Microporus species?- Godawari, Nepal

  SK 2612 13 April 2020 – Mycophyta : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Location:  Godawari, Nepal   Date: 14 September 2013 Altitude : 1500 m. Habit: Wild I am not sure if  I have posted it earlier. I can’t open the image. Please compare to Microporus sp.  

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Scleroderma species- Godawari, Nepal

  SK 2611 13 April 2020 – Mycophyta : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 mb each. Location:  Godawari, Nepal   Date: 18 April 2018 Altitude : 1500 m. Habit: Wild Scleroderma sp. For specimens like these you need to show the cross-section also

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Alectryon tomentosus (Australia)

Alectryon tomentosus (F.Müll.) Radlk., Actes Congr. Int. Bot. Amst. 1877: 117 1879. (syn: Nephelium tomentosum F.Müll.); Australia as per Catalogue of Life;    Plants From Australia 2018:: Alectryon tomentosus-NS April 2020-64 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) This tree was seen in RBG, Sydney.. Alectryon tomentosus..   References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List […]

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Hibiscus heterophyllus (Australia)

Hibiscus heterophyllus Vent., Jard. Malmaison t. 103 1805. (syn: Hibiscus aculeatus F.Dietr. (ambiguous synonym); Hibiscus flabellatus Desf.; Hibiscus grandiflorus Salisb. (ambiguous synonym); Hibiscus margeriae A Cunn. ex Benth.); Australia (Queensland) as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Hibiscus heterophyllus-NS April 2020-62 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) This one was […]

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Cochliostema odoratissimum (Cultivated- Australia)

Cochliostema odoratissimum Lem., Ill. Hort. 6(Misc.): 70 1859. (syn: Cochliostema jacobianum K.Koch & Linden; Cochliostema odoratum K.Koch; Cochliostema jacobianum var. variegatum Van Geert); C. America to Ecuador as per WCSP; Colombia; Costa Rica; Ecuador; Nicaragua; Panama as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Cochliostema odoratissimum-NS April 2020-56 : 3 posts by 2 […]

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Lepanthes larvina (Cultivated- Hong Kong)

Lepanthes larvina Luer & R.Escobar, Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 53: 162 1984.; W. Colombia as per WCSP;   Lepanthes larvina from my balcony : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. Lepanthes larvina Luer & R.Escobar, Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 53: 162 (1984).Endemic to West Colombia   References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI […]

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Dracula vampira (Cultivated- USA)

Dracula vampira (Luer) Luer, Selbyana 2: 198 1978. (syn: Masdevallia vampira Luer); NC. Ecuador as per WCSP; Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 13APR20 : AK-48 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.  Very cute. I wish to […]

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Vanda lamellata (Cultivated- USA)

Vanda lamellata Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 66 1838. (syn: Vanda amiensis Masam. & Segawa; Vanda clitellaria Rchb.f.; Vanda cumingii W.H.Baxter; Vanda lamellata f. alba Valmayor & D.Tiu; Vanda lamellata var. calayana Valmayor & D.Tiu; Vanda lamellata var. lamellata ; Vanda nasughuana Parsons [Invalid]; Vanda unicolor Steud. [Invalid]; Vanda vidalii Boxall ex Náves; Vanda yamiensis […]

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Grevillea ‘Orange Marmalade’ (Australia)

Grevillea ‘Orange Marmalade’; Plants From Australia 2018:: Grevillea “Orange Marmalade”-NS April 2020-55 : 2 posts by 2 authors. This hybrid cultivar of Grevillea is known as “Orange Marmalade”.. Pics recorded from RBG, Sydney.. References: https://www.australianplantsonline.com.au/grevillea-orange-marmalade.html https://www.gardeningwithangus.com.au/grevillea-orange-marmalade-grevillea/ https://www.anbg.gov.au/acra/descriptions/acc441.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grevillea_%27Orange_Marmalade%27 https://austplants.com.au/Grevillea-Orange-Marmalade https://www.grevilleas.com.au/grev30.html https://www.allnatives.com.au/shrubs/1-to-3m-high/grevillea-orange-marmalade

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Senra incana

Senra incana Cav., Diss. 2: 83 1786. (syn: Dumreichera arabica Hochst. & Steud.; Gossypium bakeri Watt; Senra arabica Webb; Senra bakeri (Watt) Prokh.; Senra nubica Webb; Senra nubica var. microphylla Mattei; Senra zoes Volkens & Schweinf.; Serraea arabica (Hochst. & Steud.) Mattei; Serraea incana Spreng.; Serraea nubica (Webb) Mattei; Serraea rupestris Edgew.; Serraea zoeae (Volkens […]

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Senra incana Cav. (Saudi Arabia (Hejaz), Oman (Dhofar), Saudi Arabia (Asir), Yemen (Aden Desert, coastal Hadhramaut, SW-Yemen, Tihama), Pakistan (Karachi, Sind, Baluchistan), Socotra, NW-India (Gujarat), Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, NE-Kenya as per Catalogue of Life)    

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Nepal- fungi at Osho Tapovan

  SK 2552 20 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild Pl. check comparative images at Order Agaricales  

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Laelia anceps (Cultivated- USA)

Laelia anceps Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 21: t. 1751 1835. (syn: Amalia anceps (Lindl.) Heynh.; Amalias anceps (Lindl.) Hoffmanns.; Bletia anceps (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Bletia anceps var. barkeriana (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Cattleya anceps (Lindl.) Beer; Laelia anceps f. alba (Rchb.f.) M.Wolff & O.Gruss; Laelia anceps var. alba Rchb.f.; Laelia anceps var. amesiana O’Brien; Laelia anceps subsp. anceps […]

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Miltonia hybrids- Atlanta, USA

Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 12APR20 : AK-46 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.  This should be a hybrid of Miltonia.

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Prosthechea fragrans (Cultivated- USA)

Prosthechea fragrans (Sw.) W.E.Higgins, Phytologia 82: 377 1997 publ. 1998. (syn: Anacheilium fragrans (Sw.) Acuña; Encyclia fragrans (Sw.) Dressler; Epidendrum chimborazoensis Schltr.; Epidendrum cochleatum Curtis; Epidendrum fragrans Sw.; Epidendrum fragrans var. ionoleucum (Hoffmanns. ex Rchb.f.) Barb.Rodr.; Epidendrum fragrans var. ionoleucum Hoffmanns.; Epidendrum fragrans var. magnum Stein; Epidendrum fragrans var. pachypus Schltr.; Epidendrum ionoleucum Hoffmanns. ex […]

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Strobilanthes oligocephala

Strobilanthes oligocephala T. Anderson ex C.B. Clarke (IPNI), Fl. Brit. India 4: 461 1884. (syn: Diflugossa paupera (C.B.Cl.) Bremek.; Goldfussia oligocephala (T.Anders. ex C.B.Cl.) Bremek.; Goldfussia oligocephala var. treutleri (C.B.Cl.) V.Singh & P.Singh; Goldfussia thomsoni Hook.; Strobilanthes oligocephala var. treutleri C.B.Clarke; Strobilanthes pauper C.B.Cl.); India (E-Himalaya, Darjeeling), Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life; […]

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