Eria conrardii Almeida, Fl.
5A: 42. 2009;




Eria conrardii Almeida : Attachments (4).  15 posts by 5 authors.
These tiny orchids –Eria conrardii Almeida were seen last week (posted on 10.2.10) at Amboli, Maharashtra
As Dr. Almeida explained this was given an incorrrect description as Eris dalzellii Lindl, type of Dalzellii was different, hence the new name after the director for a brief period of Blatter herbarium. A very interesting explanation is available in Dr. Almeida’s flora of Mah.Vvol V -A pg 42/43.   

Wonderful orchid.
The pseudobulbs are nicely seen. (Am I right…the reticulated structures at the base.) Flowering appears to be nearly over.
I suppose the BSI Mah flora mentions it as Eria dalzelli as you have said.

Yes … these are pseudobulbs. The difference between BSI flora and Dr. Almeida ‘s flora as we have been discussing on this group is mainly the new combinations that Dr. Almeida has suggested in his flora based on the difference between the type description having been initially wrong. It is complicated but now I am beginning to understand this and I think most certainly Eria dalzellii was wrongly placed. Good that we are able to compare and get the best from both the floras !!

I was checking Orchidaceae section of Flora of Maharastra and trying to related pictures. Dr. Almeida describes the key as follows:

Margins of sepal entire; lip ovate-lanceolate ……………………………………… Eria conrardii
Margins of sepals cilliate with minute gland-tipped hairs, lip pandurate ……. Eria microchilos

Further going down to his own description of species, he writes E. conrardii having 2 leaves where as E. microchilos with 2-4 leaves. I am sure you can check the error…..

At the same time, he also describes a variety E. conrardii var. fimbriata which differs as, “petals and to some extent lateral sepals are fringed with translucent gland tipped hairs”.

Interestingly, this contradicts with his own key……. to differentiate conrardii and microchilos.

So even if I follow Dr. Ameida’s flora then there are two different plants in the picture, 2 pictures have plants with 2 leaves and other two have it with 4 leaves and secondly, you can see the plant is in fruit so you cant see the glands if they were present.

So NO COMMENTS on the id of the species from my side, other than that yes, these are some Eria spp..

I feel experts should bring the error/s to the notice of concern person so that it can be rectified & beginners or students will get accurate info.

I suppose this orchid to be Eria microchilos Lindl. A larger orchid with secund flowers would be E. dalzellii Lindl. Both may have undergone revision in names but I have seen both at Amboli

Thank you … I will get this verified further.

…, I have just gone through the description on the Eria species in Dr. Almeida’s flora. I am quite convinced of these being Eria conrardii Almeida only.
Let me explain: on pg 42 Vol V -A Dr Almeida states Eria conrardii Almeida (nom. nov.) is “A small plant 4-8 cm high ( rarely more) . Pseudobulbs flattened. ovoid, reaching upto 1 cm in diameter, reticulated; principal venation pinnate. Leaves usually 2, oblanceolate-oblong, obtuse. Since Dr. Almeida himself was present and has ided this one he has ruled out the other species which he must have seen himself i.e. Eria conrardii (Wt.) Almeida var. fimbriata Almeida (nom. nov.) mentioned on pg 43. wherein he mentionsPetals and to some extent the lateral sepals are fringed with translucent gland-tipped hairs. Flowers- July to October. Distribution in the same areas like typical variety. In other characters it resembles E. conrardii Almeida” 
Your indication of Eria microchilos (Dalz.) Lindl. does not quit match the pseudobulbs here’s the decription from pg 44 for this species Pseudobulbs flattened, irregularly shaped, 1cm, in diameter, reticulated; principal venation flabellate. Leaves 2-4, oblong- lanceolate, obtuse, reaching 5 cm long.”
Verified this again with Dr. Almeida today. 

In first and last pic, number of leaves are more than 2 upto 4 which is clearly visible. In all pics pseudobulbs are flattened and irregular (being irregular also includes being ovoid). The only two characters from Dr. Almeida’s flora which matches the pic with his own conrardii is the presence of pinnate venation on pseudobulb and non-secund fruit (not flowers).

Just incase Dr. Almeida might have seen the plant with flowers originally which had glands on sepals which are not visible in fruits.

But leaves do produce doubt to me atleast……

Thank you … for a confirmation. I have been following ‘The Orchids of Bombay’ by Santapau Kapadia for ID. Could you pls give a similar dichotomous key for Eria genus to compare. (Sorry, I don’t have a copy of flora of Maha) 

…, here’s the key from Dr. Almeida’s flora : pg 42, Vol V-A

Eria Lindl. (nom.cons.)
1.Flowers solitary on slender scapes E. reticosa
1.Flowers in racemes or spikes——————————————————————2
   2. Inflorescence tomentose E. pubescens
   2. Inflorescence glabrous———————————————————————3
      3. Small plants less than 10 cm high; leaves less than 8 cm long; sepals and petals greenish-yellow—–4
         4. Plants leafless at flowering time E. exilis
         4. Plants leafy at flowering time; scape straight——————————-5
             5. Margins of sepals entire; lip ovate-lanceolate E. conrardii
             5. Margins of sepals ciliate with minute gland-tipped hairs; lip pandurate E. microchilos
3.Plant exceeding 10 cm high; leaves 10-20 cm long; sepals and petals white E. mysorensis
Hope this helps. One of the books I don’t have is Santapau Kapadia- Orchids of Bombay

Thank you …, the key brings in more food for thought. I am yet to see E. pubescens and E. mysorensis. Can you pls provide locations where they can be searched? ‘Orchids of Bombay’ gives E.pubescens Wight as syn of E. mysorensis Lindl. 

…, here’s the info. – E. mysorensis Lindl.- Flowers-July- October,

Distribution: Mahabaleshwar, koina valley, Konkan, Satara.
E.pubescens (Hook) Lindl. Flowers- April-May. Distribution : Pune! That’s good news for you! but one info. on pg 44 I quote “Eria pubescens Wt.Icon. 1634, 1852 (on plate. E. platyphylla) is this species and E. polystachya Wt. are both found in NIlgiris. Wight has figured both and described, but on plates he has interchanged the names. There is another E. pubescens (Hook.)Lindl, which is from north, Himalayan region, which Laxminarsimhan has recorded from Poona. I doubt if he was referring to Wight’s Southern Indian species or North Indian one“.  


