Symplocos theifolia D. Don in Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 145. 1825. (Syn: Eugeniodes theifolium O. K.; Symplocos racemosa DC.; Symplocos phyllocalyx C. B. Clarke; Symplocos warburgii Brand; Symplocos discolor Brand; Symplocos wilsonii Brand; Symplocos ernestii Dunn; Symplocos loheri Brand; Symplocos xanthoxantha H. L´ev.; Symplocos coronigera H.L´ev.; Symplocos potaninii Gontsch.; Symplocos elephantis Guillaumin; Dicalix shinodanus Migo; Symplocos ernestii Dunn var. pubicalyx C. Chen) as per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013); . Distribution and habitat: Bhutan, Cambodia, China (south of the Yangtze River), India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Philippines occurring in mixed forests on slopes below 2600 m as per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013); . Small evergreen trees or shrubs, to 15 m high. Twigs green, glabrous, ridged. Petioles 6–12(–16) mm long; leaf blades leathery, 8–12×2–3 cm long, glabrous on both sides, base cuneate, margin subentire or serrated, apex long acuminate; midvein adaxially prominent, lateral veins 8–12 per side. Inflorescences simple or basally branched, axillary spikes, 0.8–2.5 cm long, axis puberulent; bracts and bracteoles persistent, broadly obovate, 1–3 mm long, often glabrous. Calyx glabrous or puberulent, margin ciliolate, lobes orbicular. Corolla white, 3–5 mm long, deeply 5-lobed. Stamens 15–50, pentadelphous or inconspicuous pentadelphous. Disc soft pilose. Drupes ellipsoidal, 6–15 × 4–7 mm, apex with erect or spread persistent calyx lobes, 3 loculed, 1 or 2 locules often fertile, mesocarp woody, endocarp surface smooth, chartaceous as per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013); . Symplocos lucida ABJAN01/10 : 8 posts by 3 authors. 13 images. I first shared photos of these trees growing around here in November 2014. I have been trying to find out the species without much success but I think I am quite close. I am very inclined now to think that this is S. lucida not least because this is the only species in the Himalayas that flowers/fruits in autumn/winter. The leaves are leathery, glossy and finely toothed. I could not find many drupes at this time in late winters but had enough to see their shape. I am including earlier pictures too to have all in one place for reference. Please advise.S. lucida (S. theifolia previously) Dal Lake, Dharamshala Cantt., HP 1800m 2014-15 and January 2016. Forgot a couple of pictures. Apologies! The bark. The drupe. I tried to cut across to see the cross-section but the seed was hard. 2 images. I had made a separate thread to include more photographs of the species here. I am forwarding it for your advice. Thank you for posting more pictures with good details. It is Symplocos species. Leaf margin also confirms it. I will try to identify by next week and get back to you. Thank you … I look forward to your advice eagerly. i am not sure whether S. lucida has distribution this far in the NW Thank you … This one is proving difficult with experts divided in their opinion. I will study the Neolitsia family to see if we could get closer to a positive ID. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. (Symplocaceae) from Sikkim : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Here is what I have identified as Symplocos lucida from Sikkim. An element of subtropical forests, seen up to 7000 feet altitude. Thank you very much for sharing this. The leaves and the drupes do look very similar to the ones here. I would be grateful for your advice on the species I posted. I found a good resource on S. lucida with illustrations here; In which month was your photo taken? Thank you. This photo was taken from a twig collected by me from Fambonglho WLS, East Sikkim. Your posts perfectly mach with the description of the species. Details that I have are pasted here. The photo was taken in the month of November. BSI published the account of the family in a Fascicle of Flora of India long back. Please look at their website if it is available online. I would like to point out that as per IPNI, this name is illegitimate which shows that it clashes with the name of that of Wall. ex G.Don. The original date of publication of Fl. Japonica is to be checked. Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc., Fl. Jap. 1: 55, t. 24. 1835, excl. syn. Myrtus laevis; D.G. Long in Grierson & D.G. Long, Fl. Bhutan 2(2): 581. 1999. Laurus lucida Thunb. in Murray, Syst. Veg. ed. 14, 383. 1784. Symplocos japonica DC., Prodr. 8: 255. 1844. S. phyllocalyx C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 575. 1882. Shrubs or trees, 3 – 10 m high, entirely glabrous. Fl. & Fr.: Aug. – Nov. Local names: Nep.: Kharani, Lekh kharane. Habitat: Common in tropical, subtropical and temperate deciduous forests at 1500 – 2600 m altitudes. Specimens examined: Pangthang, 8 Nov 2004, T. Chakrabarty 30606 (BSHC). Takchi forest, 15 Dec 1981, Krishna 2110 (BSHC). Thank you very much once again. Someone once told me that the local name of this tree here is ‘paprain or papdain’ but I am unable to verify it. IPNI does list it as ‘nom. illeg.’ but specimens at Kew continue to be listed under this nomenclature (and its previous S. theifolia) so perhaps we can use this name for the time being till further modification. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia . Symplocos species from East Sikkim for Id please : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Symplocos lucida ? This was an abundant small tree, in a subtropical forest at Fambong Lho WLS, East Sikkim at about 6500 feet altitude. Thanks, … I am unable to say anything. You may further pursue the following: Thank you …, I will try to compare the same in CNH. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. ?? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Altitude:6600 ft. Date: 12 November 2017 Syn: Symplocos theifolia D. Don ?? Also check with your images at SK466 31 MAR-2017:ID as to me these looks a bit different from images of Symplocos lucida at I checked today and no more flowers noticed. According to flowering season as per the book (copy enclosed earlier) I guess it is S. lucida. Same plant on 2 April 2018 ID validation ? Attachments (3) Yes to me also appear close as per images at Symplocos lucida Nepali Names : घोले Ghole / हाकुलाल Haakulaal / बाकलपाती Baakalapaatee The Plant list says S.lucida but the CofL says : Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu (accepted name) OK Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. Location: Osho, Balaju, Raniban’ Nepal Altitude : 4600 ft. Date: 7 June 2018 Habit : Wild Attachments (7)- around 600 kb each. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK860 15 NOV-2017:ID : 16 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Location: Telkot, Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 12 November 2017 Altitude: 5400 ft. It was in a distance so could not capture well ! Any idea about the family or the genus? I guess now it could be some Symplocos. Now, we need to close in to the correct ID. Looks similar to one of your recent post on this genus. Yes appears similar to the images at the given efi thread. It is definitely Symplocos but difficult to decide the specific ID as the images are not so clear due to distant shot and the plant was not that tall compared to the the earlier one. Ok It does look like Symplocos sp May be S. lucida as per your given thread. I guess so ! As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK937 07 JAN-2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Date: 7 January 2018 Elevation: 4600 ft. Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. ?? Syn: Symplocos theifolia D. Don Link Image given in the link is of Symplocos phyllocalyx Clarke Thank you …! Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. Syn: Symplocos theifolia D. Don Symplocos phyllocalyx C.B. Clarke Nepali Names : घोले Ghole / बाकलपाती Baakalapaatee / हाकुलाल Haakulaal Ok Same tree on 29 July 2018. Different links showing different accepted names, viz: Looks like Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. is not the correct ID. and did not find Symplocos lucida Wall. ex G.Don in CoL and GBIF. Yes. For the time being, I am keeping Symplocos lucida only. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK1067 05 APR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Altitude: 7500 ft. Date: 27 March 2018 Habit : Wild Again Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. ?? Appears close to images in your another post on the same species at SK937 07 JAN-2018 As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK1496 10 Oct 2018 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 600 kb each. Location: Nagarkot Date: 21 August 2018 Elevation:6800 ft. Habit : Wild Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. ?? As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia . This tree is growing near my house. It is about 20 feet tall. Please help identify it. Could it be a Symplocos? Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1750m 11 December 2014 Symplocos – species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) A couple of days ago I photographed more trees of the same species again. The bark is always dark with light spots. I checked at least 4-5 different trees. The colour of the leaves can vary between very deep green to lighter green but barks and berries are the same. I am putting in a couple of additional pictures here. Together with earlier pictures in this thread, can we attempt to identify it. It’s more likely a Symplocos species as discussed earlier. I will be grateful for any advice. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 2 January 2016 5 images It looks like Neolitsea umbrosa Thank you … I think my photos were insufficient for … to conclude that. I had assumed that they will be seen together with my earlier photos in the thread. I will repost this tree with photos showing different characteristics in one mail later. We also have Neolitsea pallens which has long, narrow and entire leaves which are slightly cyan blue underneath. I am compiling photographs for that species too but I do not have a single photo of its berries so I may have to wait. According to me it is not Symplocos but a member of the It should be Symplocos sp. Fruits in the picture clearly shows that it could be Symplocos. Leaves in the picture do not show tri-nerved condition, a characteristic feature of Neolitsea. The leaves of Symplocos may not smell aromatic or pleasant. Fallen leaves of Symplocos will be yellow in color. Thank you … I now strongly suspect it to be Symplocos lucida. The leaves do not smell like the Neolitsea but I haven’t verified the yellowing of fallen leaves yet. I will update soon. i.e. Symplocos lucida As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK 2196 26 September 2019 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- 1 mb or more. Location: Indra Daha, Kathmandu Altitude: 1543 m. Date: 18 August 2019 Habit : Wild Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. ?? Attachments (2) – 1 mb and 5 mb. Attachments (1)- 6 mb. by now you have photographed and shown us several of these shrubs. so you know this botanical specimen more than we do you have seen them in real life. we / /I have seen them in pictures only. so what is your opinion? I have posted my guess. and think it is correct ! yes As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our tree is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK 2301 19 November 2019 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – 1, 2 & 3 mb. Location: Matatirtha, Kathmandu Date: 19 October 2019 Elevation: 1724 m. Habit : Wild Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. ?? Syn : Symplocos theifolia D. Don ?? Attachments (3) – 1, 2 & 3 mb. Attachments (1)- 7 mb. I also think close to images at Symplocos lucida As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our plant is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia MS Nov,2018/13 Symplocos sp. or Xylosma longifolium for ID. : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Ailawng, Mizoram Altitude : ca. 1,100 m. Habit : Tree Habit : Wild Mizo : Lei-dum It is not Xylosma longifolia To me also looks different from images at Xylosma longifolia Pl. check species available in efi site at Symplocos I guess Symplocos sp. Symplocos glomerata King ex C. B. Clarke ?? Image date? Viburnum mullaha : Lei-dum Is the local name correct ?? I think looks different from illustration of Symplocos glomerata at Can it be some Lauraceae? If Symplocos, i am unfamiliar with this spp. What are the species of Symplocos, found in your area ? Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. cochinchinensis & laurina, S.hookeri, S.paniculata, S.raemosa & S.thaefolia are recorded in Mizoram state. I will go with Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu (syn: S.thaefolia) only as per keys and comparative images at Symplocos As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our plant is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia . Symplocos glomerata?/ABNOV14 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Dal Lake, Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP A reply from another thread: “Yes …, This is Symplocos sp. as we discussed and observed together, probably you are right in specific I’d too..” Thank you … I did see that reply. … had kindly pointed it out to me during his Dharamshala visit too. But we were not sure of its ID at the species level. After looking at more trees, I am not so sure that it is glomerata, I am now leaning more towards Symplcos ramosissima and seeking expert help with this. Hence my new message. I am including here an attachment from eFlora of China for reference. I will go for Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu rather than Symplocos ramosissima Wall. ex G. Don as per images and details herein. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our plant is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia . Symplocos/ABNOV14 and ABDEC21 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Please refer to my earlier posts of Nov 14 and Dec 21. Yesterday (19.12.14) evening I picked up small branches of both samples with leaves and flowers. Both are most likely Symplocos but may differ at the species level. The darker leaves with fresher white flowers is from my November 21 post and the sample with larger leaves (11cm) and yellowing flowers is from my more recent post. These photos hopefully show the venation, toothed margins, relative sizes/colours and the shape of flowers. Please advise. Pl. see earlier threads of Nov 12 (? Symplcos ramosissima) & Dec 12 Symplocos – species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) I will go for Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu rather than Symplocos ramosissima Wall. ex G. Don as per images and details herein. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our plant is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia SK200NOV15-2016:ID : 19 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (15) Location: Champadevi, Nepal Altitude: 6000 ft. Date: 12 November 2016 Have you checked Lauraceae? Tried all Lauraceae listed in Nepal but could not come to the conclusion. From the fruits and leaves it appeared to me to be Lauraceae which it is not as the number of stamens in Lauraceae rarely exceed 9 in number. Any idea about the family ? A species of Symplocos Symplocaceae Is it Symplocos glomerata King ex C. B. Cl. I guess all description matching according to the link. Also check with the following: I think more closer to images & illustrations above to Symplocos ramosissima I guess the flowering and fruiting period is matching to Symplocos glomerata King ex C. B. Cl. but not to Symplocos ramosissima Wallich on. There is no mention of flowering and fruiting period in Checklist of Nepal as per the following: If you are talking of Flora of China, it can not be relied in this matter as it varies from place to place. What about other aspects as given in the illustrations ? I guess you are correct. Enclosing the book print of Symplocos found in and around Kathmandu Valley to re confirm the ID validation. I guess the description and the drawing matches with Symplocos glomerata King ex C.B. Clarke according to the efn link Symplocos glomerata Fruit images of Symplocos glomerata look different as per GBIF specimen I will go for Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu rather than Symplocos ramosissima Wall. ex G. Don as per images and details herein. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. So our plant is Symplocos theifolia D. Don only with syn. as per efi page at Symplocos theifolia Location: Nagarkot Date: 21 August 2018 Elevation:6800 ft. Habit : Wild Is it Symplocos ? Which one ?? Pl. check species available at Symplocos and your earlier postings from Nepal. I will go with Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu (syn: S.thaefolia) only as per keys and comparative images at Symplocos As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. Location: Nagarkot, Bhaktapur Date: 24 October 2019 Elevation: 2076m. Habitat: Wild According to the elevation and phenology, could it be one of Symplocos glomerata King ex C.B.Clarke or Symplocos sumuntia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don ?? I guess this is the same plant! May be. Any suggestion about the ID as I proposed ? Pl. also check species available at Symplocos and your earlier postings from Nepal. Difficult! I will go with Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu (syn: S.thaefolia) only as per keys and comparative images at Symplocos As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area. That includes Nepal as well I guess. Yes, … MS Sept., 2018/20 Magnolia sp. ?? for Id : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Date : 13-09-2018 Habit : Evergreen tree Habitat : Wild Pl. check comparative images at /species/m—z/m/magnoliaceae/magnolia first i cant be sure its a magnolia. would like to see the whole tree and some full face on and backs of the leaves and leaf scars on a twig and now i come to fruits. magnolia fruits are more or less mostly in a capsule or even a cone. only magnolias that have fruits growing in a bunch like fashion is: Magnolia sirindhorniae of Thailand but its fruits are very different from our case here. another candidate in my mind is : magnolia faveolata in vietnam hills on page 56 of this issue 90 of magnolia society: structure at each fruit top seems to be from the remnant of a flower??? then its not a magnolia. so, what if this not a magnolia at all? is that a possibility entertained by …?? It may not be Magnolia in my opinion Any better images? Symplocos by any means ?? Pl. check Symplocos species as suggested by … Which are the species reported from your area ? It might be Symplocos thaefolia Symplocos theifolia is a syn. of Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu as per Catalogue of Life. Pl. check with images and specimens at GBIF specimen To me appears somewhat close, but can not confirm myself with your two images. Pl. check and confirm. Further, The Plant List Ver. 1.1 gives Symplocos theifolia D. Don as a synonym of Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. However, Catalogue of Life, considers Symplocos lucida (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. also as a syn. of Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu So also check with images in efi at Symplocos lucida Most of the time it is confusing. Keys in Flora of Bhutan at Symplocos, lead me to Symplocos kuroki Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. cochinchinensis & subsp. laurina, S.hookeri, S.paniculata, S.racemosa & S.thaefolia are recorded in Mizoram Looks different from other species available in efi site. Also looks different from Symplocos hookeri C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker as per FoC illustration and GBIF So I will go for Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu (syn: S.thaefolia) only. Symplocos cochinchinensis subsp. cochinchinensis & subsp. laurina, S.hookeri, S.paniculata, S.racemosa & S.thaefolia are recorded in Mizoram Looks different from other species available in efi site. Also looks different from Symplocos hookeri C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker as per FoC illustration and GBIF So I will go for Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu (syn: S.thaefolia) only. As per Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013), Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini, S. kuroki Nagam. and Symplocos theifolia D. Don, all are accepted species with only Symplocos theifolia D. Don found in our area.
SK 2424 02 February 2020 : 11 posts by 2 authors. 7 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Phulchoki Date: 24 January 2020 Elevation: 1920m. Habitat: Wild Which Symplocos?? Pl. check with species already available at Symplocos I think close to Symplocos kuroki H. Nagamasu Could not find fruiting phenology for this sp. After going through the illustrations and descriptions, I will go for for the time being. MS Feb, 2020/10 Symplocos koroki ? for Id/confirmation : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location Ailawng, Mizoram Altitude : ca 1,300 m. Habit : Evergreen tree Habitat : Wild Symplocos hookeri ? I think S.theifolia. . MS,Nov.,2021/11 Symplocos sp. ? for id.: 2 images. Date : 06-12-2015 Habit : Tree Habitat : Wild Yes, as per comparative images at Symplocos
Based on the no. of stamens, better to go for Symplocos theifolia
. References: Taxonomic revision of the Symplocos nakaharae complex (Symplocaceae) with special reference to fruit morphology by Bo LIU Hai-Ning QIN- Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (1): 94–114 (2013) POWO The Plant List Ver.1.1 IPNI Flora of China (Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini) FOC illustration (Symplocos lucida (Thunberg) Siebold & Zuccarini) Check list of Nepal IIIM GBIF |
Symplocos theifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024