Cleoserrata speciosa (Raf.) Iltis – As per efi thread: The sepals are glabrous (Tarenaya hassleriana) or glandular hairy (Cleoserrata speciosa);
. Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight: September 1 to 14 2013- Coordinator Dr. Balkar Singh : 5 posts by 5 authors. Our next episode from September 1 to 14, 2013 will cover Families Capparaceae and Cleomaceae mostly treated together under one family. Dr. Balkar Singh has kindly volunteered to coordinate this episode. ………………………….. Genera in Cleomaceae so far in efi (clicking on a genus shows the species posted so far under it): Cleome . The Family Capparaceae has been included in Brassicaceae s.l. (APG, 1998). Subsequent molecular studies (Hall et al., 2002, 2008) strongly support that Capparaceae s.s. must be considered a separate family. More information about this family can be had from the following web resources A few plants description and Images Images of Some plants of the family – Good reference on Capparaceae – Good reference on Cleomaceae – Paper entitled “STUDIES IN THE CLEOMACEAE I. ON THE SEPARATE RECOGNITION OF CAPPARACEAE, CLEOMACEAE, AND BRASSICACEAE. Images of Some Plants – Nice text with color pics in last Good collection of Images – Full Paper entitled ‘PHYLOGENY OF CAPPARACEAE AND BRASSICACEAE BASED ON CHLOROPLAST SEQUENCE DATA”– Nice information on Capparaceae –GRIN Taxonomy Page of Cleomaceae – GRIN Taxonomy Page of Capparaceae – The Plant list page of Cleomaceae The plant list page of Capparaceae – Images of Some Plants – Paper entitled “A SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF CAPPARIS SECTION CAPPARIS” – Paper on Taxonomy of Cleome . Species & genera pages of Cleomaceae are now with images : 1 post by 1 author. Thanks to …, Species & genera pages of Cleomaceae in efloraofindia are now with images. I request our members to pl. take up one family each & try to make efloraofindia more constructive. We will be rendering what ever assistance is required by the members, in this matter. Species, genera & family pages of Cleomaceae are now with images. I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in future. Species pages were mostly done by … However subsequently lot more images has been added to the species pages.
Updated on December 24, 2024