Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’ (Australia)

Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Hakea “Burrendong Beauty”-NS April 2020-66 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) This cultivar was found growing in RBG Sydney.. Hakea “Burrendong Beauty”…the id  may be corrected.. References: http://anpsa.org.au/h-bdong.html https://www.gardenexpress.com.au/product/hakea-burrendong-beauty/ https://malleedesign.com.au/4091-2/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakea_%27Burrendong_Beauty%27 https://aussiegreenthumb.com/1114/hakea-burrendong-beauty/

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Catasetum expansum (Cultivated- USA)

Catasetum expansum Rchb.f., Otia Bot. Hamburg. 9 1878. (syn: Catasetum cliftonii auct.; Catasetum platyglossum Schltr.); Ecuador as per Catalogue of Life; Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 15APR20 : AK-53 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.  I […]

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Dendrobium hybrids- Mahe, Pondicherry

Request for identification of an orchid : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please identify a cultivated orchid from Mahe. It was photographed in November 2019. This is a hybrid of Dendrobium. Thanks for sharing.

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Dendrobium hybrids- Mahe, Pondicherry

Request for confirming identity of an orchid : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) – 2 mb. This is with reference to confirm identity of a cultivated orchid from Mahe. Is it Dendrobium nobile? It was photographed in November 2019. It is not. This is also a Dendrobium hybrid.

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Zeuxine lindleyana

Zeuxine lindleyana A.N.Rao, Arunachal Forest News 6: 34 1988.; C. & E. Himalaya to India (Orissa) as per WCSP; Common name: Lindley’s Lawn Orchid   Zeuxine lindleyana submission: 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)   Here’s a new orchid species addition to site.  Zeuxine lindleyana A.N.Rao Lindley’s Lawn Orchid  Family – Orchidaceae Zeuxine lindleyana has […]

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Rhododendron species- San Francisco, USA

  MS/April/2020/6 ID of the flowers. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly ID the flowers. Photographed at Golden gate Park, Sanfransisco, USA. Looks like Rhododendron sp. Thanks … for quick ID. My doubt is cleared.   

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Strobilomyces species- Suryabinayak, Nepal

  SK 2475 21 February 2020 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 3 mb each.  Location :  Suryabinayak Date: 09 August 2016 Elevation : 1500m. Habitat : Wild Pl. check comparative images at Order Agaricales  May be some Coprinus‎ species.  Although images look less focused but thanks to this wolly texture […]

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Echinorhyncha ecuadorensis (Cultivated- USA)

Echinorhyncha ecuadorensis (Dodson) Dressler, Lankesteriana 5: 94 2005. (syn: Chondrorhyncha ecuadorensis Dodson); Ecuador (Pichincha) as per WCSP; Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 14APR20 : AK-50 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.    References: Catalogue of Life  […]

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Order Boletales member?- Osho Tapovan

  SK 2550 19 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild ‎May be some Russula‎ species (can not see the underside) ? Something like Porphyrellus species?- Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal  One of Tylopilus nigropurpureus or Tylopilus nigerrimus ?? Yes, …, […]

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Calocybe species ?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2572 30 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) – around 800  kb each. Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild Cantharellus ? Cantharellus subalbidus ?? This is the only white form all other sp. yellow!  I don’t think its any Cantharellus […]

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Inocybe calospora ?

Inocybe calospora Quél., 1881 (syn: Astrosporina calospora (Quél.) E.Horak, 1981; Astrosporina gaillardii (Gillet) Rea, 1922; Clypeus calosporus (Quél.) Fayod, 1889; Inocybe calospora var. calospora Quél., 1881; Inocybe calospora f. calospora Quél., 1881; Inocybe calospora var. gaillardii (Gillet) R.Heim, 1931; Inocybe calospora f. minor Kobayasi, 1952; Inocybe calospora var. odorata Gminder, 1998; Inocybe calospora f. pectinata […]

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Epidendrum capricornu (Cultivated- USA)

Epidendrum capricornu Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54(117): 24 1916.; S. Ecuador to N. Peru as per WCSP;   Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 11APR20 : AK-42 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.  Wow such a nice […]

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Psathyrella species- Pune, Maharashtra

    efloraofindia:”For Id 22092011MR2’’ flower shaped mushroom Pune:  Request for identification this flower shaped mushroom This is not a flower shaped mushroom rather an old mushroom. In many mushroom species the cap splits longitudinally on maturity. Thank you … But even small mushrooms around are looking flower shaped They are all mature one …. all mushrooms […]

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Coprinopsis species- Chandagal village, Mysore district, Karnataka

  Tiny white mushrooms – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. Hollow trunk portion of Atti [Kannada]: Ficus racemosa About 10 feet high from the ground, Height < 2cm, habitat close to the river cauvery. Farmers say these tiny white mushroom kinds are edible when it is white.  The moment they start turning […]

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Tylecodon species- Delhi

Tylecodon pearsonii for addition :: NS March 2020-11 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) This succulent was recorded from a flower show in Delhi.. If the id is right, it is not represented on eFI.. Tylecodon pearsonii….Crassulaceae I think looks different as per http://www.bihrmann.com/caudiciforms/subs/tyl-pea-sub.asp https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/152525/ http://www.southernafricanplants.net/plantdata_sub.php?Mspec_ID=6404 http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Crassulaceae/28087/Tylecodon_pearsonii https://worldofsucculents.com/tylecodon-pearsonii/#prettyPhoto Tylecodon ? as per https://www.mercurynews.com/2012/07/02/ruths-tips-tylecodon-x-dinteri/   

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