Veronica laxa Benth., Scroph. Ind. 45 45 1835. (syn: Veronica thunbergii A.Gray) as per POWO;
China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Japan, West Himalaya as per POWO;

Veronica laxa (syn: V. melissaefolia) from Kashmir, common in subalpine and Alpine meadows.
Photographed from Khillenmarg on June 19, 2010.


Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Veronica laxa from Kashmir -GS-50 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Veronica laxa (syn: V. melissaefolia) from Kashmir, common in subalpine and Alpine meadows.
Photographed from Khillenmarg on June 19, 2010.

Thanks, …, There seems to be some confusion with regard to taxonomy of Veronica laxa as below:

1. As per Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell, Veronica laxa Benth. is a syn. of V. melissaefolia Poiret
2. Veronica melissifolia Desf. ex Poir. is a syn. of Veronica micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link as per GRIN
May I request you to pl. clarify this matter.

The species was originally described from India by Bentham as V. laxa, Pennel thought it to to be a synonym of V. melissaefolia (now renamed melissifolia), a European species. Now since both GRIN and The Plant List recognise V. laxa Benth. as accepted name, the present status of V. melissifolia becomes irrelevant for Indian plants.

Veronica from Pangi i.d. al051011:
Is this a variety of Veronica sp.

Location Pangi valley
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 18 inches

Veronica laxa, I hope

Veronica…?? Kalatope id al270511b:
Is this V. Himalensis..??
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2500 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 12-14 inches

Could be V. laxa if leaves in front in second photograph belong to this.

Yes sir the leaves in the foreground in the 2nd photo do belong to the same flower… I’m sorry my photography leaves a lot to be desired as yet…

Yes Veronica laxa

There seems to be some confusion with regard to taxonomy of Veronica laxa as below:
1. As per Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell, Veronica laxa Benth. is a syn. of V. melissaefolia Poiret 
2. Veronica melissifolia Desf. ex Poir. is a syn. of Veronica micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link as per GRIN
May I request … or some learned member to pl. clarify this matter.


Request for ID 090809 Dudh Pathri 4 : Attachments (5). 8 posts by 5 authors.

Photos taken at Dudh Pathri, Jammu & Kashmir.
Date- 09th August 2009.

Probably Veronica persica

Veronica persica flowers are borne singly on long stalks, and not in spikes as seen in these pictures.
This could be Veronica cana, which is a grey-hairy plant with pale blue flowers borne in spikes. Would need validation though.

Any one having Flora of Jammu by B M Sharma should be able to resolve.

Perhaps I may be able to narrow down when I am back, but right now two things prevent me from calling it as V. cana:

Flowers are not white
Bracts are absent

I have tried to place this plant from Flora of Jammu, but no clues. I tend to agree with … at this stage. It could be V. cana.

This may be Veronica laxa Benth. as per images and details herein and as per GBIFSpecimens from India.    


Veronica sp.: 3 images- 1 high res.
Habit: Herb.
Location: kulgam, J&K.

Pl. check comparative images at Veronica

I hope Veronica arvensis

Looks different from images at Veronica arvensis L.
Appears close to images at Veronica laxa Benth. as per comparative images at Veronica


SK 3792 July 2023: 6 high res. images.

Location: West Nepal 
Date: 01 June 2023
Elevation: 3000 m.
Habit : Wild

Veronica chamaedrys L. ??

Thank you … for the ID !


ID JK 06: 1 high res. image.
Please identify this herb from Gulmarg in Kashmir. 14/9/24

Image is not clear. Can you clear images of habitat and leaves also along with the elevation ?

Appears to be Veronica laxa as per images at





POWO  efi thread (Veronica laxa Benth.) The Plant List (Veronica laxa Benth.) GRIN
(Veronica laxa Benth.) 
Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Veronica laxa Benth.) Flora of China (Veronica laxa Benth.) FoC illustration
Flowers of India (Veronica laxa Benth.)   
Conspectus of the genus Veronica Linnaeus (Plantaginaceae) in India Priyanka Agnihotri, Veena Dixit and Tariq Husain1 – Pleione 8(1): 9 – 16. 2014. 
Not Considered in view of efi thread:
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (Veronica laxa Benth. as a syn. of V. melissaefolia Poiret) 
IIIM (Herbarium) (Veronica laxa Benth. as a syn. of V. melissaefolia
Catalogue of life (Veronica melissifolia Poir. )