Dr. Shiddamallayya, A R O

Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute,

                                                (Central Council for
Research in Ayurveda and Siddha,

of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,                                                                                                            Govt. of India,
New Delhi)

Annexe, Ashoka Pillar,

                                                Jayanagar, Bangalore-560 011.

                                                E-mail: siddamallayya_matapati@rediffmail.com,





a)      Research
Papers- Referred Journals


Shiddamallayya.N &P.C.
Patil: Limnological Studies of Papnash Pond Bidar (KARNATAKA). International
Journal of Environmental Biology
(India). 26 (2).  Pp. 213 – 216 (2005).


S.B, Shiddamallayya. N,
P.C.Patil & Shakuntala.P: Effect of Some Heavy Metals on Active Transport
of Sodium and Potassium in Cyanobacteria

hieron and
Spirulina subsalsa 40308. Asian journal of Microbiology and
Environmental Biology
(India). 7 (4). Pp. 887 – 889 (2005).


Shiddamallayya. N and Pratima Mathad: Influence of Abiotic Factors
and Polluting Sources in the Structure of Cyanophycean Community in the Fresh
Water Tank Bhalki, Karnataka. Journal of Indian Hydrobiology.9 (1).
Pp.45-50 (2006).


Shiddamallayya. N and Pratima Mathad: Studies on Phytoplankton
Community with Special Reference to Physico-chemical Factors in Bhalki tank,
Bhalki. Karnataka – India. Journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation
Vol. 13 (2): 2007; pp. 361-365


Shiddamallayya.N and Pratima Mathad : A Study on Phytoplankton Community of Papnash Pond, Bidar,Karnataka-India.
Journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation Vol. 13 (2): 2007; pp.
367 – 370 


Shiddamallayya. N and Pratima Mathad: Impact of Domestic Sewage on
Fresh Water Body. International Journal of Environmental Biology (India)
29(3), 2008; Pp. 303-308.


Shiddamallayya. N Azra Yasmeen, and K Gopakumar: Hundred Common
Forest Medicinal Plants of Karnataka in Primary Health care. Indian Journal
of Traditional Knowledge
9 (1) January 2010; Pp. 90-95.


Shiddamallayya. N Azra Yasmeen, and K Gopakumar: Medico-Botanical
Survey of ‘Kumar Parvatha’ Kukke Subramanya, Mangalore – Karnataka. Indian
Journal of Traditional Knowledge
9 (1) January 2010; Pp. 96-99.


N, Azra yasmeen, T.R.Shantha & B. N. Sridhar: Pharmacognosy of rhizome
of Kyllinga bulbosa Beauv.
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic
. Vol. 33 (3) 2009; 696-700.

10.  Venkateshwarlu G, Saraswathi P,
Shantha T R, Shiddamallayya Kishore K R, Sridhar B N:  A Preliminary Study on the Effect of
Traditional Ayurvedic Purifying Methods of Semicarpus anacardium Linn.
Nuts – A Physico-Chemical and Powder Microscopic Study.
Journal of
Herbal Medicine and Toxicology
4 (2) 2010; 237-247.


11.  Shiddamallayya N*, V Rama Rao,
Shantha T R, Shubhasree M N,  Shashidhar
H D, Venkateswarlu G & & Sridhar B N : Invasive alien flora of
Karnataka in Indian system of medicine (Ayurveda). Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany Vol. 34. (3), 2010; 564-579.


12.  Venkateswarlu G,  Shantha T R, Shiddamallayya N, Rama Rao V, S
K Giri, Sridhar B N & Pavankumar Sangu: Physicochemical and preliminary
phytochemical studies on the fruits of “Shivalingi” [
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine. Vol. 2 (1), 2011; 20 – 26.


13.  Venkateswarlu G,  Shantha T R, Shiddamallayya N, Kishore K R
& Sridhar B N: Preliminary physicochemical evaluation of Sarja rasa (resin
 Linn.) and its traditional medicinal
International Journal of Research
in Ayurveda & Pharmacy.
2 (2) 2011; 334-337.


14.  Shiddamallayya.
and Pratima
Mathad: Seasonal changes in Phytoplankton Community in  Papnash pond, Bidar, Karnataka Along
with  Physico-chemical Characters of
Journal of Advances in Developmental Research. Vol. 2 (2) 2011; 186-190.


15.  Shantha T R, Shiddamallayya N,
Ramarao V, and  Venkateshwaralu G:
Pharmacognostic evaluation and preliminary phytochemical screening on the
leaves of Ximenia americana linn. International research Journal of Pharmacy  Vol. 3 (2) 2012;140-144 .


16.  Venkateshwarlu.G,
Shantha T R, Shiddamallayya N, Kishore Kumar R: Traditional and Ayurvedic
medicinal importance of Agasthya leves (Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers.)
w.r.t. its pharmacognostic and physicochemical evaluation. International
Journal of research in Ayurveda and pharmacy.
Vol. 3(2) 2012; 193-197.


17.  T.R.Shantha, G.Venkateshwarlu,
Saraswathi P, N. Shiddhamallayya and K R Kishore, B.N.Sridhar: Pharmacognostic
and Physico-Chemical evaluation on the leaves (leaf lets) of Sesbania
grandiflora (L) Poir and Sesbania sesban (Linn) Merr. – A Comparative study. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany.
Vol. 36 (1) 2012; 102-111.


18.  T.R.Shantha,
Venkateshwarlu G, Shiddhamallayya N, V. Rama Rao: Macro and Microscopical
Characters on the fruits of   Shivalingi:
Diplocyclos palmatus (Linn.) Jeffrey. Aryavaidyan. Vol. 25 (3)
2012; 131-139.


19.  Shiddamallayya
N, Shantha T R, Venkateswarlu G & B N Sridhar: Potential Medicinal plants
and their uses of
durga Forest, Bangalore – Karnataka. My forester. Vol. 47 (2) 2011;


20.  Shanta
T.R, Yoganarasimhan, Shiddhamallayya N & G. Venkateshwarlu: Comparative
Pharmacognostical stiduies on the different botanical sources of Pashanabheda. Journal
of Economic and Taxonomic Botany,
36(3) 2013, Pp.464-485.


21.  Nandini
N and Shiddamallayya N. Diversity of medicinal plants flora of old Mysore district,
Karnataka, India, Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 3(8) 2013,
Pp. 6248-6258.


22.  Prashanth
Kumar, G M and N Shiddamallayya. Documentation of Wild Leafy Vegetables of
Hassan District, Karnataka. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience,
2 (1),
2014, Pp. 202-208.


23.  Prashanth Kumar, G M and N Shiddamallayya. Documentation
of wild plant tubers as food resources in Hassan district, Karnataka,
International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 5 (2)
2014, Pp. 90-95.


24.  Nandini
N and Shiddamallaya N. Wild edible plants of Old Mysore district, Karnataka,



     b) Research Papers- Books


1.      Shiddamallayya.N, S.B.Angadi & P.C.Patil: The
Algal Communities in Papnash Pond, Bidar – Karnataka (INDIA). Aquatic
Biodiversity in India. Present scenario


2.      Shiddamallayya.N
and Pratima Mathad : Role of Limno-chemical Factors on
Phytopankton Productivity. Advances in Aquatic Ecology.Vol. I (9), 2006.


3.      Shiddamallayya.
and Pratima
Mathad: Impact of Periodical Fluctuation of Physico-chemical Factors on
Community Structure of Cyanophyceae in Papnash Pond Bidar, KARNATAKA.


4.      Shiddamallayya.N & Pratima Mathad: Impact of
Physico-chemical Factors of Primary Productivity of Phytoplankton in Papnash
Pond, Bidar (Karnataka).
Aquatic Ecosystem and Its Management. Edited by K. Vijaykumar and B.
Vasanthkumar, Daya, 2010, xii, 472 p.


5.      Shiddamallayya.N & Pratima Mathad: Studies on
Phytoplanton community of Bhalki tank, Bhalki, Karnataka, India.
pollution and  management.
 Edited by D S Malik, Sunil Kumar and Umesh
Bharti,2011, 488-498.


6.      Shiddamallayya.N & Pratima Mathad: Ecological studies of holy pond Papnash, Bidar
– Karnataka
, Biodiversity of  aquatic resources Edt. Mamata Rawat &
Sumit Dookia. 2012; 03-19.