
Zingiber anamalayanum Sujanapal & Sasidh. (SW. India as per POWO)

Zingiber capitatum Roxb. (Himalaya to E. India: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Zingiber chrysanthum Roscoe (Himalaya to Myanmar: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO)



Zingiber kangleipakense Kishor & Skornick. (Assam (Manipur) as per POWO)


Zingiber neotruncatum ?


Zingiber nimmonii (J.Graham) Dalzell (S. India, Myanmar as per POWO)



Zingiber officinale Roscoe (India to S. Central China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India; Introduced into: Andaman Is., Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, Caroline Is., China Southeast, Comoros, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, Haiti, Honduras, Leeward Is., Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malaya, Mauritius, Mexico Southwest, Myanmar, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Puerto Rico, Queensland, Rodrigues, Réunion, Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad-Tobago, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Windward Is. as per POWO)


Zingiber ottensii Valeton (Cultivated) (S. Myanmar to W. Malesia: Jawa, Malaya, Myanmar, Sumatera; Introduced into: Laos, Thailand as per POWO)


Zingiber parishii Hook.f. (Indo-China: Laos, Myanmar, Thailand as per POWO)

Zingiber purpureum Roscoe (Arunachal Pradesh to E. India and Myanmar: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar; Introduced into: Borneo, Cambodia, China Southeast, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)





Zingiber roseum (Roxb.) Roscoe (S. & E. India to Thailand: Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Thailand as per POWO)



Zingiber roseum ?

Zingiber rubens Roxb. (Sikkim to E. India and Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)


Zingiber spectabile Griff. (Thailand to Peninsula Malaysia: Malaya, Thailand as per POWO)



Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Sm. (Tropical & Subtropical Asia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Introduced into: Caroline Is., Comoros, Cook Is., Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Florida, Hawaii, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Marquesas, New Caledonia, Niue, Pitcairn Is., Puerto Rico, Queensland, Samoa, Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Tonga, Trinidad-Tobago, Tuamotu, Tubuai Is., Vanuatu, Wallis-Futuna Is., Windward Is. as per POWO)



  • Zingiber capitatum Roxb. in Asiat. Res. 11:348. 1810.
  • Zingiber cernuum Dalz. in Hook., Kew J. Bot. 4:342. 1852.
  • Zingiber chrysanthum Rosc., Monandr. Pl. t. 86. 1828.
  • Zingiber clarkei King ex Bth. In Bth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 3:646. 1883.
  • Zingiber elatum Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1:57. 1820
  • Zingiber intermedium Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6:246. 1892.
  • Zingiber ligulatum Roxb. In Asiat. Res. 11:348. 1810.
  • Zingiber marginatum Roxb. In Asiat. Res. 11:349. 1810.
  • Zingiber neesanum (Grah.) Ramamoorthy in Saldanha & Nicholson, Fl. Hassan Dt. 796. 1976.
  • Zingiber nimmonii (Grah.) Dalz. in Hook., Kew J. Bot. 4:341. 1852.
  • Zingiber officinale Rosc. In Trans. Linn. Soc. London 8:348. 1807.
  • Zingiber purpureum Rosc. In Trans. Linn. Soc. London 8:348. 1807.
  • Zingiber roseum (Roxb.) Rosc. In Trans. Linn. Soc. 8:348. 1807.
  • Zingiber rubens Roixb. In Asiat Res. 11:348. 1810.
  • Zingiber spectabilis Griff., Notul. 3:414. 1853.
  • Zingiber squarrosum Roxb. In Asiat. Res. 11:348. 1810.
  • Zingiber wightianum Thw., Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 315. 1864.
  • Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Rosc. Ex J.E. Sm., Exot. Bot. 2:103, t.112. 1804.

Fwd: Why Amomum (1753) rejected Zingiber (1754) accepted :  3 posts by 3 authors.
I would like to ask you. Why Amomum L., Sp. Pl.: 1 (1753), nom. rej. Zingiber Mill., Gard. Dict. Abr. ed. 4: s.p. (1754), nom. cons.

1. Amomum Roxb. and Zingiber Mill. are two well recognised genera with numerous species each.
2. Amomum Roxb. is conserved against over the earlier homonym  Amomum L., nom. rej. (and as such Amomum L. is not rejected against Zingiber Mill.).
The reason for this is that when Amomum L. was first described by Linnaeus in his Flora Zeylanica (1747) where he classified three species in the Monandria monogynia. Six years after the first description, Linnaeus (1753) added a fourth species. These species have all been transferred to other genera, namely Aframomum, Elettaria and Zingiber (Burtt and Smith 1972), and Amomum Roxb. has been conserved with Amomum subulatum Roxb. as its conserved type (McNeill et al., 2006, appendix III).
3. Zingiber Mill. conserved with this spelling against the original spelling “Zinziber”.
4. If your question was pertaining to why Amomum zingiber L. was ignored while accepting Zingiber officinale Roscoe, the reason is that Linnaeus had described this species under genus Amomum but latter transferred to
Zingiber, where binomial Zingiber zingiber (L.) H. Karst. turned out to be a tautonym and as such rejected. This appears closely similar to tomato case where similar case resulted in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. was declared as Nom. Cons. but with species transferred back to Solanum old Linnaean name Solanum lycopersicum got reinstated.
I hope this should help.

As per efi thread
Curcuma: leaves less than ten, distichous, lower one sheathing, penninerved, petiole proper well developed, shorter than leaf sheath belonging to it.
Zingiber: leaves numerous, distichous, the lower one reduced and sheath like, pinnately nerved, petiole very short or absent.  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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