Ficus benjamina L., Mant. Pl. 129 1767. (Syn: Ficus benjamina var. bracteata Corner; Ficus benjamina var. comosa (Roxb.) Kurz; Ficus benjamina subsp. comosa (Roxb.) Panigrahi & Murti; Ficus benjamina var. comosa King; Ficus benjamina var. haematocarpa (Blume ex Decne.) Miq.; Ficus benjamina var. nuda (Miq.) M.F.Barrett; Ficus benjamina f. warringiana M.F.Barrett; Ficus comosa Roxb.; Ficus cuspidatocaudata Hayata; Ficus dictyophylla Wall. ; Ficus haematocarpa Blume ex Decne.; Ficus lucida Aiton; Ficus neglecta Decne.; Ficus nepalensis Blanco; Ficus nitida Thunb.; Ficus notobor Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Ficus nuda (Miq.) Miq.; Ficus papyrifera Griff.; Ficus parvifolia Oken; Ficus pendula Link; Ficus pyrifolia Salisb.; Ficus reclinata Desf.; Ficus striata Roth; Ficus umbrina Elmer; Ficus xavieri Merr.; Urostigma nudum Miq. ….); . India (Cultivated throught), China, Malesia to the Solomon Islands and N. Australia. Introduced elsewhere for avenue plants as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy- Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012; . Weeping Fig, benjamin tree, golden fig, Java fig, tropic-laurel, Chinese banyan • Hindi: पुकर pukar • Marathi: नांदरूक nandaruk, नांदरूख nandarukh • Tamil: நீண்டமரவகை nintamaravakai, வெள்ளால் vellal • Malayalam: putra juvi • Telugu: Konda golugu, konda zuvvi, పెద్దాzఉవ్వీ pedda zuvvi, putra zuvvi • Sanskrit: banij, mandara ; .
TSP-DEC2015-55-228: Images of Ficus benjamina (Moraceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) It is my pleasure to share few images of Ficus benjamina (Moraceae) the Weeping Fig. Habit: Evergreen tree Habitat: Cultivated. Sighting: Chikmagalur, Tumkur and Bangalore, about 900 msl Date: 23-06-2014, 10-02-2015 and 16-03-2015
Ficus Species : Mumbai : 13MAR16 : AK-6 : 06/06 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Ficus Species seen in a cultivated garden in Mumbai. Picture taken on 1st June, 2015. Branches at tips are not terete or cylindrical and seems much flattened, leaves are also acuminate with tapering tips and coriaceous. Thanks for the detailed description and id. Yes looks like Ficus benjamina. this is Ficus benjamina variety. DV – 01AUG10 – 1152 :: Ficus benjamina look-alike : 8 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3) This Ficus tree at the north-east end of Rani Baug. yes this is Ficus benjamina. Looks like “regular” F. benjamina to me, though fruit (larger, lighter in color) resembles that of F. benjamina ‘Exotica’. The foliage and habit of the tree pictured do not match the (garden-derived) F. benjamina ‘Exotica’. Ficus benjamina in Pune has figs 2-3 cm. Are these bigger This does look like usual Ficus benjamina to me, but there are more than one cultivars of this, nuda and compacta. … many many thanks for the ID … am convinced with Ficus benjamina. I am quite sure of this plant being Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina L. ID – 0208MS01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). Found this Ficus spp planted as ornamental at Jadhavgadh near Pune. Please help identify.. Probably Ficus benjamina? efi page on Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina L. All subspecies and varieties of this species are now considered and synonymous to one species: Species : BBC Show, MNP,Mumbai : 06APR17 : AK-05 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Came across these pictures in my collection. Ficus Species seen at the BBC Show in MNP during March, 2014. Kindly help in id. This should be Ficus benjamina (Bonsai?). Moraceae sp. from Assam KD 06 Aug 17 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Attached images are Moraceae sp. Pl. ID the plant Date :22.08.2017 Location: Assam Family : Moraceae Genus & species : ?? Habitat: Grows wild on roadside Habit : Tree : Sir, Images are identified as Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina tree Family Moreaceae large Round shape canopy structure Ficus benjamina L. : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Date : 13 August 2017 Nepali Names : समी Samee / स्वामी Swaamee / चोन्कर Chonkar Sir, Photographs are confirmed as Ficus benjamina L. Nepali Names : समी / स्वामी
Flora Picture of the Year 2010- Aarti Khale: This is pretty, and I got confused from the branching patterns….. I think they have some how deliberately entangled the branches during early stages. But very nice and rare pic of this hude plant, which is usually seen Ficus for ID : 020511 : AK-2: 2 images. Ficus benjamina. Thanks for sharing. The fruit size is bigger than what I have seen. There are few cultivars of benjamina which has smaller leaves. SYMBIOSIS: 1 correct image as above. Attaching three imges of bird/plant symbiosis. ( a ) Bluethroated Barbet/Ficus benjamina ………… It is great reporting of symbiosis. I always read your postings with interest and stand to gain knowledge on the relationship between the plants and mythology besides the great symbiosis of birds and plants. Ficus for ID : 230412 : Nasik : AK-1: Ficus blackiana or Ficus benjamina ‘Black’ The Weeping Fig is an evergreen tree, native to south and southeast Asia. It is the official tree of Bangkok, Thailand. It is a tree reaching 30 m tall in natural conditions, with gracefully drooping branchlets and glossy leaves 6-13 cm long, oval with a pointed tip. In its native range, its small fruit are a favorite food of some birds. It is a very popular house plant, due to its elegant growth and tolerance of poor growing conditions; it does best under bright, sunny conditions but will also tolerate considerable shade. It requires a moderate amount of watering in summer, and only enough to keep it from drying out in the winter. It does not need to be misted. The plant is sensitive to cold and should be protected from strong drafts. When grown indoors, it can grow too large for its situation, and may need drastic pruning or replacing. The leaves are very sensitive to small changes in light. When it is re-located it reacts by dropping many of its leaves and replacing them with new leaves adapted to the new light intensity. Weeping Fig has many varieties like Ficus benjamina var. nuda and Ficus benjamina var. comosa. Ref. Amazon More Ficus for ID : 060412 : AK-1: Ficus benjamina Curly Weeping Fig, Chinese Banyan for close to forty years i always had potted ficus benjamina plants as houseplant, never did one of these had curly leaves… Same doubts as … Pl. find the attached file contain photos for validation. Is it Ficus benjamina? Location: NBNP Garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore (640 MSL) Date: June, 2012 Habitat: Garden Habit: Tree I think a variety of F.benjamina. SYMBIOSIS : 229: efloraofindia:”For Id 17102012MR1’’ tree with red cherry like fruits at Pune: Ficus benjamina var. nuda. Yes Ficus benjamina but fruits are so pinkish…. Ficus for ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 181012 : AK-3: a wild guess: ficus benjamina may be I found a post identified as Ficus benjamina var. nuda which was posted recently by … Hope some expert is able to confirm this is also the same. Ficus benjamina var. benjamina, L. <=> Orange Weeping Fig Tree Is this Ficus benjamina ?200112- NS 3 from Pune: Yes it is correct Location –Nirvan Garden, Powai, Mumbai Date – 29.03.2013 May be Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae)> it is Ficus benjamina variety check the color of ripe fruit if it is red or yellow then F. benjamina var. benjamina if orange-yellow then F. benjamina var. nuda Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this tree at Lalbagh, Bangalore :: 26122013 :: ARK-35 : Attachments (1). 8 posts by 5 authors. Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Lalbagh, Bangalore in November 2013. Ficus sp …. Ficus microcarpa L.f. It is introduced cultivar developed from Ficus benjamina L. I shall provide further details shortly. Yes more like Ficus benjamina. Ficus benjamina var. nudo, (Miq.) M. F. Barrett <=> White Weeping Fig Tree Ficus benjamina var. benjamina, L. <=> Orange Weeping Fig Tree Thank you … I now take it as Ficus benjamina var. nudo based on the information above… Tree ID from Bangladesh SM123 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Habit: Small Tree To me it looks like Ficus benjamina ‘Variegata’. Ficus benjamina L. SN 47 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Ficus benjamina L., fruiting twig from a garden of Bangalore Nice pictures of F. benjamina
Ficus benjamina? (Moraceae) from Andaman Islands. : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Abundant small tree in the interior forests, fruiting in September. It may be Ficus benjamina. It is difficult to visualise the size of the leaves from the photographs. Nevertheless, the leaves have resemblance to F.elastica I am sorry. I have no further photo from this tree nor it is possible now to go back there. Thanks for the message. For me it looks like Ficus elastica. with these small yellow fruits? … remarks are valid. On looking at the fruits I too feel the plant could be F.benjamina only. Ficus Species For ID : Mumbai : 20AUG15 : AK-38 : 38/38 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Ficus tree seen in a cultivated garden in Mumbai. Ficus benjamina (syn. F.nuda).
Fruit for Id pl. Location – Mumbai Date – March 2013 To me it seems Ficus benjamina. Ficus benjamina looks good Ficus For ID : Muscat : 16MAR16 : AK-8 : 08/08 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Ficus tree seen in a cultivated park with Orange fruits. Ficus benjamina? Yes, it is Ficus benjamina L. !! Very good pictures. Ficus benjamina. Ficus benjamina var. nuda.
SYMBIOSIS : 470 : Attachments (1). 9 posts by 2 authors. Attaching an image of female of a Koel eating fruits of a Ficus sp. The leaves of the tree resembles leaves of Ficus benjamina, but the tree is small and the fruits are smaller. efi page on Ficus benjamina We are having Ficus benjamina at this place, but this tree is small in size and the fruits are also small in size as seen in the image It should be Ficus kurzii King. Thanks, … Though distribution of Ficus kurzii is shown in India as per GRIN, but not shown in Flora of China & Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy- Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012 as per details at Ficus Yes sir, many of the species under commercial cultivations are not discussed in Synopsis of the Genus Ficus; since this species has distribution from Myanmar and can also be found in AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden in Division number 2 & 6. As this the only image of this species so far in efi, may I request you to pl. post detailed images of this tree. The images are in original size, If you want the details of the leaves, I can send. Thanks, …, Yes- the details of figs and leaves. For details of figs you will have to wait. Details of leaves I will send in a day or two. Attaching four images of the plant. After going through latest images (9th March, 2018), tertiary reticulate veins are not prominent, fruit is small as per … therefore species is different. This is Ficus benjamina L. (=F. benjamina var. benjamina) Shall we say it is a different species of Ficus benjamina?. Please help in identifying this Ficus tree. There are no prominent prop roots. Is this F.benjamina? Habitat: Garden Place: Hosur, Tamilnadu Altitude: 900 m asl Date: 14 June 2018 (Red fruits) Date: 18 Aug 2017 (immature fruits) Appears so. There are many varieties. Pl. check efi site. Plant ID: Ficus benjamina L. For me the ID is correct. This is a common ornamental tree. Also used for BONSOI. There are 4 to 5 varieties. Please check & pin point the variety you have posted. Fwd: Request for identification of Ficus species- 1: 6 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) This Ficus species is found in Rajnagar , Kumarghat , Unakoti district Tripura. A request whether this is planted or in wild, need for identification. Both Ficus 1 and 2 I sent to you are wild and they are found only in deep forests. Closest I can go is Ficus benjamina, but this is supposed to be cultivated only. You are right this should be Ficus benjamina L. . Re: Ficus 2 : 5 posts by 5 authors. 4 images. Kumarghat,Tripura Please identify Pl. check comparative images at Ficus Ficus benjamina, Correct ID …! Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina :: Puducherry :: 15 OCT 19 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 5 images. Puducherry near sea coast Date: October 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl Ficus benjamina L. the black dots on the berries are they normal or some disease? Thanks … I think its normal. I see it in many pictures on internet. But there are clean, plain-coloured figs too. Those familiar with figs must be able to throw some light. . Duranta erecta ‘Golden Edge’ (Duranta goldiana) from PUSA Delhi-GS18102020-2 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Duranta goldiana is recent cultivar sold under the name Duranta goldiana, becoming popular in India. But there is no species by that name, it is actually a cultivar Duranta erecta ‘Golden Edge’ a cultivar with conspicuous yellow edged leaves Clicked from PUSA, Delhi, 26-2-2014, where it was displayed as D. goldiana This looks like a Cultivar of Ficus benjamina to me and not Duranta. Please check. I agree with …, it’s Ficus benjamina only, . Ficus benjamina ‘Éster’ : Bangalore : 05APR21 : AK-06: 2 images. A cultivated garden plant seen in a housing complex in Bangalore. Id credit Varun Sharma Ji. Ficus benjamina . MS, Jan.,2022/03 Ficus sp.(kurzii?) for id.: 3 images. Location : Dampui-ngaw, Mizoram Altitude : ca.1,000 m Date : 01-03-2016 Habit : Tree Habitat : Wild Ficus benjamina L. ! To me also appears close to images at Ficus benjamina Also appears close to images of Ficus kurzii at Flora of China says about Ficus benjamina Linnaeus: Yes it is Ficus benjamina grown in gardens. Medium sized tree with spreading and thick canopy. Hypanthodium looks to be smaller may be the tree is still small For me it looks like Ficus benjamina. This is Ficus benjamina L. (recorded as Ficus benjamina var. nuda (Miq.) Barrett a synonymous from Mizoram) with red receptacles. Leaves with reticulate tertiary veins indistinct from secondary veins or absent as in shared photographs. Whereas, in F. kurzii leaves with prominent reticulate tertiary veins. . Tree for ID from Lal Bagh Bangalore-GS05022022-5: (Mixed tread): 4 very high res. images. Appears to be some Ficus. I think close to images at Ficus benjamina Ficus nitida Ficus nitida Thunb. is syn. of Ficus benjamina This is Ficus benjamina L. Ficus benjamina. . Ficus benjamina for validation: 6 images. Request for validation of Ficus benjamina from Bilaspur for validation. Photographed in March 2022. I guess the correct ID ! Attaching images. . identify this common ficus tree species: 2 images. Ficus benjamina ‘variegata’ ! . identify this most common ficus species: Appears to be . identify this ficus species having ficus benghalensis like roots: 3 images. 20/1/23, pantnagar Pl. check it looks like ficus nitida ??… Yes, the following seems possible: . Regarding identification of the Figs collected from Nayagargh Odisha on sept 2022: 4 high res. images. Ficus benjamina L. ! . Moraceae: Ficus microcarpa L. f.: 1 image. location/date: Chikaldara, Melghat Tiger Reserve, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 Or can it be instead of Plant ID: Ficus benjamina L. Yes . Moraceae: Ficus benjamina: 4 high res. images. Ficus benjamina from Andhra University Botanical Garden on 20/08/2024 . References: |
Ficus benjamina
Updated on December 24, 2024