Impatiens tripetala Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 1: 687 1824. (Syn: Impatiens multiflora Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thoms.);
Common name: Three-Petal Balsam • Assamese: Bijol-goch, Dum-dhakua
Annual herbs, about 10-60 cm tall. Stems erect, glabrous, nodes swollen. Leaves opposite or whorled near the shoots, ovate-elliptic, about 3-20 x 0.8-2-7.5 cm across, base cuneate, margins shallow serrate, apex acuminate, lateral veins about 6-19 on either side of the midrib, green finely pubescent above and paler whitish glabrous beneath, petiole slender, about 1-5 cm long, stipules filiform. Inflorescence resupinate, axillary in the upper parts of the plant, 1-5 flowered, peduncle short about 1-3 mm long. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic, about 1.5-2.5 cm across, pedicel slender, about 1.3-2.3 cm long, sepals 3, imbricate, 2 lateral ones flat, small, linear lanceolate, apex acuminate, glabrous, about 3 mm long, posterior sepal (Lip) large, petaloid, beaked, about 1.2-1.5 cm long, spurred, spur curved, about 0.8 cm long, upper standard petal, semi cucullate, suborbicular, lateral ones (wings or alae), fused in pairs, about 1.6 cm long, basal lobes broadly elliptic, distal lobes slightly emarginated in inner margins, basal and distal lobes almost of the same size, dorsal auricle present, short globular. Stamens 5, anthers bi-locular. Ovary 5 locular. Fruit indehiscent, capsule, narrow fusiform or linear, about 1.5-2 cm long, slightly swollen in the middle, glabrous. Seeds many. Forests, altitude about 600-1800 m.
Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Sikkim, West Bengal; Nepal
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India. Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi from India Biodiversity Portal)
Bengal Plants features only one sp., I. balsamina L. which has variable flowers. I have seen it in wild very often, garden escape. But I am not sure if this can be same. Impatiens tripetala Hook.f. MS Sept, 2018/23 Impatiens sp. for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Reiek-tlang, Mizoram Date : 26-09-2018
Habit : Small herb
Habitat : Wild
These all the plants need to be examined with much details… specimens and details of dissected parts are needed. Thanks, … Comparative images available at /species/a—l/b/balsaminaceae/impatiens To me appears similar to your earlier postings of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson as per images and details herein. Again, compare with Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4. I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala MS Sept.2018/04 Impatiens sp. for ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Reiek-tlang, Mizoram Date : 07-09-2018
Habit : Small herb
Habitat : Wild
Pl. check comparative images at
To me appears similar to your earlier postings of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson as per images and details herein. I finally found some time for deeper digging in balsams on eFI.
I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence
Another problem is what species it is? Unfortunately, I don’t see enough to know it.
This is apparently late specimen, unfortunately without fruit. May I have copy of this paper. Please find the desired paper. This is not close to I. racemulosa rather it is close to I. florigera and I. tripetala
Thanks, …, I further checked on it.
I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala rather than specimens of I. florigera at GBIF.
Yes Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: RKC_01 :: 09 MAR 13 :: Balsaminaceae » Impatiens racemulosa from Arunachal : 3 images. 6 posts by 4 authors.
Impatiens racemulosa Wall.
Loc.: Sankie View, Itanagar
Date: Sept. 2006
Growing wild. GRIN taxonomy web page gives distribution as Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya states. However in one of recent threads there was I. racemulosa from Mizoram too I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence Can it be Impatiens tripetala as per specimens at GBIF and as per high resolution images below: ? You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence.
I request … to correct in FOI.
I can forward the copy of this publication if required by anybody.
Impatiens sp. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 Mb each. Pl. check comparative images at I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala
. Impatiens racemulosa in FOI : 3 posts by 2 authors.
I don’t think Impatiens racemulosa in FOI is correct.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence.
I request … to correct in FOI.
I can forward the copy of this publication if required by anybody.
Thanks … for pointing out. You are right. … images on FOI do not at all agree with those in the paper Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography, 2016, Vol. 71, No. 2, 245–248.
Next is to figure out what species is this.
Impatiens sp for ID- 090810-PKA1: Impatiens sp. from Mizoram. I suppose I. sulcata Gigantic Himalayan Balsam Impatiens sulcata, I have seen this plant quite some times I can’t agree – please compare shape of lower sepal here and in photo of I. sulcata on Flowers of India webpage Impatiens racemulosa There was other thread with at least similar plant.
The same person (…) gave the same identification. Distribution pattern from literature (eastern Himalayas, Assam, Meghalaya…) and and general description (flowers violet, spur incurved) is in agreement with data given by both authors of relevant posts and this what is visible on the photo – we most probably have Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hooker f. et Thomson! I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Balsaminaceae :: Impatiens recemulosa from Mizoram – PKA10: 4 images. 5 posts by 4 authors. There is small spelling error – it is I. racemulosa I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala MS Sept. 2018/06 Impatiens sp. for Id. : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Date : 07-09-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
Impatiens benthamii…? Thanks, … Looks different from images at Impatiens benthamii Thanks, … Pl. check comparative images at Impatiens To me appears close to images at Impatiens trilobata Colebr.
Pl. check and confirm.
I think appears more similar to your earlier posts at Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala But here leaves appears to be alternate and not opposite as in BSI Flora of India. Thus creating doubt. Flora of India states leaves to be opposite, alternate or whorled as per attachment.
Location : Sairep, Mizoram I am not sure what it is.
Looks somewhat similar to I. tripetala, but has longer and less curved spur. Feedback from another thread:
In my opinion, neither this specimen by … nor the specimen by … from Mizoram are Impatiens tripetala. I have attached the description from Flora of British India, and underlined the portion describing the lip and spur. The spur cannot be called short in any of the two specimens. I have also attached the picture of lectotype of Impatiens tripetala from Phytotaxa 288 (2): 193–196 (2016). Neither of the two specimens appear close to it. As this plant is with alternate leaves it id not match I. tripetala, but needs study Impatiens racemulosa I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa. You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala Location : Hmuifang, Mizoram
Altitude : ca 1,400 m. Date : 16-08-2017 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Pl. check with comparative images at Impatiens
Impatiens tripetala
Do you have any other image showing the spur etc. ?
Does not seem to match with images at Impatiens tripetala
Appear close to images still to be identified and kept under Impatiens tripetala ? for the time being.
Impatiens racemulosa I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala
MS Sept.2018/08 Impatiens sp. for Id : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Location : Reiek-tlang, Mizoram Date : 07-09-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
Thanks, … Pl. check comparative images at Impatiens
Any close ups? To me appears to be similar to your earlier posts at Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson
Pl. confirm. Again, I don’t think it is I. racemulosa – flowers are born in fascicles, shape of upper lateral petal is different.
I don’t see enough details to be sure what it is. More detailed pictures of flower parts could help…
I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala
just returned from a lovely trip to the north Bengal hills and forests. Five of us (Ruma Chakraborty, Indraneel Chatterjee, Joy Goswami and Shampa Goswami) visited Buxa Tiger Reserve-Chilapata Forests and Jaldapara WLS, and seen lots of wildlife, wild plants and birds.
Enjoyed bathing in Jainty river and hill streams at Buxa, the elephant ride thru dense forest at Jaldapara was exciting, the butterflies of
the hills were awesome….and the rhinos of forests simply amazing…the hills were clothed with wild flora….got spectacular views of the buxa hills on moonlit Purnima nights…. sharing images of wild flowers taken in the Buxa hills near Tashigaon (2000 feet). plz help with the IDs.
Impatience sp. Obviously some species of Impatiens possibly the Common Balsam [Impatiens balsamia]. Thanks a lot for the ID… but this plant doesnt bear any resemblance to Balsam. plz identify the species…its some kind of hills species…never seen it in the plains This could be Impatiens racemulosa
I don’t think this one is I. racemulosa.
You can compare your plant with pictures and description in recent paper:
Verma D., Lavania S., Gogoi R. 2016. Recollection and lectotypification of Impatiens racemulosa Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson (Balsaminaceae). Webbia 71,1:1-4.
I. racemulosa is regarded as endemic species, known only from Meghalaya, it has completely glabrous flowers, very small upper lateral petal, more narrow lower sepal, and racemose inflorescence I think it appears more closer to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala
MS Oct, 2019/13 Impatiens sp. for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Location : Mawmrang, Mizoram Altitude : ca 1400 m.
Date : 06-11-2019
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
I think it appears close to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala General shape of flower and type of inflorescence is characteristic for I. tripetala. Color is pale, but almost every species has sometimes pale forms. Date : 06-11-2019
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild Any images giving the side view to show the spur ? Attachments (1)- 6 mb. Attachments (1)- 6 mb. I think it appears close to specimens of I. tripetala at GBIF and image at Impatiens tripetala I agree – this could be pale form of I. tripetala. Flowers are born in fascicles from leaf axils. . MS,Nov.,2021/18 Impatiens sp. for id.: 1 high res. image. Location : Ailawng Date : 26-09-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
Any other image? Sorry ! Only this, sir Impatiens florigera C.B.Clarke ex Hook.fil. ?? I think close to images at Impatiens tripetala .
Altitude : ca.1,300 m.
Date : 14-10-2017
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild Why only one image ? No side and other views ? I think looks different from images at Impatiens tripetala . Altitude : ca.1,550 m
Date : 02-09-2023
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
Impatiens tripetala Roxb. ?? mostly Impatiens khasiana I also feel more close to images at . Altitude : ca.1,650 m
Date : 27-10-2023
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild Impatiens tripetala Roxb. ! . MS,Nov.,2023/04 Impatiens sp. for id: 1 image. Altitude : ca.1,250 m
Date : 04-11-2023
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild Impatiens tripetala Roxb. ! ! . Altitude : ca.1,600 m
Date : 19-12-2023/04
Impatiens sp. Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
Please check Impatiens tripetala Roxb. Yes, as per images at yes sir, its Impatiens tripetala
. References: |