Lepidagathis purpuricaulis

Lepidagathis purpuricaulis Nees, in Wall., Pl. As. Rar. 3: 96 (1832). (Syn: Lepidagathis striata Nees); Images by Mohina Macker, Identified by Nidhan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg)     Common name: Purple Stem Lepidagathis   Subtropical Himalaya (Garhwal to Nepal), N. Burma (as per Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal)     herb for id, mm1 16052014 […]

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Globba leucantha (Indonesia) ?

Globba leucantha Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv. 612 1861. (Syn: Globba floribunda Baker; Globba pallidiflora Baker; Globba stenothyrsa var. cumingii Baker) ?;           Plant of Central Java 16 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Could you help me to id the following Zingiberaceae please. Location Sunyalangu Karanglewas Banyumas.  […]

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Oberonia species- Yeoor hills,Thane, Maharashtra

      Unidentified orchid which oberonia sp is this : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Unidentified orchid which oberonia sp is this ?? Yeoor hills, Thane, Maharashtra  April 2014 The orchid sps. is Oberonia recurva most common in Western Ghats of Maharashtra.        

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Bistorta species- Gori valley area

  Polygonaceae Fortnight- Persicaria for id from Gori valley:: NS May 45 :  2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). These pics were recorded from Gori valley area.. Any hints please..  Thanks for the interesting post Nidhan Sir! Looks like a rhizomatous herb…probably Bistorta.. Not sure of the species.

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Rheum officinale (USA)

Rheum officinale Baill., Adansonia 10: 246 1872. ; Rheum officinale is a rhubarb from the family Polygonaceae originating in Asia. Rheum officinale is used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called yào yòng dà huáng (Chinese: 药用大黄), and is also a component in the North American herbal remedy called Essiac tea. In modern medicine, […]

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Gymnocalycium horstii ?

Gymnocalycium horstii Buining, Kakteen And. Sukk. 21: 162 1970. (Syn: Gymnocalycium horstii subsp. megalanthum Amerh.) ?;        Cactus For ID : Nasik : 030514 : AK-9 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Another Cactus seen at a Cactus nursery on 27/2/14. Cultivated. Perhaps Echinocactus platyacanthus efi page on Echinocactus platyacanthus  This […]

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Oxyspora cernua

Oxyspora cernua (Roxb.) Hook. f. & Thomson ex Triana, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 28(1): 73 1871. (syn: Allozygia cernua Naud.; Melastoma cernuum Roxb.); SE-Tibet, Bhutan, India (Darjeeling) as per Catalogue of Life; Bhutan, China, India as per Flora of China,   Fwd: [efloraofindia:187722] Fwd: Plant Id from Bangladesh 060514SM1: 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments […]

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Vallisneria spiralis

Vallisneria spiralis L., Sp. Pl. 1015 1753. (Syn: Vallisneria aethiopica Fenzl; Vallisneria jacquiniana Spreng.; Vallisneria jacquinii Savi; Vallisneria linnet Bercht. & J.Presl; Vallisneria micheliana Spreng.; Vallisneria michelii Savi; Vallisneria numidica Pomel; Vallisneria pusilla Barbieri ex Bertol.; Vallisneria spiralis f. aethiopica (Fenzl) T.Durand & Schinz; Vallisneria spiralis var. numidica (Pomel) Maire & Weiller; Vallisneria spiralis var. […]

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Mammillaria species- Nasik

  Cactus For ID : Nasik : 030514 : AK-8 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). A small, cultivated Cactus having pink flowers seen at a Cactus nursery on 27/2/14. This looks to be some kind of Mammillaria, but it also looks to be overgrown and bloated, probably grafted. So I have no […]

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Heterodermia species- Kampala, Uganda

  ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). The photo is micro one. Please help me for ID Heterodermia sp. (Lichen) This is a species of Heterodermia – Physciaceae. Hereafter please send the complete location details (State, District, nearby village, altitude and date of collection)  of the  specimen/photographs from where it was taken.  That photo […]

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Flower Hunting Tour to Narkanda, Jalori Pass, Jibhi, Tirthan Area

Flower Hunting Tour to Narkanda, Jalori Pass, Jibhi, Tirthan Area : 1 post by 1 author. Here is the Final Programme 8-6-14   Day 1 Panipat Shimla Narkanda.9-6-14   Day 2 Narkanda Jibhi10-6-14 Day 3 Jibhi Tirthan11-6-14 Day 4 Around Tirthan12-6-14 Day 5 Tirthan Mandi Mashobra 13-6-14 Day 6 Mashobra Panipat The Last Date to […]

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Rumex hymenosepalus (USA)

Rumex hymenosepalus Torr., Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound. 2(1): 177–178 1859. (Syn: Rumex arizonicus Britton; Rumex hymenosepalus var. salinus (A. Nelson) Rech. f.; Rumex salinus A. Nelson; Rumex saxei Kellogg); Rumex hymenosepalus, commonly known as canaigre, ganagra, wild rhubarb, Arizona dock, and tanner’s dock,[2] is a perennial flowering plant which is native to the western United […]

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Koenigia davisiae (USA)

Koenigia davisiae (W.H.Brewer ex A.Gray) T.M.Schust. & Reveal (syn: Aconogonon davisiae (Brewer ex A. Gray) K. Haraldson  (ambiguous synonym); Aconogonon davisiae (W. H. Brewer ex A. Gray) Soják  (ambiguous synonym); Aconogonon davisiae var. glabrum (Jones) S.P. Hong; Aconogonon newberryi (Small) Sojak; Polygonum davisiae W. H. Brewer ex A. Gray, Polygonum newberryi Small; Polygonum newberryi var. glabrum […]

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Alstroemeria species- Kodaikanal

  ID Please : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). This is collected at Kodaikanal It could be a Tiger Lily hybrid. Lilium species (Tiger Lily) so far in efi  Seems to be Alstroemeria Species. …, I think you are right!

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Photography competition on occasion of International Biodiversity Day by MSBB

Fwd: Photography competition on occasion of International Biodiversity Day by MSBB : 1 post by 1 author. May I request you to put this message on your website.  Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board is organizing  ‘Photography Competition’ on occasion of ‘International Biodiversity Day’ on 22nd May 2014. MSBB would like to invite all of you to participate the competition […]

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Crinum solapurense

Crinum solapurense Gaikwad, Garad & Gore, Kew Bulletin May 2014, 69:9505; Images by Ramchandra Gore, (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)  Fwd: About a new flowering plant species …….. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3). Its my great pleasure to inform you that we (S.P. Gaikwad, K.U. Garad & R.D. Gore) have described a new flowering […]

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