracks
Date : 9/11/12, 3.00 p.m.
Place : Hooghly

There are a few varieties of P. foetida, as per The Plant List
Found locular fruits in Dave’s Garden
Somewhat similar flower –

I agree with the id, … Very nice pictures.
It should be the typical variety of P. foetida.

Its strange …, this plant has fruits which looks trilobed but I have always seen spherical fruits…

Fruits & Vegetables Week: RVS-7:
Passiflora foetida; ripe fruits edible (i haven’t tried yet).


– The fruits are edible.

– I think they there smell is not so good

The caterpillars of Tawny coster butterflies feed on the leaves of this plant.

Fruits are medicinal but they stink very badly due to the glandular hairs present on the throughout the plant body except fruit surface.

– By the way, what we have at Dehradun has blue colouration on the corona, this has red.


Ambedkar Udyan, Powai– April’09; 17/6/2007, in Maharastra; On 9/8/09 near HAU, Hyderabad, A.P.; March 2010: Judicial Layout area, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru; at the outskirts of Mumbai– June’10; on Vetal Tekdi, Pune 11 Jul 2010; March 2010: Judicial Layout area, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru; ASANSOL (W.B.)- 21/11/10;

at Hareshwar (Shrivardhan), Maharashtra on 20/02/2009; Passiflora subpeltata – indiantreepix | Google Groups

090719AB1 ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Identification, please.
Date/Time- November 7, 2017; 09:53 hrs.
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Climber
Height/Length- 4-5′.
Elevation- 700m

Passiflora foetida!
Why all  post on thigh? Please add images of other aspects of plant!

Thank you, once again!
The focus during field work was on insects and trees. Most of the understory was photographed in a hurry to cover as much ground as possible, and hence only a few photographs per specimen are available for the herbs and shrubs.
Since the ground was full of vegetation, photos were taken against the black backdrop of the trouser to provide contrast. I guess this might be unusual, but it is what I could think of at that moment.
Unfortunately, I can’t go there right now to get better photographs, but the first opportunity I get, I will be able to post better photographs for all of you.

Passiflora foetida :: Puducherry :: 13 OCT 19 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 6 images.

Puducherry  near sea coast
Dates, various: October 13 – 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl
Passiflora foetida  L.


Climber for ID:
I came upon this climber with a beautiful flower, in the outskirts of Chennai.
Sorry for the bad pic though! Can you please ID this for me?

Most likely a Passiflora foetida… but I would wait for a real botanist to id it

Yes, Passiflora foetida of course….

… is right. Indeed it is Passiflora foetida. Common name Love-in-a-mist, Stinking passionflower. Fruits are edible. Leaves emit foetid smell. Also a medicinal herb.


For ID 220709 ET – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image.
This picture I took 17/6/2007, in Maharastra. I am sorry I for got exact location. At that time I was not a member in this group. Please give ID

… ¿ Passiflora edulis ?

It is a Passiflora spp., possibly P. edulis.

Check out for Passiflora species.

It’s look like ‘Passiflora foetida’ ‘वेल घाणी’ ‘Wel-ghani’ in Marathi.

Passiflora foetida….with glandular hairs all over the plant surface except for the corolla.

it is Passiflora edulis
an identification key for species found in Bombay
Passiflora L.
1. Stem viscous………………………………….P. foetida
1. Stem not viscous                                 2
2. Petals present; Fruit over 5 cm in diameter, yellow……P. edulis
2. Petals absent; Fruit up to 2 cm, purple or deep blue…..P. suberosa

This is Passiflora foetida L. as per images and details herein.



scientific name of this flower :  1 image. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Can someone give me the scientific name of this flower which is normally found in south india.

It is a var. of Passiflora.

This is Passiflora foetida L. as per images and details herein.


70 Identify wild plant: 19 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location:  near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671
Date:.               22.03.2021, 08.05am
Altitude:           1700fsl
Habitat:            wild moisture
Plant habit:      fully a kind of non toxic aromatic oil spread on finger when touching softly   climbing, annual, weak stem,hanging/spring thread
Height:             02 meters
Leaves:            alternative palmatipartite
Flower:             diameter:25mm, white & pink fragrant
Fruit:                 globular green into orange edible delicious sweet diameter:15mm
Seed:               9 black size:3×2mm
Camera:           mobile LGK102017 13mp

Passiflora foetida L. !

Excellent photography.
Passiflora foetida. it is wild in my garden.


Which white passion flower?: 4 images.
Bhopal, black soil

Passiflora foetida L.

Yes.  It is plenty around my house



Passiflora foetida from Kaikondrahalli lake, Bangalore-GS26012022-1: 5 very high res. images.
Passiflora foetida photographed from near Kaikondrahalli lake, Bangalore, 17-9-2015.

The ID is correct. This is a common weed in Bangalore and Mysore. I have plenty around my home.


Passiflora foetida VS Passiflora vesicaria:
Sharing with you the attached document, only for your personal reference.
Not sure of the impact it has on all the observations of P. foetida that we already have.

As per this publication (Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 2013 vol. 30 (4): pp. 318–387: Summary: Revision of Passiflora subgenus Passiflora section Dysosmia DC. (Passifloraceae). The twenty one species and 10 varieties (31 taxa) comprising subgenus Passiflora section Dysosmia DC are described and some are illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Two species, Passiflora vesicaria L. and Passiflora ciliata (Dryand) Mast., are removed from synonymy and reinstated to species rank. Passiflora baraquiniana Lemaire is removed from synonymy and given varietal status. The species Passiflora santiagana (Killip) Borhidi is reduced in rank to varietal status. Of the 38 varieties of Passiflora foetida L. described by E. P. Killip in his 1938 monograph, 28 are reduced to synonymy, four are reassigned as varieties of other species and four remain as varieties of P. foetida. A new variety, Passiflora foetida var. ellisonii Vanderplank, is described with photographs and line drawings.), only Passiflora foetida var. ellisonii Vanderplank is being shown as having distribution in India.

Thanks … for pointing out this resource. It certainly has bearing on the observations of what is considered Passiflora foetida in India. The specimens I have come across, all have corona filaments which are white with lower 1/3 to 1/2 pink or mauve, and the 3-lobed leaves have side lobes blunt or rounded. This agrees best with Passiflora vesicaria L. var. vesicaria which has distribution in India.
Passiflora foetida var. ellisonii, as … pointed out, also has distribution in India. Specimens with almost pure white corona filaments should belong to this subspecies.

Publication does not specifically mention distribution in India for this (Passiflora vesicaria L. var. vesicaria), but says:
Distribution. Amazonian basin of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana: Ecuador, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Bahamas, Barbados, St. Kitts, Jamaica, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Perto Rico,
Galapagos Islands and now found in many Old World tropical countries and islands.

India is the major “Old World” tropical country

… observation from Panipat
in my opinion, should belong to Passiflora foetida var. ellisonii.
And … observation
should belong to Passiflora vesicaria L. var. vesicaria.

Similar views are expressed in my post at facebook too.
Please check my recent post at
This observation was suggested to be Passiflora vesicaria L. var. vesicaria by Martin Wettges in iNaturalist.
Since there were no thoughts forthcoming I changed my mind to retain the ID of P. foetida.

My feeling is that as POWO 1 and POWO 2 and CoL are still not updating their databases despite POWO mentioning it in its references, we may keep our observations as Passiflora foetida only for the time being.


Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria :: Ghodbunder fort :: February 7, 2009: 2 images.
Ghodbunder fort  Maharashtra
Date: February 7, 2009 … Altitude: about 50 m (165 ft) asl
Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria
Many thanks to Martin Wettges for correcting / suggesting the ID … iNaturalist.
He points to a publication which is widely recognised, that considers most specimens formerly known as Passiflora foetida in the Indian ocean region as Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria.
I do not have access to this article; requesting those with access, may please read and validate the fact.

I am retaining the ID of Passiflora foetida L. for this observation.
I do not see distribution of Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria in the Indian subcontinent as per POWO.

Based on the discussion in the post … … let me go with the ID suggested by Martin Wettges in iNaturalist.

My feeling is that as POWO 1 and POWO 2 and CoL are still not updating their databases despite POWO mentioning it in its references, we may keep our observations as Passiflora foetida only for the time being.


Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria:
I found 2 posts from the same sp.

Thanks! That is a mistake – the two are different. It will be corrected soon.


The ripe fruit in Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria is looking different to me.
I have photographed a ripe fruit of the same in Bangalore.


Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Aug 29, 2009 · JUN 23 DV08: 3 images.
Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Aug 29, 2009 · 7:49 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Martin Wettges for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 13, 2008 · JUN23 DV199: 4 images.

Passiflora vesicaria var. vesicaria
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 13, 2008 · 2:08 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Martin Wettges for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Passiflora foetida L. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 20, 2008 · JUN23 DV522: 1 image.

Passiflora foetida L.
Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 20, 2008 · 11:07 AM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl
Many thanks to J.R. Kuethe (Yero) for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Passifloraceae: Passiflora foetida L.: 2 images- 1 high res.
location/date: (1) Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994; (2: flower) University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997


MS, June, 2024/02 Passiflora sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location : Hruiduk, Mizoram

Altitude : ca. 120 m.
Date : 27-06-2024
Habit : Climber
Habitat : Wild

Passiflora foetida L. !

yes! … you are right




Updated on December 24, 2024

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