Keys from Flora of Bhutan (1983): 1. Flowers in lax or condensed cymes, never on a fleshy receptacle, 5-merous; perianth of female flowers large, equalling ovary and achene … Species 1 (1. E. heterolobum (Weddell) Hallier f.; Pellionia heteroloba Weddell, P. griffithiaiana Weddell, E. griffithianum (Weddell) Hallier f.- Warm broad-leaved forest, J 500 m. February) & 2 (2. E. longicaudatum Grierson & Long- Subtropical forests, on shady banks, 550 m. June) -Flowers densely aggregated on fleshy bracteate receptacles; male flowers 4-or 5-merous, female flowers 3-merous; perianth of female flowers minute, much shorter than fruit. ……… 2 2. Leaves 8-26 cm long (sometimes as small as 5 cm in E. grandidentatum, E.lineolatum and E. nasutum), strongly acuminate or caudate ……. 3 -Leaves 1-6 cm long (sometimes up to 9 cm in E. hookerianum), obtuse, acute or shortly acuminate …….. 8 3. Flower heads sessile in both sexes or on very short peduncles 2- 3 mm …….. 4 -Male flower heads borne on peduncles 1 – 15 cm (sometimes shorter in E. nasutum), female heads sessile or peduncled ……… 7 4. Leaves coarsely and sharply serrate with teeth 3- 8 mm deep …. Species 3 (3. E. sessile Forster- Warm and Cool broad-leaved forests, on wet rocks by streams, 1200- 2600 m. May- August) & 4 (4. E. grandidentatum W. T. Wang- Evergreen oak, Fir and Hemlock forest, on wet rocks by streams, 2300-3300 m. June- August) -Leaves crenate, bluntly serrate or entire, or if sharply serrate then teeth 1- 3 mm deep ………… 5 5. Leaves broadly ovate-elliptic, base strongly cordate or auriculate on one side Species 5 (5. E. platyphyllum Weddell.- Subtropical and Warm broad-leaved forests, on shady rocks by streams. 300- 1600 m) -Leaves elliptic (usually narrowly) or lanceolate, base cuneate or rounded on one side, never cordate or auriculate ……… 6 6. Leaf margins entire or with few coarse teeth in upper part, acumen entire Species 6 ((6. E. lineolatum Wight.- Subtropical and Warm hroad-leaved forests , on shady slopes and rocky river banks, 300- 1800 m. May- June)), 7 (7. E. integrifolium (D. Don) Weddell; E. sesquifolium (Blume) Hasskarl- Warm broad leaved forests, 1500 m. March) & 8 (8. E. acuminatum (Poiret) Brongniart- Evergreen oak forest, on shady banks, 2300 m. May- June) -Leaf margins finely serrate from below middle, acumen serrate .. … Species 9 (9. E. rupestre (D Don) Weddell- Subtropical and Wann broad-leaved forests, 300- 1500 m. April- May) 7. Young shoots glabrous ……… Species 10 (10. E. dissectum Weddell- Warm broad-leaved forests, 1500- 1700 m. May- June), 11 (11. E. ficoides Weddell; E. marianruze Oarke- Warm broad-leaved forests, 1800-2100 m. August), 12 (12. E. treutleri Hook. f.- 1500 m. July) & 13 (13. E. nasutum Hook. f.- Warm broad-leaved forest, 1700-2100 m. August) -Young shoots rusty-puberulous or pale pubescent …….. Species 14 (14. E. papillosum Weddell- Warm broad leaved forest, 1300 m. July), 15 (15. E. sikkimense Oarke- On wet rocks, 1000-2400 m. July- August) & 16 (16. E. stellatum Hook. f.- 1500 m. September) 8. Leaves with 1- 4 blunt teeth or entire, obtuse or subacute ….. Species 17 (17. E. obtusum Weddell- Evergreen oak, Spruce and Hemlock forests, on shaded mossy banks, 2450- 3000 m. May- July) & 18 (18. E. pusillum Clarke- 3000 m. October) -Leaves with 5 to many sharp or blunt teeth, usually acute or acuminate, obtuse or subacute in E. reptans and E. cuneatum ……… 9 9. Leaves acuminate ………… 10 -Leaves acute or obtuse ……….. 11 10. Leaves oblong-elliptic or oblanceolate, crenate or shallowly serrate above middle; never with small opposite leaves …… Species 19 (19. E. hookerianum Weddell- Warm and Cool broad-leaved and Evergreen oak forests, on damp shady banks and wet rocks, 900- 2700 m. April- June) & 20 (20. E. caveanum Grierson and Long; E. hookerianum var.? peduncularis Hook. f.- Warm broad-leaved forests, on wet rocks, 1200- 1800 m. June- August) -Leaves ovate or elliptic, sharply serrate from middle or often below middle to apex; often with rudimentary leaves (modified stipules) opposite normal ones ………….. Species 21 (21. E. monandrum (D. Don) Hara; E. surculosum Wight– Warm and Cool broad-leaved forests, on mossy rocks and boulders, 400-2600 m. May- August), 22 (22. E. subincisum Weddell- 2100-2300 m) & 23 (23. E. stracheyanum Weddell- 2700 m) 11. Leaves with numerous sharp teeth from below middle to apex ……….Species 24 (24. E. reptans Hook. f.- Subtropical forests, on shady rocks and soil, 200- 1000 m. July) & 25 (25. E. cornutum Weddell- Subtropical forest, 300- 1200 m. June) -Leaves serrate or crenate only at apex …….. Species 26 (26. E. imbricans Dunn- Warm broad-leaved forests, on shady banks, 2000-2150 m June- July) & 27 (27. E. cuneatum Wight- 1800 m. August) Elatostema cyrtandrifolium(Zoll. & Mor.) Miq. (Bhutan to Taiwan and Jawa: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Jawa, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Taiwan, Vietnam as per POWO) Elatostema heyneanum (Wedd.) Hallier.f. (S. India, Sri Lanka, China (Yunnan, N. Guangxi) to Indo-China: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per POWO) Elatostema obtusum Wedd. (China (S-Gansu, W-Hubei, NW-Hunan, S-Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Bhutan, NE-India, Nepal, Sikkim, Thailand as per Catalogue of Life) Elatostema parvum (Blume) Blume ex Miq. Elatostema punctatum (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Wedd. (Himalaya to S. Central China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO) Elatostema rupestre (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Wedd. (China (S-Yunnan), NE-India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Vietnam, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of life) Elatostema species- Baramura, Tripura .
BSI Flora of India Checklist (Distribution):
. Flora of peninsular India (3.9.19): . . Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 9.6.14:
. Elatostema sessile var. polycephalum Wedd. is a synonym of Elatostema punctatum (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Wedd. Elatostema stracheyanum Wedd. is a synonym of Elatostema parvum (Blume) Blume ex Miq. Elatostema subincisum Wedd. . . New taxa of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from Thailand and India by Hai Yan Bi, Zhi Rong Yang, Qi Lin- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 18(2): 149-152, 2011 (December)- Abstract– In this study, one new species and one new variety are described and illustrated. Elatostema intanondense Q. Lin (Urticaceae), collected from Doi Intanond of Chiang Mai in Thailand, is morphologically similar to E. subincisum Weddell, but differs by having obscure stipules (vs. conspicuous, linear-lanceolate, 5-6 mm long in E. subincisum), and elliptic to lanceolate nanophylls, 3-7 × 1.5-3.0 mm (vs. absent in E. subincisum). Elatostema ranongense Yahara var. glabroum Q. Lin, a new variety collected from Khasi Hills in Mawhplong of Meghalaya, India. This new variety has glabrous stems and glabrous leaves that differs from var. ranongense that having densely hirtellous stems, densely strigillose leaf blade on abaxial surface along veins. . . An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)- Details- Elatostema lineolatum Wight . Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)- Brief details- p. 489- Elatostema sesquifolium (Reinw. ex Blume) Hassk. is a synonym of Elatostema integrifolium (D.Don) Wedd. . Floristic Diversity of Assam: Study of Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary By Bora, Yogendra Kumar (2003)- Details- Elatostema sessile . Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (1998)- Details- Elatostema cuneatum . Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach, Volume 2 By Kumudranjan Naskar (1993)- Details- Elatostema cuneatum . Floristic Plants of the World By Rashtra Vardhana (2006)- Brief details- Elatostema cuneatum Elatostema lineolatum Wight . Elatostema (Urticaceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Elatostema (Urticaceae) Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful. Any comments/ corrections are welcome. From Bangladesh . Elatostema (Urticaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Elatostema (Urticaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. . Keys for Elatostema from Flora of Bhutan : 2 posts by 1 author. As we are hardly getting any help from Experts in this field, I have added keys for Elatostema from Flora of Bhutan at efi site at Elatostema I find it a very difficult genus for id. I hope by following keys here, we may arrive at tentative ids and subsequently get it verified with detailed descriptions and high resolution species and images in net. I have also added habitat and elevation along with month of occurrence, which will further aid in the identifications. Pl. go through Elatostema (Utricaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice. Thanks a lot to Dr. Fu from China, for helping us a lot, in proper identifications of this genus. |
Updated on December 24, 2024