Alpinia calcarata (Haw.) Roscoe (S. India, China (Guangdong) to Indo-China: China Southeast, Hainan, India, Myanmar, Vietnam; Introduced into: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, St.Helena as per POWO) Alpinia conchigera Griff. (SE. Bangladesh to Sumatera, Philippines: Andaman Is., Bangladesh, Cambodia, Malaya, Myanmar, Philippines, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO) Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. (S. China to W. & Central Malesia: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, Hainan, Jawa, Malaya, Myanmar, Philippines, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam; Introduced into: India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan as per POWO) Alpinia malaccensis (Burm.f.) Roscoe (Assam to China (Yunnan) and Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, Myanmar, Tibet, Vietnam; Introduced into: China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Maluku, Sri Lanka, West Himalaya as per POWO) Alpinia nigra (Gaertn.) Burtt (Indian Subcontinent to China (S. Yunnan): Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Sri Lanka, Thailand; Introduced into: Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Kazan-retto, Ogasawara-shoto as per POWO) Alpinia ovoidocarpa H.Dong & G.J.Xu (Arunachal Pradesh, China (Guangxi): China Southeast, East Himalaya as per POWO) Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K.Schum. (Introduced) (Maluku to SW. Pacific: Bismarck Archipelago, Maluku, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Solomon Is., Vanuatu; Introduced into: Assam, Caroline Is., Colombia, Comoros, Cook Is., Ecuador, Fiji, Hawaii, Leeward Is., Mexico Southwest, Peru, Santa Cruz Is., Society Is., Thailand, Trinidad-Tobago, Tuamotu, Windward Is. as per POWO) Alpinia roxburghii Sweet (E. Nepal to S. China and Peninsula Malaysia: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO) Alpinia vittata W.Bull (Introduced) (Bismarck Archipelago; Dominican Republic; Fiji; Leeward Is.; Solomon Is.; Thailand; Trinidad-Tobago; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life)
Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L.Burtt & R.M.Sm. (Introduced) (S. Japan to Taiwan, S. China to N. Peninsula Malaysia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, Hainan, Japan, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Introduced into: Ascension, Azores, Bolivia, Canary Is., Caroline Is., Cook Is., Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Florida, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Leeward Is., New Caledonia, Ogasawara-shoto, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Solomon Is., St.Helena, Trinidad-Tobago, Tubuai Is., Windward Is. as per POWO) . .
. . . . Alpinia page with comparative images: Pl. go through Alpinia (Zingiberaceae) page with comparative images of species in efloraofindia. On clicking the link of species, one can check the complete details. Genus pages generally give details of most of the species found in India. I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identification in the future. If anybody can send images of other species of this genus (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice. Pl. circulate it widely for the benefit of all concerned. Most of the credit for identifications goes to Dr. M.Sabu. |
Updated on December 24, 2024