Correa ‘Dusky Bells’; . Correa “Dusky Bells’ from California-GS06012021-1: 2 images. Correa “Dusky Bells’ Formerly known as Correa reflexa ‘Dusky Bells’, but now considered probable hybrid of C. reflexa and C. pulchella. Photographed from Summerwinds Nursery, Sunnyvale, California, 24-10-2012 . References:
Category: Correa
Correa alba (Introduced- USA)
Correa alba Andrews, Bot. Repos. 1: t. 18 1798. (Syn: Correa alba var. rotundifolia (Lindl.) DC.; Correa cotinifolia Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Correa rotundifolia Lindl.; Correa rufa (Labill.) Vent.; Mazeutoxeron rufum Labill. (Unresolved)); . SE. Australia as per POWO; . Correa alba Andrews, the Botany Bay Tea tree from California: Correa alba Andrews Botany Bay Tea Tree This […]