Tamarix ericoides ?

DKV 210708 Requesting Species id: 1 image.

Requesting species id.
Clicked on the bank of the Choral river in the Patalpani-Kalakund Ghat Section in Mhow Tehsil, Indore district, MP.  May 30 2021
Is this Tamarix gallica var. indica
Common name in Hindi: Jhau, Pichul, झाउ, पिचुल.

Difficult to say about the species without flowers.

However, Tamarix dioica and Tamarix ericoides are stated to be distributed in M.P. as per details at Tamarix

Thank you …. I will get the photographs of the flowers so that it can be identified.
A 1910 book on the Trees and Shrubs of Indore state by W F Biscoe the Conservator of Forests of Indore State has listed Tamarix ericoides as present in this area.