• Matthiola chorassanica

    Matthiola chorassanica Bunge, Fl. Orient. 1: 151 1867. (syn: Matthiola flavida var. integrifolia (Kom.) O.E. Schulz; Matthiola integrifolia Kom.; Matthiola tenera Rech.f.); . Common name: Himalayan Stock . Perennial herbs, tomentose with eglandular forked trichomes, about 10-50 cm tall. Rootstocks slender, taproot. Stem erect, woody near the base, ascending, leafy,…

  • Matthiola incana (Introduced)

    Matthiola incana (L.) W. T. Aiton, Hortus kew. ed. 2, 4:119. 1812 “Mathiola” (Syn: (≡) Cheiranthus incanus L. (basionym)); Coast of S. and W. Europe, Cyprus, Turkey, Arabia and Egypt. Widely cultivated as an ornamental as per Flora of Pakistan; hoary stock, tenweeks stock; Matthiola incana from Delhi-GSSEP2016/01 : 2 posts…