Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech. (Tropical & Subtropical Old World to Pacific: Andaman Is., Angola, Assam, Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Is., Cape Provinces, Caroline Is., Central African Repu, Chad, China South-Central, China Southeast, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Free State, Gabon, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hawaii, India, Ivory Coast, Jawa, Kazan-retto, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maluku, Marianas, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New South Wales, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Northern Provinces, Ogasawara-shoto, Philippines, Queensland, Rwanda, Réunion, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Society Is., Socotra, Somalia, Sri Lanka, St.Helena, Sudan, Sulawesi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Tubuai Is., Uganda, Vanuatu, Victoria, Vietnam, Western Australia, Yemen, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO)

Asplenium dalhousieae Hook. (Eritrea, Yemen, Afghanistan to Himalaya and NW. India, SE. Arizona to Mexico (Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Sonora): Afghanistan, Arizona, East Himalaya, Eritrea, India, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya, Yemen as per POWO)

Asplenium decrescens Kunze (SW. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO)

Asplenium emarginatodentatum Zenker (SW. India as per POWO)


Asplenium falcatum Lam. (India to Indo-China: Andaman Is., Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)


Asplenium laciniatum D. Don (Kenya to S. Africa, N. Yemen, Indian Subcontinent to Temp. E. Asia and Indo-China: Altay, Amur, Assam, Cape Provinces, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Free State, India, Inner Mongolia, Japan, Kenya, Khabarovsk, Korea, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Manchuria, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Northern Provinces, Pakistan, Philippines, Primorye, Qinghai, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Uganda, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Yemen, Zimbabwe as per POWO)

Asplenium nidoides Fraser-Jenkins & Kandel (Indian Subcontinent to Taiwan and Peninsula Malaysia as per POWO)


Asplenium phyllitidis D. Don (India to S. China and N. Indo-ChinaIndia to S. China and N. Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Asplenium punjabense Bir, Fraser-Jenk. & Lovis (Afghanistan to W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. (Temp. Northern Hemisphere to Mexico: Afghanistan, Albania, Altay, Arizona, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, California, Canary Is., Central European Rus, China North-Central, Colorado, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East European Russia, East Himalaya, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Idaho, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Krasnoyarsk, Krym, Madeira, Mexico Northwest, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, New Mexico, North Caucasus, North European Russi, Northwest European R, Norway, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, South Dakota, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Taiwan, Texas, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Tuva, Ukraine, Utah, West Himalaya, West Siberia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Xinjiang, Yugoslavia as per POWO)


Asplenium serricula Fée (India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka, Taiwan as per POWO)

Asplenium thunbergii Kunze (Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Assam to New Guinea: Assam, Borneo, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malaya, Maluku, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)


Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey. (N. America, Temp. & Subtropical Old World to NE. & E. Tropical Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Azores, Baleares, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, British Columbia, Bulgaria, Canary Is., Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Central European Rus, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Connecticut, Corse, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East European Russia, East Himalaya, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Free State, Føroyar, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Illinois, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Kriti, Krym, KwaZulu-Natal, Lebanon-Syria, Lesotho, Madeira, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Caucasus, North European Russi, Northern Provinces, Northwest European R, Norway, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Pakistan, Palestine, Pennsylvania, Poland, Portugal, Québec, Romania, Sardegna, Saudi Arabia, Sicilia, Socotra, Somalia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Ukraine, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Himalaya, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Xinjiang, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe as per POWO)

Hymenasplenium obscurum (Bl.) Tag. (Tanzania to Limpopo, Madagascar, Tropical & Subtropical Asia: Assam, Borneo, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Maluku, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Northern Provinces, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, Zimbabwe as per POWO)

Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaud.) Ching (W. Indian Ocean, Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. & E. Australia : Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Caroline Is., China South-Central, China Southeast, Comoros, Cook Is., East Himalaya, Fiji, Hainan, India, Japan, Jawa, Kermadec Is., Korea, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malaya, Maluku, Marianas, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New South Wales, New Zealand North, Norfolk Is., Philippines, Queensland, Réunion, Samoa, Seychelles, Society Is., Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Tonga, Tubuai Is., Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis-Futuna Is., West Himalaya, Western Australia; Introduced into: Alabama, Argentina Northeast, Arkansas, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Cape Provinces, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Florida, Georgia, Guatemala, Hawaii, Honduras, Jamaica, Kentucky, KwaZulu-Natal, Louisiana, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Uruguay, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Virginia, Windward Is. as per POWO)


Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John (Tropical & Subtropical Old World to Pacific: Afghanistan, Andaman Is., Angola, Ascension, Assam, Azores, Bangladesh, Benin, Bismarck Archipelago, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Is., Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Caroline Is., Central African Repu, China South-Central, China Southeast, Comoros, Cook Is., East Himalaya, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, India, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Kermadec Is., Korea, Kriti, KwaZulu-Natal, Laccadive Is., Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Madeira, Malawi, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Marianas, Marquesas, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Guinea, New South Wales, New Zealand North, Niger, Nigeria, Norfolk Is., Northern Provinces, Northern Territory, Pakistan, Philippines, Queensland, Rodrigues, Rwanda, Réunion, Santa Cruz Is., Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sicilia, Sierra Leone, Society Is., Socotra, Solomon Is., South Australia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Tokelau-Manihiki, Tonga, Tuamotu, Tubuai Is., Uganda, Vanuatu, Victoria, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia, Yemen, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe; Introduced into: Alabama, Algeria, Argentina Northeast, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Central American Pac, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Easter Is., Ecuador, El Salvador, Florida, Georgia, Guatemala, Hawaii, Honduras, Jamaica, Kentucky, Leeward Is., Louisiana, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Morocco, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, Uruguay, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Windward Is. as per POWO)



Thelypteris dentata ?


Thelypteris dentata or Thelypteris meeboldii


Thelypteris erubescens (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching (Himalaya to S. Japan and Philippines: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. (Tropical & Subtropical Old World to Pacific: Andaman Is., Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Bismarck Archipelago, Borneo, Botswana, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Caroline Is., Central African Repu, Chad, Chagos Archipelago, China South-Central, China Southeast, Comoros, Cook Is., East Himalaya, Easter Is., Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, Hawaii, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jawa, Kenya, Korea, KwaZulu-Natal, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Maldives, Maluku, Marianas, Marshall Is., Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New South Wales, New Zealand North, Niger, Northern Provinces, Northern Territory, Philippines, Queensland, Rwanda, Réunion, Samoa, Senegal, Society Is., Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Tubuai Is., Uganda, Vanuatu, Victoria, Vietnam, Western Australia, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO)


Thelypteris nudata (Roxb.) C.V.Morton (Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan, Guizhou) and Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Thelypteris ochthodes (Kunze) Ching (S. India, Nicobar Islands as per POWO)

Thelypteris papilio (C.Hope) K.Iwats. (S. India, Himalaya to China (S. Sichuan, Yunnan) and Peninsula Malaysia, Taiwan: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Malaya, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Thelypteris prolifera (Retz.) C.F.Reed (Tropical & Subtropical Old World: Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Burkina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Repu, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Guinea, Hainan, India, Jawa, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Maluku, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Northern Provinces, Northern Territory, Pakistan, Philippines, Queensland, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO)


Thelypteris tenera (Roxb.) C.V.Morton ex Fraser-Jenk. (Indian Subcontinent to S. China and Sumatera: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Sri Lanka, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)

Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton (N. Angola, Tanzania to Pacific: Angola, Assam, Borneo, Caroline Is., Comoros, Fiji, India, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malaya, Maluku, Marianas, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Guinea, Northern Territory, Philippines, Queensland, Rodrigues, Réunion, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Tubuai Is., Vanuatu, Vietnam as per POWO)

Woodsia elongata Hook. (Himalaya to NW. India and China (NW. Yunnan): China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Nepal, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Aspleniaceae‎‎‎ (Fern) with comparative images:
Species, genus & family pages of‎‎‎‎ Aspleniaceae‎‎‎ are now with comparative images. On clicking the link of species, one can check the complete details.
May I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identification in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this family (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified/ wrongly identified images, it will be really nice. Pl. circulate it widely, for the benefit of all concerned.

You missed Asplenium trichomanes, another common species in the Himalayan region.