Phyllanthus reticulatus

Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. Australia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Northern Territory, Pakistan, Philippines, Queensland, Santa Cruz Is., Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia as per POWO;
Reticulated Leaf-flower, Black-Honey Shrub, black-berried featherfoil, potato-bush, netted-leaved leaf-flower • Assamese: আম্লখি amlakhi • Bengali: panjuli • Gujarati: કંબોઈ kamboi • Hindi: काले मधु का पेड़ Kale madhu ka per, माषी Makhi, Panjuli • Kannada: ಕರಿಹುಳಿ karihuli • Konkani: पानपोय panpoi • Malayalam: നീര്നെല്ലി nirnelli • Marathi: पाणजुळी panjuli, पानपोई panpoi, पवारी pavari • Oriya: bala datun, bonoti-hudi, jandaki, jojangi, phajoli • Sanskrit: कृष्ण काम्बोजी krishna-kamboji • Tamil: சிவப்புப்பூலா civappu-p-pula, கருநெல்லி karu-nelli, காட்டுக்கீழாநெல்லி kattu-k-kila-nelli, பூலா pula • Telugu: నల్లపూలి nallapuli ;
Phyllanthus reticulatus is a variable and widespread species.
I tasted the dark blue fruit which my local guides (also pictured), assured me, is edible; it tasted slightly sour and also astringent, like black grape or blueberry. Which makes me think it may be rich in anti-oxidants. (Caution: reports from Africa suggest large dose can be toxic)
Current researchers are looking at anti-cancer and liver protective compounds from the leaves/ root;
Juice along with camphor used for bleeding gums; yields a red dye. fruits eaten at times of scarcity. stems for making baskets. 

My Best Plant photo for 2010, for me it captures the thrill of seeing this unusual “Amlaki” for the first time, and I could identify with EfloraofIndia links
Phyllanthus reticulatus :  a once commonly known plant which is vanishing from our environs and culture,   but was found, still surviving, at the expanding edge of Bangalore city,   
I tasted the dark blue fruit  which my local guides (also pictured),  assured me, is edible; it tasted slightly sour and also astringent, like black grape or blueberry. Which makes me think it may be  rich in anti-oxidants. (Caution: reports from Africa suggest large does can be toxic)
Current researchers are looking at anti-cancer and liver protective compounds  from the leaves/ root


Euphorbiaceae Week: Phyllanthus reticulatus from Delhi:
Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir., Encycl. 5:298. 1804
syn: Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) Baill.
Common names: Potato-bush
Hindi: Panjuli, makhi, buinowla
Guj: Datwan
Mar: Pavana
Tel: Nallapuli
Tam: Abiranji, karunelli
Delhi: Nealbari, makki
Juice along with camphor used for bleeding gums; yields a red dye. fruits eaten at times of scarcity. stems for making baskets.
A shrub often grown as hedge and becoming naturalised at many places in Delhi.


Shrub 8 for ID Plz:
This shrub was clicked at Chennai, South India by the road side. These images were taken in Sony DSC H1.

To me also this looks like Phyllanthus reticulata (Syn. Kirangelia reticulata) of Euphorbiaceae.

is it any Cassia sp. place kolkata:
is it any Cassia sp. place kolkata

It looks like Phyllanthus reticulatus.


efloraindia: 101211 BRS 257:

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Location: NBNP,  Anaikatti, Coimbatore
Date: July 2011
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Shrub

This is Phyllanthus reticulatus (Syn. Kirangelia reticulata) of Euphorbiaceae.

Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. from Hooghly:

I think this is the same plant as in FoI.
Species : Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir.
Habit & Habitat : roadside wild shrub
Date : 29/9/12 & 5/10/12 (all images are from the same plant)
Place : Khanpur (Hooghly)

Yes indeed it’s Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir only….

Yes Phyllanthus reticulatus….


Attaching two images of Phyllanthus reticulatus. In the first image one can see the flowers. The second image is of ripe fruits of this plant. The flowers emit a distinct smell ( Not agreeable ),in the evening. I have recorded three species of birds relishing the fruits of this plant.

Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. Phyllanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae s. l.
at Rajgurunagar on 07 DEC 09 and 29 MAY 10
in Goregaon on 06 AUG 09

Great photographs …

It is a widespread and variable species.


EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Phyllanthus reticulatus from Uttarakhand_DSR_46 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir is a common wild shrub in Pantnagar and adjacent Tarai areas.

Yes, it is a variable species.

Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir., Encycl. 5:298. 1804
syn: Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) Baill.
Common names: Potato-bush
Hindi: Panjuli, makhi, buinowla
Guj: Datwan
Mar: Pavana
Tel: Nallapuli
Tam: Abiranji, karunelli
Delhi: Nealbari, makki
Juice along with camphor used for bleeding gums; yields a red dye. fruits eaten at times of scarcity. stems for making baskets.
A shrub often grown as hedge and becoming naturalised at many places in Delhi.

This is also very common Phyllanthus species found in our area.. grows to a large branching shrub… I am sharing pics from Panipat..
Phyllanthus reticulatus

A widespread and variable species. Good photos indeed.


Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Phyllanthaceae : Phyllanthus multiflorus : For ID Confirmation : Mumbai : 131113 : AK-81 : Attachments (2).  3 posts by 2 authors.
Phyllanthus multiflorus seen at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai.
Kindly validate.

Phyllanthus reticulatus is a variable and widespread species.


Bot. name: Phyllanthus reticulatus
Family: Phyllanthaceae
Location: Mumbai
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Shrub

Nice photos.


Requesting ID of this plant – Jijamata Udyan – Feb 2014 :: 05032014 :: ARK-07 : Attachments (6). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in February 2014.
Is this some Phyllanthus?

Yes, looks like Phyllanthus reticulatus..

Thank you … for such a prompt ID….

Phyllanthus reticulatus


Phyllanthaceae for ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
15th June Bangalore

It may be Phyllanthus reticulatus. But let’s wait for experts’ opinion.

Phyllanthus reticulatus


ARJUL03 Phyllanthus sp./Phyllanthaceae for ID :  5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Found in Lalbagh (Banglore)
6th July

I guess this should be Phyllanthus reticulatus. The purple berries are distinct.

Excellent photos of Phyllanthus reticulatus.

ANJAN44/44 Scandent Phyllanthaceae for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Family: Phyllanthaceae
Date: 11th January 2014
Place: Paripathodu, Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala

Such a scandent habit is recorded in Phyllanthus reticulatus, a widespread and variable species.


Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. KD 02 Aug 15 from Assam : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Attached images arePhyllanthus reticulatus Poir. from Assam
Date :04.082015
Location: Assam
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Genus& species : Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir.
Habitat: Grows wild on roadside
Habit : Shrub

Yes, …, This is Phyllanthus reticulatus.

Please identify this plant from Maharashtra : 17 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1)
Can you pls help me identify this plant?
one of the students at our institute said he clicked it from Maharashtra.

do you by any chance have size of the leaf/leaflets and fruits and habit and habitat pictures?

Appears to be a Phyllanthus sp.

With … this must be Phyllanthus reticulatus.

I agree.  Must be Phyllanthus reticulatus.

off course it is phylanthus reticulatus from Euohorbiaceae.(Phyllanthaceae) vernacular name is DATWAN

Thanks … for the validation, and for the name in Marathi.
Some other names in Marathi are पाणजुळी panjuli, पानपोई panpoi, पवारी pavari.
How would “datwan” be written ? … दातवन ?

Here is what names assigned to it in the Flora of India Volume 23, 2012, compiled from various literature and field notes.
Asm.: Amluki; Beng.: Panjuli;  Guj.: Daluwan, Datwan, Puvan, Shinavi;  Hindi: Buinowla, Kalemadhkaper, Makhi, Panjali, Panjuli;  Kan.: Anamsuli, Chippulinellu, Holiballi, Sanna kagesoppu;  Konk.: Panpoi;  Mal.: Kattuniruri, Kilanelli, Nirnelli;  Mar.: Pavan, Pavana;  Or.: Bonotihudi, Jojangi, Phajoli;  Raj.: Kabonan, Nedbadi;  Sans.: Bahuppaja, Bahupushpa, Kambhoji, Krishna-Kaambhoji;  Tam.: Abirajni, Karunelli, Karuppuppilanji, Melanelli, Poola, Pula, Pullanti;  Tel.: Nallapuli, Nalla-purugudu, Phulisaar, Purugudu.

Thank you very very much … for this lot of names. Let me tally with the ones I have compiled, and add to them those remaining from your list.
commonly known as: black-berried featherfoil, black-honey shrub, potato-bush, netted-leaved leaf-flower • Assamese: আম্লখি amlakhi • Bengali: panjuli • Gujarati: કંબોઈ kamboi • Hindi: काले मध का पेड़ kale madh ka per, माषी makhi, panjuli • Kannada: ಕರಿಹುಳಿ karihuli • Konkani: पानपोय panpoi • Malayalam: നീര്നെല്ലി nirnelli • Marathi: पाणजुळी panjuli, पानपोई panpoi, पवारी pavari • Oriya: bala datun, bonoti-hudi, jandaki, jojangi, phajoli • Punjabi: panjuli • Sanskrit: कृष्ण काम्बोजी krishna-kamboji • Tamil: சிவப்புப்பூலா civappu-p-pula, கருநெல்லி karu-nelli, காட்டுக்கீழாநெல்லி kattu-k-kila-nelli, பூலா pula • Telugu: నల్లపూలి nallapuli
So it looks like the name “datwan” listed under Gujarati, is also used in Marathi.

Thanks. Please refer to Kirtikar & Basu (1935)- Indian Medicinal Plants as well as Wealth of India, Raw Materials.

this devnagari and english dont match from your typing माषी makhi, if its what devnagari looks like its MASHI not MAKHI’. please check

Yes …, it has to read “mashi” and not makhi, a typo.
Thank you very much for catching the error.
Will do the correction in my my notes.

Please send me a final list of vernacular names so that I can incorporate the same in our forthcoming publication on the Phyllanthaceae of Indian subcontinent.  I plan to get it published next year.  I am searching a good publisher.

OK … Give me some time for checking the compiled names that I have, and will then send it to you.
Will put them on eFI too, so that validations if any, will help us to have as much as possible error-free.

try Power publishers of DUmDUm   …
but ask … because he published his Cucurbits book with them
he may have insight into their publication habits and dealings

Thanks …, I want a good publisher.

Fwd: [iPentax] Need help of a Plant Identification : 4 posts by 2 authors.
I am trying to identify a species of plant, which grows as bushes around farms here. It bears intense purple fruits which has intensely purple pigment. Fruits are consumed by birds.
Here are some photos of the same… taken with my cell phone, so please bear with photo quality.

Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Last., Euphorbiaceae, locally called Kamboi

I am not sure of the fourth, but first, second and third (in part) = Phyllanthus reticulatus!

It does certainly seem to by Phyllanthus reticulatus. Thanks for identification.

Breynia oblongifolia for validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
attaching images of Breynia oblongifolia from Dindori Nashik for validation please validate

The axillary solitary black berries indicate Phyllanthus reticulatus. It is sometimes confused with Breynia vitis-idaea.


Another Phyllanthus species ABAUG2016/10 : 8 posts by 4 authors. 5 images.

I saw this plant yesterday and almost missed its flowers which were about 3mm across on stalks of similar lengths growing singly on leaf axils. I am not sure which species this is. Please advise.
Phyllanthus sp.
Near Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1800m approx.
03 August 2016

Solitary female flowers with six sepals. Phyllanthus clarkei occurs between 1500 – 2500 m altitudes. Its stature and texture of leaves vary with altitude. The growth is stunted and the leaves become coriaceous at higher elevations. Kindly compare the present image with the earlier ones.

I was thinking about Phyllanthus reticulatus

Thank you … It looked so different in habit at first glance that I did not think of it as the same species I had found a couple of days ago. But now that you point out the characteristics, it appears to be more similar. The altitude difference was about 75m or so, I am not sure if that’s enough to cause a variation.
… has also suggested P. reticulatus which looks similar although the images on the internet show larger leaves on longer stalks. I am including two more images from the same lot if these can be of any help.
2 images.

Now you are showing the true habit of a shrub and  the male flowers with 6 sepals, 6 distinct disc glands, two stamens at the centre with the filaments united into a conspicuous column. Though not clear in the image but it appears that there are a few free stamens surrounding this central column. Then yes, this is Phyllanthus reticulatus. Thank you … for pointing out.
Please check the fruits which will be fleshy (berries), 5 – 6-locular and indehiscent (subg. Kirganelia). This species rarely ascends up to 1800 m altitude.

Thank you very much once again for taking the time to explain the characteristics. I can see three stamen surrounded by six glands. To my inexperienced eye they seem to be free but could be fused at the bottom. I am attaching a tighter crop of the same flower and another angle.
I will look out for the fruits and report. Is there anything else I could check to confirm the identification?
2 images.

Here, there are three stamens surrounding the central column, which may be partially united at base. Thus, this is Phyllanthus reticulatus.

I found the shrub fruiting and took some photos today. There are three prominent lines on the fruit suggesting it to be 3-locular but perhaps the fainter lines will develop into deeper grooves as the fruit ripens. Please advise. 4 images.

Please take little more trouble. Take a cross section of one fruit and let us know how many chambers are actually there.

…, I brought two tiny fruits home but could not cut them cleanly across due to their small size. Here is a photo of the cross-section. There appear to be six sections if I am not mistaken. 1 images.

Thank very much for your efforts and interest.
Now we all can see a berry with five chambers in it. Thus, this is Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. subgenus Kirganelia.

Thank you very much … I will also go and check the P. clarkei soon for fruits.

In my earlier uploads of this plant there was no hint of scale and size of the individual flowers and the fruit. I am posting some additional photos here to correct that. 8 images.
Female flower above the male:
Male flower:

Female flowers:

superb. shadow-less white background. love it. this is what book editors love. time for you to think of making such a collection of photographs for your neck of the woods flora book. I am serious. even the enlargements (i surmise not true macro shots) are also nice. imagine what a true macro (long one) in your hands would do.

I wanted to say something – but not necessary now after seeing comments by …

Thanks. I have had an old manual-fous half-size macro since last year (given by a friend) which I now use almost exclusively for my flora work. It is a great lens when I can focus correctly. Many of the closeups in this thread are taken on a low-res digital microscope which is good for showing details but may not be good for printing.
I do harbour thoughts of compiling a flora of my immediate area. This summer I produced two illustrated catalogues (one on trees and another on wild flowers) of a residential school campus nearby and gifted the copies to its library. I counted and included about 130 wild flowers and more than a dozen wild trees on the campus with detailed photos and text. I plan to produce something similar for Dharamshala. Thanks mostly to this group, I have now about 275 species photographed and identified (around ten still not certain) from the upper areas. I hope to interest a publisher one day.
The white background is to show details otherwise hidden in the field. What I like most are the photos taken in the open. A good mix of the two illustrates different characteristics of the plants well.
I am going hiking tomorrow trying to go beyond 3000m to explore the slopes for wild plants. Hope fully I will have some new plants to share.
Many thanks for your encouragement.

Thanks, …, for these efforts.
I have no doubt that you will do better than what Pradip Krishan has done with Trees of Delhi.

You are too generous in your praise … Pradip Krishen’s Trees of Delhi and Trees of Central India are the gold standards of illustrated flora books.

When we started working, it was Ashai Pentax camera or cheaper Russian camera, Yashica. Color photography was expensive.

Thank you … I remember those days too. Pentax K1000 was my first camera before I moved on to Nikon FM10 and then FM2. Now the life is made much easier by digital cameras and the internet.

whats a half size macro?


shrub for ID, Goa, NAW-SEP15-01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Kindly identify this shrub with tiny pink flowers photographed in Candolim, North Goa in September 2015.
The shrubs may have been planted as a hedge along the boundary of a house. The height was about 3-4 metres. fruits about 5 mm diameter.

Phyllanthus reticulatus!

This shrub very frequently runs wild here in our area !! Id already finalized by …

Possibly another sighting – this time in the Shanti Van/ Shakti Sthal complex, Delhi, photographed in September 2016. Kindly confirm.

Check with Phyllanthus reticulatus.

Shrub For ID : Goa : 04FEB17 : AK-5 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Had seen this shrub in March,2016 growing wild.
There is a single black berry.
Unfortunately, I have only one picture.

Phyllanthus reticulatus.

ID KANNUR 03 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Please identify this shrub. Location is Kannur, Kerala. Is it Fluggea or Bryenia?

What about Phyllanthus reticulatus?

Yes, Phyllanthus reticulatus for the baccate fruits.
ID request 050917SG : 4 posts by 3 authors. 10 images.
Requesting ID of this tree, spreding bush, 5-6ft height. Berries 5-8mm, dark blue juice. Photo taken on 05Sep17 at Gokak, Karnataka.

Check Phyllanthus reticulatus!

Thank you. The images are excellent.

Plant request ID Oct 30 2018 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 mb or more.
Place: Vizag.
Planting type: wild.
Features: it is tall (single branch) and thin. I don’t see any fruits growing on tree.

Foliage apparently similar to Phyllanthus reticulatus.

PHYLLANTHUS RETICULATUS : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Attaching few images of Phyllathus reticulatus (KRISHNA-KAMBOJI/ PANJULI)


Fwd: MS/April/2020/7 ID of the bush. : 5 images- 3 to 6 mb each.
Please ID the bush grown wild in Chennai. This is a woody, densely branched shrub; thorny (prickles), stems (pic 4), alternate leaves.
Photograpged during April 2020.
Looks like a species of Phyllanthus sps ???

Phyllanthus reticulatus,

I too agree for Phyllanthus reticulatus. Grows wild in Pune too. Fairly common

Other recipients:
I am sending herewith the 4 missed out photographs.
I am sending herewith the 4 missed out photographs.
Attachments (4)

Phyllanthus reticulatus seems to be the only option.
up-April15 1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
id pl of the small tree seen at Tulajapur in Feb 14

Phyllanthus sp?

Phyllanthus reticulatus

This twig in vegetative condition may be Phyllanthus reticulatus.

Yes, it’s Phyllanthus reticulatus,
MS/ID/OCTOBER/2020/3 – ID of the plant : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Please suggest an ID for the plant (weed) growing in a backyard in Chennai..

Phyllanthaceae ??

Thanks … My doubt is it is one of the Phyllanthus species ???

Phyllanthus reticulatus


Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 15, 2007 · JUN23 DV306: 3 images.
Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir.
Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 15, 2007 · 3:37 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Phyllanthaceae: Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir.: 2 high res. images.
location/date (both): University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997


Phyllanthaceae: Phyllanthus reticulata: 1 image.
Phyllanthus reticulata

Now: Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) Baill.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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