
Polygonatum govanianum Royle (NE. Pakistan to W. Himalaya as per POWO)

As per efi thread (By Aaron Floden on 6.4.16):
This is the list of species of Polygonatum for India as currently recognized. There will be some other nomenclatural changes over the next year. There are also some novel species that also occur in China that are also in Arunachal, and also at least one new one on the border of Myanmar and Arunachal. 
I have removed P. curvistylum and P. prattii from the list because these do not occur in India. Prattii and curvistylum are Hengduan Mt. endemics mostly within the Lichiang Range and adjacent areas. India has P. kansuense which can vary in leaf width quite a bit and flower number. 
Polygonatum verticillatum is a very problematic taxon and I do not have any evidence that the European entity (true verticillatum) occurs in Asia outside of the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia and Turkey. I am working on the Flora of Nepal treatment for Polygonatum and Edinburgh provided me with many DNA samples and none of them match European plants. The main problem is determining which types represent which species. I have two sorted out, but am still having troubles with some others.
Polygonatum angelicum Floden (Arunachal (and Tibet)
P. autumnale Floden (Arunachal)
P. brevistylum Baker (Arunachal, Sikkim)
P. cathcartii Baker
P. cirrhifolium (Wall.) Royle
P. geminiflorum Decne.
P. graminifolium Hook.
P. griffithii Baker (Arunachal, Sikkim)
P. hookeri Baker
P. kansuense Maxim. ex Batalin
P. kingianum Collett & Hemsley (Manipur)
P. leptophyllum (D.Don) Royle
P. luteoverrucosum Floden (Arunachal (and Tibet))
P. multiflorum (L.) All.
P. nervulosum Baker
P. oppositifolium (Wall.) Royle [vars. oppositifolium; decipiens Baker]
P. punctatum Royle ex Kunth
P. singalilense H. Hara
P. tessellatum F.T. wang & Tang (Manipur)
P. verticillatum (L.) All. [vars. verticillatum; gracile Baker ex Aitch.]
P. wardii F.T.Wang & Tang (Arunachal)
I will try to get some images sent soon too and ask some friends for images of species I have not seen.


Polygonatum species in India:
  1. Polygonatum brevistylum Baker
  2. P. cathcartii Baker
  3. P. cirrhifolium (Wall.) Royle
  4. P. curvistylum Hua
  5. P. geminiflorum Decne.
  6. P. graminifolium Hook.
  7. P. griffithii Baker
  8. P. hookeri Baker
  9. P. multiflorum (L.) All.
  10. P. nervulosum Baker
  11. P. oppositifolium (Wall.) Royle [vars. oppositifolium; decipience
  12. P. prattii Baker
  13. P. punctatum Royle ex Kunth
  14. P. singalilense H. Hara
  15. P. verticillatum (L.) All. [vars. verticillatum; gracile Baker ex
  16. P. wardii F.T.Wang & Tang

Karthikeyan, S., Jain, S.K., Nayar, M.P. and Sanjappa, M. 1989. Florae Indicae Enumeratio: Monocotyledonae. BSI Calcutta. pp. 100-101.

Fwd: Polygonatum in the Himalaya : 1 post by 1 author.

Please see the paper linked to below for my first major phylogeny on Polygonatum that looks at P. multiflorum and P. verticillatum in samples from Europe and Asia. The types of both names are from Europe and the populations in the NW Himalaya of P. multiflorum should be recognized as P. govanianum. Polygonatum verticillatum in the Himalaya is another problem and is probably at least 3-4 different species. The next paper covers over 250 samples of Polygonatum from around the world and will show the complexity of the P. cirrhifolium and P. verticillatum taxonomic problems that need to be resolved.



Pl. go through Polygonatum page (Asparagaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by …).

If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know.
If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), it will be really nice. Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know.

This is the list of species of Polygonatum for India as currently recognized. There will be some other nomenclatural changes over the next year. There are also some novel species that also occur in China that are also in Arunachal, and also at least one new one on the border of Myanmar and Arunachal. 

I have removed P. curvistylum and P. prattii from the list because these do not occur in India. Prattii and curvistylum are Hengduan Mt. endemics mostly within the Lichiang Range and adjacent areas. India has P. kansuense which can vary in leaf width quite a bit and flower number. 
Polygonatum verticillatum is a very problematic taxon and I do not have any evidence that the European entity (true verticillatum) occurs in Asia outside of the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia and Turkey. I am working on the Flora of Nepal treatment for Polygonatum and Edinburgh provided me with many DNA samples and none of them match European plants. The main problem is determining which types represent which species. I have two sorted out, but am still having troubles with some others.
Polygonatum angelicum Floden (Arunachal (and Tibet)
P. autumnale Floden (Arunachal)
P. brevistylum Baker (Arunachal, Sikkim)
P. cathcartii Baker
P. cirrhifolium (Wall.) Royle
P. geminiflorum Decne.
P. graminifolium Hook.
P. griffithii Baker (Arunachal, Sikkim)
P. hookeri Baker
P. kansuense Maxim. ex Batalin
P. kingianum Collett & Hemsley (Manipur)
P. leptophyllum (D.Don) Royle
P. luteoverrucosum Floden (Arunachal (and Tibet))
P. multiflorum (L.) All.
P. nervulosum Baker
P. oppositifolium (Wall.) Royle [vars. oppositifolium; decipiens Baker]
P. punctatum Royle ex Kunth
P. singalilense H. Hara
P. tessellatum F.T. wang & Tang (Manipur)
P. verticillatum (L.) All. [vars. verticillatum; gracile Baker ex Aitch.]
P. wardii F.T.Wang & Tang (Arunachal)
I will try to get some images sent soon too and ask some friends for images of species I have not seen.

I have attached several images of Polygonatum species native to the Indian Himalaya. Please use them for the website.