Comparative images of this family (where we have only two or less species in a genus so far as on 6.1.18) are given below:. Byttneria pilosa Roxb. (China (Yunnan), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Java, India, Myanmar [Burma], peninsular Malaysia (Perak, Pahang), India (Darjeeling, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur), Sikkim, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life) Kydia glabrescens Mast. (Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Sagaing, Shan), India (Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura), Bhutan, China (S-Yunnan), Vietnam, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life)
Melhania incana B.Heyne ex Wight & Arn. Pachira aquatica Aubl. (Cultivated) Pentace burmanica Kurz (Cultivated) Pterocymbium tinctorium (Blanco) Merr. (Assam to Malesia: Andaman Is., Assam, Borneo, Jawa, Laos, Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Sulawesi, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)
Senra incana Cav. (Saudi Arabia (Hejaz), Oman (Dhofar), Saudi Arabia (Asir), Yemen (Aden Desert, coastal Hadhramaut, SW-Yemen, Tihama), Pakistan (Karachi, Sind, Baluchistan), Socotra, NW-India (Gujarat), Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, NE-Kenya as per Catalogue of Life)
FAMILY OF THE WEEK : MALVACEAE – indiantreepix | Google Groups FAMILY OF THE WEEK: TILIACEAE – indiantreepix | Google Groups . . Malvaceae Week: 05.09.11 to 11.09.11: In India, this family is represented by 25 genera and about 110 species. These include Annual or perennial herbs to shrubs or small trees. Some important floral characters of the family are: Plant parts often mucilaginous, leaves stipulated, young stem/ branches often with stellate trichomes Flowers axillary, solitary, or in fascicles, racemes or panicles, actinomorphic, usually bisexual, pentamerous. Calyx, free or connate, valvate aestivation Corolla free, adnate at the base to the staminal tube and falling off with it, twisted; petals 5. Stamens usually numerous, monadelphous to form staminal tube which at apex divided into numerous filaments Carpels 1 to many, usually in a single whorl, placentation axile; style usually branched into as many as the number of carpels or sometimes twice the number of carpels Fruit a dry capsule or schizocarp, rarely baccate, usually dehiscent. Seeds with a little endosperm Genera represented in India include Hibiscus, Pavonia, Thespesia, Kydia, Gossypium, Alcea, Malva, Abutilon, Malvastrum, Malvaviscus, Sida, Urena, Abelmoschus, Sidastrum,Herissantia, Wissadula, Modiola, Anoda, Decaschistia, Nayariophyton, Fioria, Senra, Lavatera, Althaea and Malachra Hibiscus and pavonia are large sp represented by about 300 sp and 200 sp worldwide Some important Plant include Gossypium sp (Cotton yielding), Abelmoschus esculentus (Vegetable) Thespesia populnea (Avenue Tree), Hibiscus sp, Alcea rosea (Ornamental) etc. Some web-links related to family Malvaceae Latest developments in the family For all Details please see the paper attached Excerpts from this paper: In the broader APG circumscription, Malvaceae s.l. corresponds to the four traditional plant families Malvaceae s.s., Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae (Table 2). Thus, the family has expanded to include 250 genera and has been divided into nine subfamilies, one of which is Malvaceae s.s.[4&5]. These families are closely related to Malvaceae s.s. but they are not monophyletic groups as shown by numerous researchers on the Malvales e.g.[6- 8] . The nine subfamilies: 1. Bombacoideae, traditionally in family Bombacaceae 2. Brownlowioideae, traditionally in family Tiliaceae 3. Byttnerioideae, traditionally in family Sterculiaceae 4. Dombeyoideae, traditionally in family Sterculiaceae 5. Grewioideae, traditionally in family Tiliaceae 6. Helicteroideae, traditionally in families Sterculiaceae (tribe Helictereae) and Bombacaceae (tribe Durioneae) 7. Malvoideae, traditionally family Malvaceae s.s. 8. Sterculioideae, traditionally in family Sterculiaceae 9. Tilioideae, traditionally in family Tiliaceae More information about the family regarding shifting of plants from other families to Malvaceae As Understood now, the family Malvaceae (according to APG III) includes genera formerly included under Malvaceae, Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae and Bombacaceae. So please also include the genera of these former families under Malvaceae Week. Here is the complete list of genera (total 236): The Plant List . BSI Flora of India with details & keys from Volume 3 (1993): ABUTILEAE Endl. (Abutilon Mill., Anoda Cav., Herissantia Medikus, Malvastrum A. Gray, Modiola Moench, Sida L., Wissadula Medikus) DECASCHISTEAE Fryxell (Decaschistia Wight & Arn.) HIBISCEAE Endl. (Abelmoschus Medikus , Fioria Mattei , Gossypium L., Hibiscus L., Julostylis Thwaites, Kydia Roxb., Nayariophyton T.K. Paul, Senra Cav., Thespesia Sol. ex Correa) MALVEAE A.Gray (Alcea L., Althaea L., Lavatera L., Malva L. ) Plagianthus J.R. forst. & G. forst. (Genus) URENEAE Benth.& Hook.f. (Malachra L., Malvaviscus L., Pavonia Cav., Urena L.) BOMBACACEAE : (Bombax L., Ceiba Mill. emend Gaertn., Cullenia Wight) STERCULIACEAE : (Abroma Jacq., Byttneria Loefl., Cola, Dombeya, Eriolaena DC., Firmiana Marsili, Guazuma Mill., Helicteres L., Heritiera Aiton, Hildegardia Schott & Endl., Kleinhovia L., Leptonychia Turcz., Melhania Forsskal, Melochia L., Pentapetes L., Pterocymbium R. Br., Pterospermum Schreb., Pterygota Schott & Endl., Reevesia Lindley, Sterculia L., Waltheria L.) TILIACEAE : (Berrya Roxb., Brownlowia Roxb., Colona Cav., Corchorus L., Erinocarpus Nimmo ex Graham, Grewia L., Tilia L., Trichospermum Blume, Triumfetta L.) . Species, genera & family pages of Malvaceae are now with images : 1 post by 1 author.
Updated on December 24, 2024