Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis

Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis (Wight & Arn.) Tiegh., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 42: 252 1895. (syn: Loranthus neelgherrensis Wight & Arn.); India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;   Fwd: Your Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis images : 5 posts by 1 author. 4 images- around 5 mb each. Here are images of Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis, […]

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Hypholoma species ?- Kalinchok, Dolkha, Nepal

  SK1842 16 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location:  Kalinchok, DolkhaDate: 26 July 2014Elevation: 2700 m. Habit : Wild Again the problem is gills can not be seen. Also try to check with comparative images at Order Agaricales  Seems dark spored. If yes, then check Hypholoma. You need to provide […]

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Fomitopsis species?- Kalinchok, Dolkha, Nepal

  SK1847 18 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)   Location:  Kalinchok, DolkhaDate: 26 July 2014Elevation: 2500 m. Habit : Wild Ganoderma‎ or Phellinus‎ species ? Could not get match for both. Could be immature Fomitopsis Closest I guess is Fomitopsis cajanderi! Difficult to say much with this image as per […]

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Coprinus sterquilinus ?

Coprinus sterquilinus (Fr.) Fr. (syn: Agaricus oblectus Bolton; Agaricus sterquilinus Fr.; Coprinus oblectus (Bolton) Gray; Onchopus sterquilinus (Fr.) P.Karst.) ?    SK1861 24 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location:  Kalinchok, DolkhaDate: 24 July 2014Elevation: 2650 m. Habit : Wild  May be from Psathyrellaceae‎ as per representative images herein. Can […]

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eBook on Flora of Vetal Tekdi and surrounding hills

  eBook on Flora of Vetal Tekdi and surrounding hills : 7 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4) Finally the compilation is complete. The Flora of Vetal Tekdi and surroundings. Kothrud area Pune city Maharashtra Introduction pages of the eBook which consists of 298 pages and 234 species with photographs and information. I have added it […]

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Trametes hirsuta ?

Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen) Lloyd (syn: Bjerkandera hirsuta (Wulfen) Thüm.; Bjerkandera hirsuta var. resupinata Thüm.; Boletus fibula Sowerby; Boletus hirsutus Wulfen; Boletus nigromarginatus Schwein.; Boletus velutinus J.J.Planer; Coriolus fibula (Sowerby) Quél.; Coriolus hirsutus (Wulfen) Pat.; Coriolus hirsutus f. abietis Pilát; Coriolus hirsutus var. fibula (Sowerby) Bondartsev; Coriolus hirsutus subsp. fibula (Sowerby) Bourdot & Galzin; Coriolus nigromarginatus […]

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Termitomyces species- Chandagal village, Mysore, Karnataka

  Nature’s little Umbrella #4 | ID request 01May2011AR03; Colorful litte umbrellas dot our farm trails. Only these are provided by nature. Description ————– Pileus Diameter, Shape color, height : 13cms, dull white, Umbonate- 12cms Approx. Gills: white, brownish Gill attachment: free, Stipe characteristics : White, Brownish, crook, Annual ring: visible Chandagal Village Areca coconut […]

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Lycoperdon pratense ?

Lycoperdon pratense Pers. (syn: Calvatia depressa (Bonord.) Zeller & A.H.Sm.; Calvatia subpratensis (Lloyd) Coker & Zeller; Lycoperdon depressum Bonord.; Lycoperdon hiemale Bull.; Lycoperdon subpratense Lloyd; Utraria pratensis (Pers.) Quél.; Vascellum depressum (Bonord.) F.Šmarda; Vascellum pratense (Pers.) Kreisel; Vascellum pratense subsp. subpratense (Lloyd) Kreisel; Vascellum subpratense (Lloyd) P.Ponce de León)?;   SK1819 10 March 2019 – […]

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Psathyrella species- Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

  SK1808 25 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location:  Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 9 August 2016 Elevation : 1475 m. Habit : Wild  we need to learn from what … has said time and again Something Psathyrelloid. Maybe Psathyrella. I am unable to open the images due to […]

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Ischnoderma species- Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal

  SK1791 16 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 932 kb.   Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal Date: 6 September 2017 Elevation : 2300 m. Habit : Wild  From … in another thread: 0011: irgendein Baumpilz (Fomitopsis oder Ganoderma oder so)        Also check Phellinus‎ species English translation comes to “some tree […]

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Dendrophthoe gamblei

Dendrophthoe gamblei Lal Ji Singh, Vinay Ranjan, L. Rasingam, J. Swamy, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity (2020); Common name: Gamble’s Mistletoe   Submission of Dendrophthoe cuneata : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Plant name: Dendrophthoe cuneata (B.Heyne) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 420. 1834. Bhajana (Tel.). Family: Loranthaceae Description: Shrubs, parasitic on other trees, stem swollen […]

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Oxalis tetraphylla (Introduced)

Oxalis tetraphylla Cav., Icon. 3: 19 1795. (syn: Acetosella deppei (Lodd.) Small; Acetosella tetraphylla (Cav.) Kuntze; Ionoxalis cuernavacana Rose; Ionoxalis deppei (Lodd.) Small; Ionoxalis divaricata Small; Ionoxalis mucronata Rose ex Small; Ionoxalis scopulorum Rose; Ionoxalis tetraphylla (Cav.) Rose; Oxalis chiriquensis R.E.Woodson; Oxalis cuernavacana (Rose) Knuth; Oxalis deppei Schltdl. ex Hemsl.; Oxalis hayi Knuth; Oxalis mucronata […]

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Ganodermataceae member ?- Kolkata, West Bengal

  SK1863 24 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 650 kb each.  Location:  Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Kolkata, India Date: 8 September 2017 Elevation : 25 ft. Appears to be from Hymenochaetaceae‎ as per representative images herein. Any Phellinus‎ species ? It is really a difficult job to […]

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Meconopsis grandis subsp. grandis

Meconopsis grandis Prain, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 64(2): 320 1895. (syn: Papaver grande (Prain) Christenh. & Byng); Bhutan, Nepal, SC-Tibet, Sikkim, India (Arunachal Pradesh) as per Catalogue of Life;   Meconopsis grandis from Arunachal Pradesh : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Meconopsis grandis seen at Tawang distt, Arunachal Pradesh. […]

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Meconopsis simplicifolia subsp. simplicifolia

Meconopsis simplicifolia (D. Don) Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 1: 110 1842. (syn: Meconopsis nyingchiensis L.H.Zhou; Meconopsis simplicifolia var. baileyi Kingdon-Ward; Meconopsis uniflora Gumbleton; Papaver nyingchiense (L.H.Zhou) Christenh. & Byng; Papaver simplicifolium D.Don; Polychaetia scapigera Wall.; Stylophorum simplicifolium (D.Don) Spreng.);   C-Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Tibet as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Common Blue Poppy Polycarpic or […]

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Rosa ‘Screaming Neon Red’ (USA)

Rosa ‘Screaming Neon Red’; Rose Screaming Neon Red: Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 15MAY20 : AK-8 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) A Shrub Rose seen at the Atlanta Botanical Garden in October, 2018.   References:

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