Artemisia indica Willd., Sp. Pl. ed. 4, 3(3): 1846 1803. (syn: Artemisia indica var. indica );
Location: Soureni, India
Date: 7 May 2018
Altitude: 4000 ft
Habit : Wild
Artemisia sp.. ! ID ??
Beautiful images. Hope you have already checked in efi site. Yes … but could not conclude. Very large leaves ! I guess ID is correct.
Artemisia indica Willd.
Nepali Name : तिते पाति Titepati
![]() ![]() Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Artemisia dubia from Kashmir-GS9 : Mixed thread: 2 correct images as above. 1 post by 1 author. Artemisia dubia Wall.
The specimens earlier placed under A. vulgaris from India are now mostly referable to A. dubia or A. nilagirica. Uploading A. dubia from Kashmir.
May be some member is able to list differences between two Himalayan species. I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) Thank you for sorting out numerous Artemisia postings on eFI! The specimens placed under A. vulgaris in Flora of British India as indicated in BSI Flora also now belong to at least two different species: A. dubia with much less divided leaves middle mostly 5-partite, upper most mostly 3-partite; A. indica with much more divided leaves middle 1-2-pinnatipartite with usually 3-4 pairs of segments with larger distal lobe, uppermost leaves pinnatipartite. Also A. indica is a lower altitude species rarely ascending above 3000 m, whereas A. dubia extends to higher altitudes 2500 – 4500 m altitudes.
To me my Pahalgam plant is Artemisia dubia, whereas Kashmir University plant is A. indica. I will now post them separately also. Another splitter from A. vulgaris of FBI A. nilagirica is distributed in Deccan Peninsula.
Artemisia vestita? ABAUG2016/57 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.
Is this Artemisia vestita? Please advise
Artemisia vestita—Russian Wormwood? Mcleodganj-Triund trek, HP 2100m and above. 21 August 2016 Appears close to Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser as per comparative images at Artemisia Some photos of the developing flower heads from my Triund trek. Mcleodganj-Triund-Ilaqa, HP
03 September, 2016
2400m approx.
2 images. Looks really wonderful!!! I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) . Observed this Artemisia plant a month ago
Location: Laimaton, Manipur elevation 1300-1400 m
I did not find any inflorescence so it is hard to decide the species.
Please help me
Please check Artemisia ! To me appears close to Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser as per images, details and references herein and as per comparative images at Artemisia
Pl. check I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) Request for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Location: Laimaton, Manipur elevation 1300-1400 m
I did not find any inflorescence so it is hard to decide the species.
Please help me.
To me appears close to Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser as per images, details and references herein and as per comparative images at Artemisia
Pl. check
Any chance of it being Artemisia nilagirica? I think looks different from images at Artemisia nilagirica I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) ,
Location: Chandragiri
Date: November 2020
Altitude: 2400m.
Habitat : Wild Artemisia sp ……??? I think close to A.dubia as per comparative images at Artemisia May be but it is a difficult sp. I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) A. indica ! .
Plant for ID :: Mana, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-33 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Saw this plant at Mana village, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID.
Artemisia sp Artemisia vulgaris ?? Pl. check this species along with comparative images in efi site. May be. I am not sure. Pl. check I am not being able to post better images, Google is giving an error, This message is too long,try posting a shorter message.
Hence had to resize it a bit
Yes, appears to be Artemisia dubia I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China)
Pl. check: I guess you are right I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) A. indica !
Artemisia vulgaris (Asteraceae) Yes. Artemisia vulgaris. In kannada it is known as manjepatre. It is a very useful medicinal plant (for mental disorders ?). Please check this link for more details.:
The specimens earlier placed under A. vulgaris from India are now mostly referable to A. dubia or A. nilagirica. Uploading A. dubia from Kashmir as per another thread by … efi pages on Artemisia dubia & Artemisia nilagirica I think it should be Artemisia dubia as per detailed comparative descriptions at Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads:: Artemisia for ID SMP12 I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) .
Kalatope id al120911:
A plant growing wild around here , the leaves/flowers have a nice fragrance when crushed Location Kalatope Chamba Is it Artimisia nilagirica? Some Artemisia, dont know the species…. It could be … or of the same family.. I hope some of the elders would comment on this… Appears close to images at Artemisia nilagirica I think it should be Artemisia dubia as per detailed comparative descriptions at Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads:: Artemisia for ID SMP12 I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China)
ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Artemisia nilagirica from Uttarakhand_DSR_6 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.Clarke) Pamp. Is a fairly common perennial under shrub in Uttarakhand.
Leaves are is bitter in taste and used medicinally. Plant is also used in religious ceremonies and dried stems are used for making brooms.
Photographed at Pantnagar. I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) .
Artemisia ! nilagirica ?? Yes, it is Artemisia nilagirica, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant Isn’t it Artemisia indica. Is it listed in south India ?
As per BSI Flora of India and Flora of Peninsular India, it is not listed (although it is not clear from POWO).
Anyway it (A.indica syn: Artemisia vulgaris var. indica (Willd.) Hassk.) is quite close to A.niligarica (syn: A.vulgaris var. niligarica) In South India recorded under vulgaris only But BSI Flora of India does not list A.vulgaris although Flora of Peninsular India mentions it. Thank you very much for ID my plant with detailed clarification and providing ID links Artemesia parviflora Roxb. ex D.Don. SN May 21 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2). It does not seem to match with images of Artemisia japonica Thunb. (syn. Artemisia parviflora Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Then it will be Artemesia nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp Artemisia nilagirica it is A. nilagirica I think it is more likely to be A. indica (as per FoC illustration and description and distribution as per BSI Flora of India) rather than A.dubia (as per FoC illustration and description in Flora of China) .
. Artemisia indica from Kashmir University Botanical Garden-GS24022023-3: 3 high res. images. Yes, appear so. ID Request 221214SG : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help identify this herb 2-3’ h.
Photo taken on 19Dec14 at Dhavlas, Maharashtra. This is Artemisia sp. Leaves and capitula look like plate 1112 of Icones Pl., description also tally with Artemisia indica Willd. (under A. vulgaris L.; FBI.iii.325). I agree with you for identification of the plant as Artemisia indica Thank you very much Sir.
I guess this is Artemisia indica Willd. ! Thanks … That is what I also thought.
Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1695m.
Date: 14 August 2021
Habit : Wild Artemisia …??? Could not find a match as per comparative images at Artimisia. biennis, carvifolia, demissa, dubia, gmelinii, indica, japonica var. lanata, roxburghiana, roxburghiana var. purpurascens, sieversiana, stricta and tukuchaensis. Tried all these but could not find a match. I tried that too ! Thanks a lot sir, checked, not reached. To me appears close to images at SK 2868 28 January 2021 (identified as A.indica). Looks similar. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Artemisia for id from Gori Valley- NS 06 : Attachments (5). 5 posts by 3 authors.
This one was found during Gori Valley tour, wanted to know the id.. I hope I am not wrong in assuming this to be a species of Artemisia.. by any chance a cross section of the stem ? I am sorry for not having any cross section, actually I usually fail to record any such things in the field… Any chance for Artemisia indica Willd. or Artemisia dubia Wall. ex Besser I think it is also Artemisia indica Willd. as per images and details herein and as per images Artemisia sp. for ID from below Gulmarg, Kashmir-GS24022023-4 . Plant ID from Uttarkashi: 1 image. Date: 19 August 2023
Location: Dayara range, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand
Altitude: 3500 meters asl
Plant habit/habitat: Wild
This appears close to images at
. References: |
Artemisia indica
Updated on December 24, 2024