Aechmea miniata ?

Aechmea miniata (Beer) Baker, Handb. Bromel. 53 1889. (Syn: Aechmea fulgens var. glomerata Regel; Aechmea miniata var. discolor (Beer) Beer ex Baker; Lamprococcus miniatus Beer; Lamprococcus miniatus var. discolor Beer);   Image by Siva Siva – Id by Pudji Widodo     SL 214 101213 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors. Please ID this ornamental […]

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Abies spectabilis

Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Mirb., Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 13: 70 1825. (Syn: Abies brevifolia (A.Henry) Dallim.; Abies chilrowensis Parl.; Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Spach; Abies spectabilis var. brevifolia (A.Henry) Rehder; Abies spectabilis subsp. langtangensis (Silba) Silba; Abies spectabilis var. langtangensis Silba; Abies webbiana (Wall. ex D.Don) Lindl.; Abies webbiana var. brevifolia A.Henry; Picea naphta Knight; […]

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Araucaria araucana (Cultivated)

Araucaria araucana (Molina) K.Koch, Dendrologie 2(2): 206 1873. (Syn: Abies araucana (Molina) Poir.; Abies columbaria Desf.; Araucaria araucana subsp. conguillioensis Silba; Araucaria chilensis Mirb. [Illegitimate]; Araucaria dombeyi A.Rich.; Araucaria imbricata Pav.; Araucaria imbricata var. variegata Gordon; Columbea imbricata (Pav.) Carrière …….; Columbea quadrifaria Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Dombeya araucana (Molina) Raeusch.; Dombeya chilensis Lam. [Illegitimate]; Pinus araucana Molina);   […]

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Ephedra americana (Cultivated- USA)

Ephedra americana Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 860 1806. (Syn: Ephedra americana var. humboldtii Stapf; Ephedra peruviana Bertero ex Carr.);   Occurs in western South America from Ecuador to northwestern Argentina. Recorded at high elevations (1,500 – 4,100 m). Found in shrubby grasslands or scrub to semi-desert. Often associated with cacti on […]

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Araucaria columnaris ?- Indonesia

      Gymnosperms fortnight: Araucaria of Indonesia 1 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.  We need the ID of the following Conifer.  This one looks like Araucaria columnaris.          

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Gymnosperm trees from San Francisco

    Gymnosperms Fortnight:: Gymnosperm SanFrancisco :: SMP16 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. Two large Gymnosperm trees from San Francisco. Distant shots resemble Araucaria.. may be I am wrong… Yes … I also thought so.      

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Araucaria species ?- INDONESIA

      Gymnosperms fortnight: Araucaria of Indonesia 2 : Attachments (1).  2 posts by 2 authors. Could you help me id our conifer please. May be Araucaria bidwillii Leaves laminar spinous tipped, narrowly lanceolate, spirally arranged.        

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Juniperus communis (USA)

Juniperus communis L., Sp. Pl. 1040 1753. (Syn: Juniperus albanica Pénzes; Juniperus argaea Balansa ex Parl. [Invalid]; Juniperus borealis Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Juniperus communis var. arborescens Gaudin ……………….; Juniperus compressa Carrière; Juniperus cracovia K.Koch; Juniperus dealbata Loudon; Juniperus depressa Stevels [Illegitimate]; Juniperus difformis Gilib.; Juniperus echinoformis Rinz ex Bolse; Juniperus elliptica K.Koch; Juniperus fastigiata Knight; Juniperus hemisphaerica […]

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Picea species- California, USA

    Gymnosperms Fortnight:: Gymnosperm:Conifer for ID :: SMP07 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.  One more conifer from California for ID. Picea sp. I hope      

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Pinus species- California

    Gymnosperms Fortnight:: SMP12 : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 3 authors. A conifer from California with a Jay sitting on it.   Again a very beautiful image …looks like any Pinus sp. Yes Pinus, Nice photographs.      

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Conifer from Munnar

      Gymnosperm Fortnight : Juniper For ID : 091213 : AK-3 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.  Picture taken on 22/10/08 in Munnar. Small, ornamental potted plant.      

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Conifer landscapes from Yosemite National Park

    Gymnosperms Fortnight:: SMP 20 : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Some conifer landscapes from Yosemite National Park   Gymnosperms Fortnight:: Conifer Yellowstone Park USA ::SMP13 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.  A conifer overlooking Yellostone river Magnificent view …, thanks for sharing..I am, however, unable to offer any id […]

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Pinus species ?- California, USA

    Gymnosperms Fortnight::Gymnosperm:Conifer for ID :: SMP08 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.    One more conifer from California for ID. SMP08 Perhaps it is Pinus merkusii   Gymnosperms Fortnight::   : Attachments (1).  2 posts by 2 authors. Conifer for ID CA USA SMP10 This is any Pinus, male cones are visible, […]

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Dead conifers of Yellowstone

    Gymnosperms Fortnight:: SMP 15 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. A photograph showing the dead conifers of Yellowstone due to fire and newly emerging plants near the river.        

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Conifer from Stanford University

      Gymnosperms Fortnight:: SMP09 : Attachments (1).  1 post by 1 author. Conifer for ID Stanford University. CA USA SMP09     Gymnosperms Fortnight:: SMP11 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. One more Gymnosperm for ID CA USA Thuja orientalis??      

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Pogostemon auricularius

Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk., Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 10: 127 1843. (Syn: Dysophylla auricularia (L.) Blume; Eusteralis auricularia (L.) M.R.Almeida; Mentha auricularia L.; Mentha foetida Burm.f.);   Trop. Asia to S. China as per WCSP; Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; Borneo; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; Hainan; India; Jawa; Laos; Malaya; Maluku; Myanmar; Nepal; […]

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Conifers from Pangot

    Gymnosperms Fortnight:: Conifers from Pangot SMP04 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Since I have a very small collection of Gymnosperms please bear with my photographs as a mere slideshow. Scenery of Pangot with conifers on a hill slope. Lovely view of the dense forest Satish Ji..may be the collection of […]

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