Rhododendron species in Sikkim– 48 species and subspecies shown as comparative images herein. . Pictorial guide to Rhododendrons of Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary (page 7)- June 2018- Sonam Wangyel, Keesang Dorjee, Jangchu Wangdi & Thinley Wangdi Rhododendron bhutanense D. G. Long & Bowes Lyon (East Himalaya as per POWO) Rhododendron delavayi Franch. (syn: Rhododendron arboreum subsp. delavayi (Franch.) D.F.Chamb.) (E. Himalaya to S. Central China (and NW. Guangxi) to Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam as per POWO) Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Cultivated) Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet (Cultivated) Rhododendron maddenii Hook. f. Rhododendron megeratum I. B. Balf & Forrest (Arunachal Pradesh to China (NW. Yunnan): China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Tibet as per POWO) Rhododendron veitchianum Hook. (E. Assam to Indo-China: Assam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO) . An important document of species of Rhododendron L. occurring in India is Bhattacharyya & Sanjappa (2014). It mentions 102 species in Indian territories. Colour images of 37 species and diagrams of 33 species are also given in this account: R. adenosum (Covan & Davidian) Davidian Reference: Bhattacharyya, D. and Sanjappa, M. 2014. Rhododendron L. In: Sanjappa, M. & Sastry, A.R.K. (eds.) Fascicles . The genus Rhododendron in north-east India by Ashiho A. Mao- Botanica Orientalis – Journal of Plant Science (2010) 7: 26–34 – Abstract– The genus Rhododendron belongs to the family Ericaceae and was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1737 in Genera Plantarum. Joseph Hooker’s visit to Sikkim Himalaya between 1848 and 1850 unfold the rhododendron world of this area. Within the brief span that he travelled in Sikkim, he gathered and described 34 new species and details of 43 species including varieties from the Indian region in his monograph entitled ‘Rhododendron of Sikkim Himalaya’. Since then many workers had added to the list, and currently about 121 taxa have been recorded from India, out of which 117 (98%) taxa are distributed in north-east India. The paper presents the distribution of the genus Rhododendron in north-east India and world based on literature, field studies and examination of herbarium specimens. It also discussed the status of the genus in natural habitat in recent years and the need for conservation. List of species as per this: (*Report based on Cox (2004, 2006), **Poorly described species, *** Doubtful occurrence) Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don subsp. anthopogon- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, China Rhododendron arboreum Smith subsp. arboreum- Sikkim Bhutan, Nepal Rhododendron arboreum Smith subsp. cinnamomeum (Lindley) Tagg var. cinnamomeum- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Nepal Rhododendron arboreum Smith subsp. cinnamomeum (Lindley) Tagg var. roseum Lindley- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Nepal and China Rhododendron arboreum Smith subsp. delavayi (Franchet) Chamberlain var. delavayi- Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh Myanmar, Thailand, China Rhododendron arboreum Smith subsp. delavayi (Franchet) Chamberlain var. peramoenum (Balf.f. & Forrest) Chamberlain- Arunachal Pradesh China Rhododendron argipeplum Balf.f. & Cooper- Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, China Rhododendron arizelum Balf.f. & Forrest- Arunachal Pradesh China Rhododendron arunachalense Chamberlain & Rae- Arunachal Pradesh (Endemic) ‐ Rhododendron baileyi I.B. Balfour- Sikkim Bhutan, China Rhododendron barbatum Wall. ex G. Don- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Nepal and China Rhododendron beanianum Cowan- Arunachal Pradesh Myanmar Rhododendron bhutanense D.G. Long & Bowes Lyon- Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan and China **Rhododendron blumei Nuttall,- Arunachal Pradesh China Rhododendron boothii Nuttall- Arunachal Pradesh China Rhododendron callimorphum Balf.f. & W.W. Smith var. callimorphum- Arunachal Pradesh China Rhododendron calostrotum Balf.f. & Kingdon‐Ward subsp. riparium (Kingdon‐Ward) Cullen- Arunachal Pradesh Myanmar and China Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan and Nepal Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don subsp. aeruginosum (Hook.f.) Chamberlain- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don subsp. campanulatum- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan and Nepal Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f. subsp. campylocarpum- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Nepal and China Rhododendron campylogynum Franchet- Arunachal Pradesh China and Myanmar Rhododendron cephalanthum Franchet subsp. cephalanthum- Arunachal Pradesh China and Myanmar Rhododendron cerasinum Tagg Arunachal Pradesh China (S.E. Xizang), Myanmar (N.E.) Rhododendron chamaethomsonii (Tagg & Forrest) Cowan & Davidian var. chamaethauma (Tagg) Cowan & Davidian- Arunachal Pradesh China *Rhododendron charitopes Balf.f. & Farrer subsp. tsangponse (Kingdon‐Ward) Cullen- Arunachal Pradesh China Rhododendron ciliatum Hook.f.- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Nepal and China Rhododendron cinnabarinum Hook.f. subsp. cinnabarinum- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Nepal and China Rhododendron cinnabarinum Hook.f. subsp. xanthocodon (Hutchinson) Cullen- Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan and China Rhododendron concinnoides Hutchinson & Kingdon Ward- Arunachal Pradesh (Endemic) ‐ Rhododendron coxianum Davidian- Arunachal Pradesh (Endemic) ‐ Rhododendron crinigerum Franchet var. crinigerum- Arunachal Pradesh Myanmar and China Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook.f. var. dalhousiae- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Nepal and China Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook.f. var. rhabdotum (Balf.f. & R.E. Cooper) Cullen- Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan and China Rhododendron dalhousiae Hook.f. var. tashii- U.C. Pradhan Sikkim (Endemic) ‐ Rhododendron dendricola Hutchinson- Arunachal Pradessh China and Myanmar Rhododendron electeum Balf.f. & Forrest var. electeum- Arunachal Pradesh China and Myanmar Rhododendron edgeworthii Hook.f.- Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan, Myanmar and China Rhododendron elliottii Watt- Manipur and Nagaland (Endemic) ‐ Rhododendron eudoxum Cowan var. eudoxum- Arunachal Pradesh China . Rhododendrons in Indian Himalayan Region: Diversity and Conservation by K. Chandra Sekar, Sunil Kumar Srivastava- American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2010, 1, 131-137 ABSTRACT– The genus Rhododendron of Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) has been enumerated in the present paper. A total of 87 species, 12 subspecies and 8 varieties of Rhododendrons recorded in IHR, among these 6 species and one subspecies are reported from Western Himalaya. The maximum concentration of 86% observed in Arunachal Pradesh (75 species). The species of Rhododendrons exhibit significant diversity in habit and broad range of distribution from the altitude of 800-6000 m. and the best range is observed in 3001-3500 m altitudes. In analysis revealed 20 taxa are endemic, 30 are rare, 24 are threatened / endangered, 3 are vulnerable and 47 taxa have to be assessed. The major threats to rhododendrons are deforestation and unsustainable extraction for firewood and incense by local people has been discussed. List of species as per this: Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don R. anthopogon D. Don subsp. hypenanthum (Balf. f.) J. Cullen R. arboreum Sm. R. arboreum Sm. subsp. cinnamomeum (Wall. ex G. Don) Tagg R. arboreum Sm. var. roseum Lindl. R. arboreum Sm. subsp. delavayi (Franch.) D. F. Chamb. R. arboreum var. peramoenum (Balf. f. & Forrest) D.F. Chamb. R. assamicum Kingdon-Ward R. baileyi Balf. f. R. barbatum G. Don R. beanianum Cowan R. boothii Nutt. R. bulu Hutch. R. calostrotum Balf. f. & Kingdon-Ward subsp. riparium (Kingdon-Ward) J. Cullen R. camelliaeflorum Hook. f. R. campanulatum D. Don R. campanulatum D. Don subsp. aeruginosum (Hook. f.) D. F. Chamb. R. campanulatum D. Don var. wallichii Hook. f. R. campylocarpum Hook. f. R. campylogynum Franch. R. candelabrum Hook. f. R. cephalanthum Franch. R. cerasinum Tagg R. chamaethomsonii (Tagg) Cowan & Davidian R. ciliatum Hook. f. R. cinnabarinum Hook. f. R. cinnabarinum Hook. f. subsp. xanthocodon (Hutch.) J. Cullen R. concinnoides Hutch. & Kingdon-Ward R. coxianum Davidian R. crinigerum Franch. R. dalhousiae Hook. f. R. dalhousiae Hook. f. var. rhabdotum (Balf. f. & Cooper) J. Cullen R. decipiens Lacait. R. dendricola Hutch. R. edgeworthii Hook. f. R. elliottii Watt R. eudoxum Balf. f. & Forrest R. eudoxum Balf. f. & Forrest subsp. tamenium (Balf. f. & Forrest) Tagg R. exasperatum R. falconeri Hook. f. R. falconeri Hook. f. subsp. eximium (Nattau) D. F. Chamb. R. formosum Kingdon-Ward R. formosum Wall. var. inaequale (Hutch.) J. Cullen R. fulgens Hook. f. R. fulvum Balf. f. & W. W. Smith R. glaucophyllum Rehder R. glaucophyllum Rehder var. tubiforme Cowan & Davidian R. grande Wight R. griffithianum Wight R. hodgsonii Hook. f. R. hookeri Nutt. R. imberbe Hutch. R. johnstoneanum Watt ex Hutch. R. kasoense Hutch. & Kingdon-Ward R. kendrickii Nutt. R. keysii Nutt. R. lanatum Hook. f. R. lanigerum Tagg R. lepidotum Wall. ex D. Don R. leptocarpum Nutt. R. lindleyi T. Moore R. macabeanum Watt ex Balf. f. R. maddenii Hook. f. subsp. crassum (Franch.) J. Cullen R. maddenii Hook. f. R. megacalyx Balf. f. & Kingdon-Ward R. megeratum Balf. f. & Forrest R. mekongense Franch. var. rubrolineatum (Balf. f. & Forr.) J. Cullen R. nayarii G.D. Pal R. neriiflorum Franch. subsp. phaedropum (Balf. f. & Farrer) Tagg R. nivale Hook. f. R. niveum Hook. f. R. nuttallii Booth ex Nutt. R. obtusum Hort. ex Wats R. papillatum Balf. f. & Copper R. pemakoense Kingdon-Ward R. pendulum Hook. f. R. pocophorum Balf. f. ex Tagg R. pruniflorum Hutch. & Kingdon-Ward R. pumilum Hook. f. R. rex Levl. subsp. Arizelum (Balf. f. & Forr.) D. F. Chamb. R. santapaui Sastry, Kataki, P. Cox, Patricia Cox & P. Hutch. R. setosum D. Don R. sidereum Balf. f. R. sikkimense U. C. Pradhan & S. T. Lachungpa R. sinogrande Balf. f. R. smithii Nutt. R. stenaulum Balf. f. & W. W. Smith R. stewartianum Diels R. subansiriense D. F. Chamb. & Cox R. succothii Davidian R. taggianum Hutch. R. tanastylum Balf. f. & Kingdon-Ward R. tephropeplum Balf. f. & Farrer R. thomsonii Hook. f. R. triflorum Hook. f. R. triflorum Hook var. bauhiniiflorum (Watt ex Hutch.) J. Cullen R. tsariense Cowan R. uvarifolium Diels R. vaccinioides Hook. f. R. virgatum Hook. f. R. virgatum Hook. f. subsp. oleifolium (Franchet) J. Cullen R. veitchianum Hook. R. wallichii Hook. f. R. walongense Kingdon-Ward R. wattii Cowan R. wightii Hook. f. R. xanthostephanum Merrill . Rhododendron Species and Their Uses with Special Reference to Himalayas (2011) by Debjyoti Bhattacharyya: R. anthopogon D. Don, Rhododendron arboreum Sm., R. barbatum Wall. ex G. Don, R. campanulatum D. Don, R. cinnabarinum Hook. f., R. falconeri Hook. f., R. fulgens Hook.f., R. hodgsonii Hook. f., R. lepidotum Wall. ex G. Don, R. niveum Hook. f., R. thomsonii Hook. f. . Rhododendron Species in the Indian Eastern Himalayas: New Approaches to Understanding Rare Plant Species Distributions by Shaily Menon*, Mohamed Latif Khan, Ashish Paul, and A. Townsend Peterson- JOURNAL AMERICAN RHODODENDRON SOCIETY- SPRING 2012 Abstract : Rhododendron species serve an important ecological and economic role in the . Diversity and Distribution of Rhododendrons in Arunachal …Himalaya, India by Ashish Paul*, Mohamed Latif Khan, Ashesh Kumar Das and Pijush Kumar Dutta- JOURNAL AMERICAN RHODODENDRON SOCIETY- FALL 2010. Abstract– Rhododendron is one of the important dominant plant groups in the temperate, subalpine and alpine regions of western Arunachal Pradesh, India. The main aim of this study is to document Rhododendron biodiversity and conservation in western Arunachal Pradesh. The study area is the West Kameng and Tawang districts of Arunachal Pradesh, where extensive field surveys were made on a bimonthly basis. A total of 47 Rhododendron taxa were recorded from these two districts, which cover 16.4% of the geographic area of the state, from a total of 90 reported from all of Arunachal Pradesh. Sizes of different taxa ranged from tiny shrubs to large trees, and a majority belonged to the subgenus Hymenanthes. We document three species as new to Arunachal Pradesh, and 13 species are endemic, endangered, rare or threatened. Maximum diversity of Rhododendron was observed between 2000 to 4000 m (6560–13,125 feet) elevation. Rhododendron formed a dominant vegetation type, comprising a fragile ecosystem in the timberline zone that included other plants and animals over this altitudinal gradient. Thus, we consider Rhododendron a keystone plant in the western part of Arunachal Pradesh. Species listed: R. anthopogon R. arboreum R. arboreum ssp. arboreum R. arboreum ssp. cinnamomeum R. arboreum ssp. delavayi var. delavayi R. arboreum ssp. delavayi var. peramoenum R. barbatum R. bhutanense R. camelliiflorum R. campanulatum R. campylocarpum R. x candelabrum R. ciliatum R. cinnabarinun R. coxianum R. dalhousiae R. dalhousiae var. rhabdotum R. edgeworthii R. falconeri R. falconeri ssp. eximium R. flinckii R. fulgens R. glaucophyllum var. tubiforme R. grande R. griffithianum R. hodgsonii R. hookeri R. kendrickii R. kesangiae R. kesangiae var. album R. keysii R. lanatum R. lepidotum R. lindleyi R. maddenii R. megeratum R. neriiflorum ssp. phaedropum R. niveum R. pendulum R. setosum R. x sikkimense R. tanastylum R. thomsonii R. triflorum R. virgatum R. wallichii R. wightii . Rhododendron rawatii (Ericaceae), a new species from the Western Himalaya, India by ISHWARI DATT RAI & BHUPENDRA SINGH ADHIKARI*- Phytotaxa 71: 10–16 (2012) .
. Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 11.4.14:
. Species with description & keys in Flora of Pakistan : Rhododendron afghanicum Aitch. and Hemsl. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don Rhododendron collettianum Aitch. and Hemsl. Rhododendron hypenanthum Balf. f. = Rhododendron degronianum var. heptamerum (Maxim.) Sealy ex Davidian Rhododendron lepidotum Wall. ex D. Don . . Rhododendron anthopogon Rhododendron arboreum var. arboreum Rhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum Rhododendron arboreum var. roseum Rhododendron camelliiflorum Rhododendron campanulatum subsp. aeruginosum Rhododendron campanulatum subsp. campanulatum Rhododendron campylocarpum subsp. campylocarpum Rhododendron campylogynum Rhododendron cephalanthum Rhododendron ciliatum Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. cinnabarinum Rhododendron dalhousieae var. dalhousieae Rhododendron dalhousieae var. rhabdotum Rhododendron dendricola Rhododendron edgeworthii . 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants edited by Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett- R. concinnoides Hutch. & Kingdon-Ward- Endangered- Arunachal Pradesh R. elliottii Watt- Indeterminate- Manipur & Nagaland R. formosum Kingdon-Ward – Vulnerable- Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya & Nagaland R. johnstoneanum Watt ex Hutch.- Indeterminate- Manipur & Mizoram R. macabeanum Watt ex Balf. f.- Rare- Manipur & Nagaland R. santapaui Sastry, Kataki, P. Cox, Patricia Cox & P. Hutch.- Endangered- Arunachal Pradesh R. subansiriense D. F. Chamb. & Cox- Endangered- Arunachal Pradesh . Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)- Brief details with keys- R. anthopogon D. Don R. arboreum Sm. R. barbatum G. Don R. camelliaeflorum Hook. f. R. campylocarpum Hook. f. R. cinnabarinum Hook. f. R. dalhousiae Hook. f. R. edgeworthii Hook. f. R. falconeri Hook. f. R. fulgens Hook. f. R. glaucum R. grande Wight R. griffithianum Wight R. hodgsonii Hook. f. R. lanatum Hook. f. R. lepidotum Wall. ex D. Don R. maddenii Hook. f. R. nivale Hook. f. R. niveum Hook. f. R. pendulum Hook. f. R. setosum D. Don R. thomsonii Hook. f. R. triflorum Hook. f. R. vaccinioides Hook. f. R. virgatum Hook. f. R. wightii Hook. f. . Rhododendron : 3 posts by 1 author. I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Rhododendron Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. Any comments/ corrections are welcome. Its a good effort. many species/taxa given are not found in India. At present 128 taxa are reported from India. Thanks, … I have done the needful pl. . Rhododendron (Ericaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Rhododendron (Ericaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. If you find any incorrect identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice. . Fwd: Identifying plans from a coach/bus…. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) I have just posted about identifying plants from a railway carriage. This made me think about the two botanical tours I led to Himachal Pradesh is the mid-1980s. The majority of the time we were trekking in the Miyah Nullah, Lahaul. On the first occasion I came in as a last-minute replacement for the Late Oleg Polunin (co-author of ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’). To reach Udaipur, the starting point of our trek, my party was driven in a private bus/coach. It proved a mentally exhausting day for me, as I was constantly being asked to identify the plants which individuals could see through the windows – often on both sides of the bus. Fortunately, I knew most of the prominent ones following visits to Ladakh and Kashmir. In addition, IF one is familiar with wild and garden plants in the UK, the genus of most plants seen from the Rohtang onwards will be recognisable. Nevertheless, it was very hard work. We had 2 or 3 stops in promising locations. Although we had spent a couple of days in Manali (at about 2200m or so) to help us acclimatise, us Britishers, accustomed to living at sea-level in the UK, certainly felt the altitude at the of the Rohtang Pass (c. 3900m). It was a relief to drop back down in elevation in Lahaul, spending the night at some 2700m. IF one can recognise a particular genus and is aware of which species belonging to the genus are found in H.P., this can greatly narrow down the possibilities. Take Rhododendron for example. There are c. 30 species found in the parts of the Himalaya covered by ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ (more species if one adds Sikkim & Bhutan). Of these, only 4 are known from the NW Himalaya (which includes H.P.). Once one reaches the Rohtang proper, then elevation-wise, R.arboreum is no longer present. That just leaves R.campanulatum (which is a large shrub) plus R.lepidotum and R.anthopogon – smaller shrubs to shrublets. By the time one is exploring above the Rohtang Pass @ 4000m+, the dwarf strongly aromatic shrublet with yellowish to creamy-white flowers encountered must surely be Rhododendron anthopogon only. Thus, even from a bus, I can recognise each species of Rhododendron in H.P. In Sikkim or Bhutan it would be another matter – not that one gets to view many Rhodendrons along roads in these parts. One must trek. Much the same applies to images of Rhododendron photographed in H.P. Even without close-ups and despite the images not being in good focus, it is possible to confidently name almost all photos of this genus from the NW Himalaya. As one explores into the Eastern Himalaya, things become much more difficult, with many more species of Rhododendron to consider – quite a number of which I have never come across myself and know little about. See image attached of some members of my botanical tour in the 1980s on the Rohtang looking for Primula munroi to photograph. . Rhododendron species in India : I have also added list of species of Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) in India based on the document published by BSI in 2014. . Rhododendron sp. from Sikkim! : Attachments (1) – 48 species and subspecies shown as comparative images. Enclosing list/images of Rhododendron sp.of Sikkim. I hope it would help us to ID in future! |
Updated on December 24, 2024